The Angi Taylor Show

The Angi Taylor Show

Email: angitaylorshow@iheartmedia.comFull Bio


Monday Morning's Alright for Fighting - ATS - 8.19.24

Shadow fight

Photo: Hélène Desplechin / Moment / Getty Images

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Even though we are well rested and Angi survived her almost chance encounter with a hurricane completely unscathed, for whatever reason we were in a mood this morning. That's right, it's Monday morningand we are looking to get mad so the Daily Discussion Topic tackled a current online challenge created to get you furious. Without using politics as a jump point, start a fight in five words or less. There were plenty of examples to work with in case you are looking to cause strife in your workplace or homestead today. "Pineapple on pizza is awesome!" (I know people who would throw hands over that) "Mayo is trash." "Coffee is nasty." "Wine is better with ice." (Wanna see Angi take off her hoops, tell her that) "Dogs are better than cats." (I see nothing wrong with that one) "Star Wars is boring." (Walt would like a word with you) "Game of Thrones is stupid." "Goodfellas is mid." "Shawshank Redemption is overrated." "Brad Pitt was never hot." (Angi just got out the brass knuckles) "Will Ferrell is not funny." "PC's are better than Macs." (Marris agrees on this) "Nobody cares about hockey." "The Beatles are overrated." "Nirvana wasn't that good." "Breakdancing isn't a sport." The biggest one ever, which especially involves women, is telling them to "calm down." For the record, if you ever tell Angi to "calm down," she will literally explode (I know from personal experience.) As for the crew Michael said "Lebron is better than Jordan." Angi's pick was "ketchup on hotdogs is awesome." Marris decided to use this to make Angi mad with "Jordan's are overhyped" and because she was wearing some today, she almost killed him. In response, Angi told Marris "soccer sucks, especially Arsenal." With the studio crew completely enraged, Angi took to the Request Line to cause more festering anger to boil over. Mary's offering was "Taylor Swift, greatest singer ever!" Angi, noted hater of all things Taylor, offered that she got out of Top 40 before her second resurgence and she would have quit had she not. Tammy picked "ketchup on steak" because she does it and enjoys it which made the studio crew furious. Eric hit it out of the park telling Angi "you're just like your mother." Oddly enough, he would have no issue being compared to his dad but she was big mad about being compared to mom. Sarah said "The Avengers aren't cool" which led to a rabbit hole of Thor, "Lady Spiderwoman" aka Madame Web and The Thing. Brandon suggested "Sox are better than Cubs." Alan brought in "NASCAR isn't a real sport." We capped with Matt saying "You got some ugly babies." If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

So, as you heard last week, Angi was cutting the week of shows early because she was Jamaica bound for a wedding. It should be noted that this is the earliest she has ever been there because every other time she went there, it tended to be in December. Apparently, Jamaica in August is the 7th layer of hell. It is 100 degrees in general and with the humidity, it feels like 200 (obviously there is no fact here, this is just how it feels according to Angi. Don't come to this show for facts.) It was so hot though that all the sweat in her body was absorbed and she felt like she was dehydrated the whole time and she was chugging water on the plane. This obviously is problematic and even though the wedding was "lovely," there were more things to complain about. Apparently all inclusive resorts are just the worst. The food sucks, the drinks are watered down and even if you have booze in your room, there are spouts on the bottles for refilling. Angi will only drink booze she has handled so that fell off the acceptable list because she assumed someone was probably peeing in the bottles. Speaking of peeing (or in this case, pooping,) the bathrooms were the barn door bathrooms. This was an issue at Angi's old house, The Money Pit and that trend carried over to here. While Marris elaborated that sound proofing was needed, Angi explained that Jay the Straight would just use the bathroom in the lobby at the resort. However, the curse of the resort carried with Angi like a grudge as she got to the airport and the airline proceeded to break her luggage. On top of that though, on the plane Angi was seated next to a 5 year old who was on a plane for the first time. While this could have been annoying (see: it was,) it was made better by the kids handler being asleep. Angi explained that the take off would be bumpy and not to be scared but this reassurance didn't stop the kid from opening and closing the tray 38 times. The lady in front of him probably wanted to kill him (same) but there was a sweet spot to all this. It was the kids first time coming to Chicago because he was moving to Evanston as he had been adopted. This soon to be bougie brat might have added a little sweetness to Angi's overall "bad" time but at least there wasn't a hurricane hitting her to really make things worse.

Up next, we are looking at officially renamed new guy Mike and his adventures of moving to Chicago. He will be officially moving into his new apartment this week and so he told his wife to go on Amazon and to fill up the apartment. As anyone in their right mind should know, giving someone free reign to spend is usually never a smart idea and he learned this after seeing the price of her cart and some of the items in it. The $5,000 shopping list became a talking point as Mike pointed out things he did not understand on the list. Before I get to that though, let me add he did not have a registry at his recent wedding so some of these things she picked would have been easily filled in. For example, a breadmaker which seems nice in theory but will never be used. An 85 piece silverware set makes sense ... if there weren't two people living in the apartment. It was suggested though that she may want to host dinner parties. Scrub Daddies, the essential sponge according to Angi and Marris because they don't hold bacteria, was a sticker shock at $12 for Mike. A touchless garbage can which is $200 and Mike is used to the $7 ones from Walmart. Angi has a touchless one in her bathroom though and loves it. Mike explained he has a no touch as well because the bin has no lid and without a lid you're going to get smells. Marris encountered one and he said that it took forever for him to have to wave to get it to open. Clearly Mike made a mistake coming to Angi because she was not going to poo poo anything beside the breadmaker. Also in the Amazon cart was a soda organizer which Angi said makes the fridge look pretty. A handheld steamer for easier cleaning of the fridge was the only other item Angi questioned and was not going to let slide. Marris' advice was to go through the list and find cheaper versions of these things which is smart because like the last item on the list, Mike's 85 inch TV, there are alternatives. For example, go open or damaged box if available and more so wait until after Labor Day because TV's will tend to go on sale to push the upcoming sports seasons. Trust us on the Scrub Daddies though, those are worth it.

Finally, it's been a while since we talked about dating so we jumped to the "Am I the A-hole" subreddit to help answer a question. Is a dude an a-hole for telling his friend that the woman they're dating is unattractive. The hot jump off the bat was to ask if they weren't being asked, why would they even say it? More so, why would you care if your friend is dating someone you don't find hot? Taste is obviously subjective and everyone has their own. For example, Angi dated a guy for a while and a friend of hers told her that his head looked like a moose. Angi was shocked that she had thought it the whole time and only mentioned it when they were on the cusp of breaking up but then they didn't and Angi felt subconscious to have the friend around because she assumed she would be staring at this guy's antlers. Marris added he has done it before but it was mostly in regards to hook ups and not relationships. As Angi put it though, you can hook up with a donkey and feel no regret (we've all been there.) Marris said if it was in the context of a relationship, it would definitely be a fight. Mike would say something but not make an issue of it. Angi also has a one and done policy but in regards to "you're dating a piece of crap who is a jerk and a cheater." It is air dropped a singular time and never said again as to not fracture the friendship but the sentiment exists. At the end of the day, you want to support your friend and not the person they are dating so try not to send it off a cliff for yolo purposes. Of course, being this show we had parting shots with Mike saying not to date ugly people and Angi saying she would mention to a friend that they are dating someone who looks like Gary Busey.

Request Wars 4.0

Theme: Creed vs. Nickelback

Current Champion: Marris (1x)

Marris' Song Choice: "What If" by Creed

Michael's Song Choice: "Figured You Out" by Nickelback

Winner: Marris

10 O' Clock Toast

Toastee: An amazing Chinese woman

This woman was thrown off a flight for refusing to put her $3,000 Louis Vuitton bag on the floor. She decided to store it next to her on an empty seat and even though flight attendants told her not to, she ignored them and looked at her phone. The plane had to return to the gate and wasted an hour as the passengers cheered when she was thrown off.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"What's that dude that looks like rock (The Thing,) is he an avenger?" - Angi

"We all roll a little bit donkey sometimes." - Angi

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