The Angi Taylor Show

The Angi Taylor Show

Email: angitaylorshow@iheartmedia.comFull Bio


Help, Godzilla Lives Above Me! - ATS - 7.19.24

What a lovely day for a Chainsaw Friday it is and how better to celebrate it by (checks notes) complaining. That's right, we are about to dive head first into the glorious weekend and so that means Angi has to make a big stink about something before we do. Disguised as seeking advice, Angi put out to the roadies how she should "politely" tell her upstairs neighbor that they are too loud. Mind you, this is the woman who once reenacted a Beyoncé concert on her floor but now that she's older than most of the sand in the world, noise is becoming problematic. Obviously, going on the radio and telling the world (including the people above her who sometimes listen) that they are the problem is clearly the best way to solve this issue. To give you an idea of how the place Angi lives is laid out, it is basically a duplex with three condos inside of it and Angi resides on the ground floor. There is the chariot racer above her and then another above them. The issue for her is Baba Bigfoot is a heel walker all day so that's a loud pound and then when they play with the dog, it's even louder as you have paws and bigfoot chasing each other through the house. This is most problematic on the second floor of her place but even when she goes to the first floor where the bedrooms are, the noise is still there. While pondering what to say, Angi considered buying a bunch of rugs and offering the extra to the neighbor. Sort of throw around that the rug truck crashed in front of the house and now she has all this carpet and nothing to do with it so maybe pad your floors to put down the noise some. The biggest issue is Angi loves her neighbors but not the noise. Grandma even considered taking a broom to the ceiling as she hiked up her old woman skirt and chewed on those strawberry candies you only find in old womens homes. She also can't simply walk upstairs and tell the neighbors to stop walking. Perhaps the solution is to give them soft slippers though if they accidentally slide and tear their ACL, that's going to be an issue on top of walking around. Her last idea had been to leave an anonymous note but since the units are limited, they would know that she was the b on the floor below me. So, now that everyone in the city knows that King Kong lives above her and she would rather he walk like Fred Flistone, who is going to be the one to deliver the podcast audio to him?

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