The Angi Taylor Show

The Angi Taylor Show

Email: angitaylorshow@iheartmedia.comFull Bio

Things We'd Love to Forget (This Show, etc) - ATS - 7.26.24

We've Decided to Become Influencers! - ATS - 7.25.24

So, if you listen to my call in, you're going to have seen a new side of me today. That's right, I was challenged by Angi to provide a call that lacked snark, was full of positivity and made them feel warm and fuzzy. That was a call though so you don't have to worry about these notes following that track because these thoughts belong to me and are not allowed to be influenced by the likes of Angi. See that clever little tie in, yeah, I'm about to sell you on the idea of being an influencer. While Angi opened the point pondering how one would feel if their doctor quit his job to start shilling sunglasses on the Gram as an influencer, she soon tossed a sobering stat to go with it. It seems that 54% of people would quit their full time job to become an influencer and that is just wild. 18-60 year olds feel they can really shill proper and probably assume that they would become the next Mr. Beast or Kylie Jenner if only given the chance (see: delusion.) While Angi absolutely hates the word "influencer," 30% of people who were polled already believe they are. What they are doing in shilling for corporations who are taking all their money and getting nothing in return aside from believing people are loving their thoughts, comments and hanging on to their every word (they're not.) On top of that, 64% of people would shill on their social media if they got some kind of treat from a brand. Angi understands the want and desire to do it but quitting your job for it is insane though Marris does see the potential for money out there. The reality these people don't see though is that for those who are making millions off their gig, the literal millions who are making a couple hundred bucks are doing the same thing. Hell, I know several Twitch streamers, from modest sized to fairly large and they do not pull in the dough people think you would. For fun though, if Marris was to quit, he would end up taking up a mantle that showcased video games. He would play them on Twitch, discuss them and do everything he could to continue facilitating a free stream of cash and games. Honestly, he could probably be decent at it and honestly, iHeart probably pays about as much as he'd make on Twitch. As for Angi, in the biggest non shocker of the decade, she would want to become a wino. She would love to go to different vineyards and try different wines (see: alcoholic, drunk, rehab.) Though her skill isn't sommelier level because that requires a functioning brain and like chemistry, it's also wild what they are expected to know. The grapes, fruits, regions, year, time of day, weather, soil and other things that you have to basically be able to science out are not in her DNA. What she wants to do is drink wine (for free) and say if it is amazing or trash. If you were to pair that with being a travel influencer and could stay at different resorts, beaches and suites, it would be a really worthwhile job (see: unobtainable delusion.)

Angi Has a Wattle & Shattered "Catcher's Mitt" - ATS - 7.24.24

It's that time of the year again (I know that can branch off into so many different variations so I'll let your mind wander for a moment before I get to the actual thing.) That's right, it's Employee of the Quarter time and yet again, Angi "Susan Lucci" Taylor was left holding the coats as she was ignored for the 108th consecutive time. It was not all bad, as Marris was recognized as was HP who apparently has decided that she will allow iHeart to hire her so she can make less money than people who beg for change on the streets. On top of that, known studio hoarder Maria pulled a golden gumball which means much like Marris, she now has a trip anywhere in the world. Defeated but not yet broken, fate fixed that for Angi when she was leaving the building yesterday and took a glass turnstile bar to her worn out catchers mitt. That's right, not only was she essentially ignored during yesterday's celebration of employees but she also ended up breaking her former baby maker. Broken coochie, while not officially recognized as a thing, is now being added to the Angi Taylor endless problems list. Seeing as she can't seem to win anything the station offers up (nor can she make those HR things stick,) Angi is hoping that she might get a chance at some free money. However, as stated, the thing is old, worn down and broken so maybe a couple of pennies and some snacks from the iHeart kitchen is all she will end up getting. The thing is, even if she's had her sagging machine shattered, Angi still loves this job. I mean, there might be the fact that she's been doing it for 30 years and she doesn't know how to do anything else but surely there is more. Actually no, that was all she said, that she is useless outside of gabbing to a bunch of lovely people every morning. For this reason, she loves her job and I finally can mention this is the lead in for the Daily Discussion Topic. This one was pretty simple, you love your job, what do you do? Marris also works in radio (duh) and loves his job as he gets the opportunity to meet tons of people, go to great events and have tons of fun talking to the roadies. In fact, Angi loves it so much that she feels lost and out of place when she is not on air for a week. A combination of FOMO and early onset will do that to you. As for myself, while getting up as early as I do can be hit or miss some days, I too love the ability to entertain, sharpen my writing and of course, make fun of Angi and Marris. Enough of us though, let's hear what the roadies do from the Request Line. Heather and her sister have a dog walking business. Head Roadie Keith has been a mechanic for 37 years. Jesse makes money from playing video games. If there was ever a job Marris would be jealous of, this should be it. Duncan is a pool cleaner and adores it. Johnny Walk is a quality control tester for a local cannabis brand. Anna works for a safety company. All in all, all of them love their jobs. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Everyone Aboard the Trashboat Taylor! - ATS - 7.23.24

Welcome one and all to our humble little dinges (don't tell Angi that it's little or she'll throw you overboard.) That's right roadies, we are getting naught...ical this morning in the Daily Discussion Topic. See, after yesterday's show, Angi and Marris boarded the good ship LollyThot and set sail on the river for an afternoon of drinking, entertaining and luckily Angi not falling over drunk like she normally does anytime she gets near water. Seriously, you know the rules, do not get her wet (wait, am I thinking of something else?) Anyway, while riding the seas of success, Marris did not get a boner (read more below) and the weather was perfect for the trip. Unfortunately though, this may be the only time this summer that Angi is going to be on a boat as she still has yet to find a daddy (in this instance an actual older gentleman who looks like Jack Nicholson that just wants to ogle a 50 year old sagging woman in a bikini) that will take her out on the water while the weather is still scorching. Before getting into the meat of the question, which was inspired by her noticing the overabundance of Seinfeld named boats, Angi had to ponder why people on boats wave to others on boats when they pass each other. I'm assuming it is something akin to when people clap on planes or in movie theaters ... because they're stupid. Anyway, after passing the Summer of George and Festivus for the Rest of Us, Angi wanted to know what the roadies would name their boats. Marris' would be called I Can't Swim because, spoiler alert, he probably should not be out on the open water since he can't swim. As for Angi's, she would call hers Trashboat Taylor, which is fitting though I suggested Frankentits Monster as an alternative. For myself, my boat would be called Look at Me, I'm the Captain Morgan which would then have a giant bottle of Captain Morgan White painted under it. Well, we have our ships so let's go to the roadies on the Request Line. Sydney would name hers the Big Dill. Jake would call his the Sea Cup because he's a big boob guy. Angi suggested he could even call it the Double Seas. Matt would call his Sea's the Day. Milan would name his the Master Baiter. Amoto would name his Sea You Next Tuesday. Mike would name his the Big Stugot. Mike over on Facebook added that his would be I Gotta Lil' Dingy which we all know is a boat Angi would never get on (since she's a size queen.) We closed this with shock from Angi that no one called their boat the Hawk Tuah (we did get it in a text later in the show.) If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

In Search of a Big Foot+ Long.... - ATS - 7.22.24

The start of a new week means we are steadily chipping away at July (boy, time really does fly) and that means that back to school is officially starting to get closer. For Angi (and I'm sure all of us,) back to school time was always a cause for anxiety as a kid. In today's times though, that anxiety is usually transferred to the parents as school supplies are expensive. For this reason, 3 out of 4 parents are usually seeking work arounds to save money like dumpster diving or stealing supplies from work (both smart imo as in both scenarios, good stuff tends to go to waste.) In fact, Angi's step mom was a loan officer and would steal industrial staplers, yellow legal pads and pens for Angi which is again, a good thing. All together, they end up spending $280 per child so when you have three or four, you're spending the amount Angi does weekly on wine. So since we're looking to save, the Daily Discussion Topic turned into a look at money saving hacks the roadies have. The topic was pulled from Reddit that also gave some fantastic examples like every time you buy something, you need to get rid of something else. While Marris was keen on the concept, Angi said she couldn't do it because if she bought a new jacket, she's still going to want to keep the old one. Use a budget app for impulse purchases. This would drive Angi crazy as she gets anxious spending and looking at a pie chart that showed her how much she spent on DoorDash might make her hit the floor. Use the library for everything from books to movies to tool rental. If you are out with friends, pay with cash so you can take out a certain amount and budget properly. When you go shopping, plan your meals around that so if something is on sale, you can substitute and get that instead of something more expensive. For example, Marris plans around meat (hell yeah brother) and will pivot as needed to save cash (that he then spends on Ninja Turtle crap.) Pack a lunch, as someone saved $35,000 over 12 years. For most people, they can easily save $3,000 a year bringing their lunch from home. Prison Tattoo offered up buying refurb and open box electronics, to which Angi added she has several open box TV's (in her mansion) and they usually come with warranties. Another is to leave stuff in your cart and check back in on it later to see if you still want it. For example, Angi's Amazon cart is filled with trash and Marris has several filled carts on different sites but they don't pull the trigger (because she's usually drunk and he's poor.) Over on the Request Line, Michael said to rotate streaming services. Watch all you want on one, cancel and go to the next. Jason said stop playing the Lotto even though he hasn't. At least Angi curbed her daily scratchie addiction. Head Roadie Troy said to clip coupons and always grab ramen noodles because you can make a ton of things with them. Gary used the "fear of God" to recycle school supplies. Jerry grows his own weed with seeds from the dispensary. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Help, Godzilla Lives Above Me! - ATS - 7.19.24

What a lovely day for a Chainsaw Friday it is and how better to celebrate it by (checks notes) complaining. That's right, we are about to dive head first into the glorious weekend and so that means Angi has to make a big stink about something before we do. Disguised as seeking advice, Angi put out to the roadies how she should "politely" tell her upstairs neighbor that they are too loud. Mind you, this is the woman who once reenacted a Beyoncé concert on her floor but now that she's older than most of the sand in the world, noise is becoming problematic. Obviously, going on the radio and telling the world (including the people above her who sometimes listen) that they are the problem is clearly the best way to solve this issue. To give you an idea of how the place Angi lives is laid out, it is basically a duplex with three condos inside of it and Angi resides on the ground floor. There is the chariot racer above her and then another above them. The issue for her is Baba Bigfoot is a heel walker all day so that's a loud pound and then when they play with the dog, it's even louder as you have paws and bigfoot chasing each other through the house. This is most problematic on the second floor of her place but even when she goes to the first floor where the bedrooms are, the noise is still there. While pondering what to say, Angi considered buying a bunch of rugs and offering the extra to the neighbor. Sort of throw around that the rug truck crashed in front of the house and now she has all this carpet and nothing to do with it so maybe pad your floors to put down the noise some. The biggest issue is Angi loves her neighbors but not the noise. Grandma even considered taking a broom to the ceiling as she hiked up her old woman skirt and chewed on those strawberry candies you only find in old womens homes. She also can't simply walk upstairs and tell the neighbors to stop walking. Perhaps the solution is to give them soft slippers though if they accidentally slide and tear their ACL, that's going to be an issue on top of walking around. Her last idea had been to leave an anonymous note but since the units are limited, they would know that she was the b on the floor below me. So, now that everyone in the city knows that King Kong lives above her and she would rather he walk like Fred Flistone, who is going to be the one to deliver the podcast audio to him?

Completely Missing the Man Cave Mark - ATS - 7.18.24

Good morning to Thursday, a glorious day that is one day away from the weekend where most of us will be planted face down in our man caves and she sheds drunk off our asses. At least that's what I gathered because when we introduced the Daily Discussion Topic of what the roadies would put in their fantasy man cave led us to discover that most of the roadies already have one (and missed the mark of what we were attempting to accomplish.) The reason that this came up was it turns out that different gens like different things in their man caves according to Man Cave Geek. For example, Boomers want a fully stocked bar in their man cave (wait, who wouldn't want that regardless of age?) Gen Z wants exercise equipment which was a resounding no from the studio, no one wants to feel pressure to work while in a man cave. Millenials want quality gaming stuff like systems and controllers. Gen X wants a ton of TV's in their man cave as they can then tune into all their different sports related nonsense at the same time. As for Marris, he would want it to be soccer, football, baseball themed with gaming and an L shaped couch. He also needs a sound system so loud it shakes the walls and vibrates your soul (while taking your hearing seeing as his sight is already going.) As for Angi, she is putting the wine on tap with several different varieties to go with the theme of the day. There would also be a pinball machine, The Addams Family one that she has wanted for so very long. On top of that, she would have a dart board, pop-a-shot and air hockey as well. Basically, Angi's she shed is a Dave & Busters with wine instead of food. As for myself, give me a few fridges of Captain Morgan White, a nice TV with a PS5 and some cool mood lighting and I'm good to go. Honestly, I'm a simple man (and a drunk) so it doesn't take much to please me. With our choices locked in, let's see what the roadies would do if we handed them $10,000 and told them to make a cave (spoiler: they would certainly miss the point of the topic.) Mark said he would get a popcorn machine for his cave. Sean has an established cave already in the garage and it is crazy (see the theme yet.) Sammy has a Chicago Blackhawks headquarters cave with 55 jerseys in it. Brian has a man cave with a trophy case from when he won a boxing match. He also would have litter boxes because he has a cat and something about a scratching post that looks like his couch. Chad would get movie style chairs, a TV, food catered in, stripper poles with strippers from Strippers R' Us and something about a $650,000 thing from ABT. Jeff also has a man cave with a framed picture of Angi and former producer Abe in it. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Marris Got Attacked By a Bear - ATS - 7.17.24

Right, we've hit hump day once again and that is lovely because the heat is dying down, the storms have passed and we are one step closer to the weekend. We are also one step closer (to the edge and I'm about to...) to Marris' Africa trip in September. Obviously, the man wants to make sure that his body is checked and all his shots are in order so he has been doctor shopping. Enter Dr. Taylor, who recommended the doctor that both her and Jay the Straight use and as it turns out, is now also Marris' doctor. In this family affair, everything is amazing but of course, there is a small issue. It turns out, Angi's super doctor is super hot and Marris was not prepared for such a revelation. Angi, irritated with Marris, suggested that he talk to Dr. Hottie about his ADHD because she had mentioned to him in her email about the doctor that she is great (as a doctor) and hot (as a woman.) We moved past Marris' inability to read (we'll come back to it) to look at ethics for a second. While Marris was worried more about insurance, Angi questioned how he would feel if she saw him naked as most men with a hot doctor feel vulnerable when the doctor is incredibly good looking. Marris is not one of these people and as long as she is a good doctor, it should all be fine and he may even attempt to spit game at some point. Just imagine trying to get a date with a wood spoon in your mouth or having your ears checked out. Circling back though, as we tend to do a lot on this show, we explored Marris' alleged ADHD. Angi used the non read email as a jumping point but Marris said he has made it to 37 without Adderall, he should be fine. Continuing with the bounce back to points, Marris only tends to read sentences and keywords and not whole emails, which is how he missed the part about the doctor being hot and in turn, causing Angi's overall ire. We then learned that he also does not read instructions but looks at pictures though he will read if need be when the pictures do not make sense. Angi suggested that doing things without reading instructions leads to trouble and surprise surprise, Marris has been down that road. He once put together something with a hand crank and in just looking at pictures, missed two whole steps and had to take it apart and reassemble something. You know, all things considered, maybe Marris really should talk to Angi's doctor about his ADHD because seriously.

Filling Our Amazon Carts with Junk - ATS - 7.16.24

Well, we survived another night of Twisters promotion (seriously, their marketing budget must be insane if they can drop tornados all over Chicago.) While others will be cleaning up tree branches and other debris, we here on The Angi Taylor Show have moved on to today's big event, Amazon Prime Day! That's right, the day when everything that is overly inflated is brought to a reasonable price and junk you don't need is made even cheaper so you indulge in rampant consumerism. The thing is, it works because last year, Prime members saved $2.5 billion dollars which means they spent a ton of money. There are some interesting things this year like 50% off movies and $2 deals on streaming channels for a few months along with Amazon Fire products, Ninja products and GoPro stuff (I left off the Nordictrack mention because like, what year is this?) Before Angi offered up some wild things she bought for this Daily Discussion Topic, she mentioned that her shopping this year will entail buying a bunch of rugs. However, the actual topic revolved around the weird and wild, interesting or useful things the roadies had discovered on Amazon. Angi herself has a few like these liners for the refrigerator and stove which if something spills, all you have to do is take the liner out and clean them off so you're not slaving over cleaning up spilled wine in the fridge after a nightly bender. Another was motorized salt and pepper grinders that give you just the proper amount you want and need for your food. She also has a bunch of eucalyptus and lavender bunches that you put on the shower head that gives you a soothing burst along with your shower water. Marris is also a finder of random things like a wine maze where you lock a bottle of wine behind a puzzle and then give it to your drunk friend and watch her come undone as she tries to work the puzzle and get to her treat. Needless to say Angi was furious when she got it and even Jay the Straight couldn't solve it but after staring at it long enough, the wine called to Angi and she solved it in one move. There was talk of tortilla blankets (I have those btw) and a turtle shell pillow (in which we learned Marris can't say pillow properly.) With this established, let's move to the Request Line and here other crazy impulsive buys that Angi may need to add to her cart. Hannibal found socks with magnets and when you bring them close together with a partner, they hold hands. Apparently, they are so cute. Matt bought a Squatty Potty and Angi is a fan but not of how ugly it is. She feels people will see it and think of you pooping (while they're in your bathroom with a toilet mind you....) Bob said pickle freeze pops are a jam and great for a sodium boost after a workout or a run. Gordon got some Lost Boys action figures. Paul has an Echo Studio which he uses to listen to Rock 95.5 because the sound is so crisp. Angi doesn't own an Echo and Marris fought it for a time but eventually gave in. Personally, I love mine and listening be damned, I think it's amazing. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Words from Marris' Lips Will Close Hip - ATS - 7.15.24

Well, that was certainly a weekend of things that happened. We could have probably spent the entire show dissecting all the insane things that happened but then how would you learn about the most embarrassing thing Marris once did on a date? For this morning's Daily Discussion Topic, Angi brought up how on "The Five" aka the Rock 95.5 podcast that brings together the 5 main personalities of Rock 95.5 to discuss music and deep dive songs. Last week's topic revolved around 2006 and Maria alerted Angi to a story about Marris that we somehow had never heard. Marris was 19 and macking on some rando when it seemed all was right to unleash his own gecko for a night of fun and so the pair returned to his apartment. Having good friends who wanted to see their bro succeed in conquest, everyone cleared out and left the two lovebirds to their own devices. However, Marris started talking about music and the talk turned to rock. CasaNOva decided to play a "sexy" song and turned on ... "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder. Oblivious to the fact that the song was about the guy cheating on his girlfriend, Marris only made things worse when he started singing the song to the girl. It should be noted we tried to force him to sing the song on air but he wouldn't because it may seem that he wised up to never do it again. While young Marris thought he was being romantic, he was actually just drunk and stupid and the whole scene did not go over well with her. As the chorus escaped his mouth and he started to realize the song was about cheating, he could see her sober up in real time and she simply got up and ran out of the apartment. Meanwhile, his friends across the hall were hooting and hollering over the whole ordeal and to be honest, it is kind of hilarious. Needless to say, his singing killed a sure thing and though he saw her a few more times, his friends never let him live the incident down. As for myself, I once was talking to a guy for a few months and finally invited him over. As you should know, I enjoy my alcohol and well, I ended up giving this guy alcohol poisoning the first night we hung out. We remained connected but yeah, that killed any chance of anything after that. So, we've talked about how we embarrassed ourselves on a date, let's turn to the Request Line and get some roadie submissions. Kelly was at a nice restaurant when she almost choked to death after getting a fish bone stuck in her throat. Tow Truck Ken went to put ketchup on his fries but since the cap was loose, it went flying everywhere after he shook it including on his eye and the entire booth. Matt threw up all over his date after having a bad appetizer. Jacob made a mixtape for one girl and gave it to another (but at least he married her.) Bonnie was on a high fiber diet and she accidentally farted while on the date. Lydia was trying to leave the club to hook up with a guy and ended up knocking over a waitress and had her entire drink tray spill all over them. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.