The Angi Taylor Show

The Angi Taylor Show

Email: angitaylorshow@iheartmedia.comFull Bio


Yesterday's, Yeti's and Yacht's: A Guide to Stupidity - ATS - 6.28.24

Right, Chainsaw Friday and all the like but I'm more interested in the little vacation break we are getting this upcoming week and so since we won't be here to make you a bit stupider, let this gemstone that Angi mined do the trick until then. Pulling a break from reality (which is what I call it anytime this show hits the airwaves,) Angi explained that the hot new internet question is if a genie visited you and offered you 5,000 of anything with the catch being it had to start with the letter Y, what would you pick? Marris said yaks but not because he wanted them but because it seemed to be the only sensible thing. Weirdly enough people agreed as it was number 3 on the list. Angi picked yacht's, Prison Tattoo wanted to buy one of Marris' yaks and HP wanted yurts (which is also pretty viable.) Here though are the actual top 10 from the list.

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