The Angi Taylor Show

The Angi Taylor Show

Email: angitaylorshow@iheartmedia.comFull Bio


The Customer is Always WRONG - ATS - 11.29.23

Customer service agent with headset, screaming, isolated on white

Photo: by_nicholas / iStock / Getty Images

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Another day has come and would you be shocked if it told you that Angi found herself in a situation once again (not to be confused with The Situation, she hasn't seen him in ages I'm sure.) As we heard about yesterday and then had a Groundhog Day repeat of today, Angi was stuck in the elevator again this morning. However, she was not alone in the iHeart building death trap playing roulette with people's time and or lives as three others got stuck today as well. Also joining this motley crew of confined and afraid was Marris who was also stuck at one point. Unlike yesterday though, Angi took a video of the incident today mainly because the operator assumed that it was her fault that the elevator went brrrrr. Luckily though, Angi has plenty to think about as she had her Game of Thrones fix last night and grows ever so close to the Red Wedding that I'm sure an entire show will end up being devoted to. With death on the brain though, it got me thinking about just what we would end up doing if she finally did bite the big one. Luckily, in an unrelated topic but felt like it worked for this point, we discovered that AI is progressing in its march toward replacing all of us. AI songwriter Anna Indiana released one of her two singles recently and Angi felt compelled to explore it on the show this morning. Sure, the song lyrics are bad, the voice does not sound human and her voice and image are generated by AI but could "Betrayed by This Town" really be that bad? To explore this answer, Angi played some of the song and aside from it sounding like the navigation in your singing a song that you would hear in a local coffee shop only somewhat worse and even more bland with no flow, bizarre lyrics and stiff halted singing, it's still mid. We capped the point by Marris explaining that the avatar face the AI chose for itself also looks weird because one side of it is uneven but I think the bigger picture here was overlooked. Clearly Angi is intent on dying in the iHeart building and the elevator is more than likely going to be the culprit. Instead of allowing the morning show to fall into disarray with her head being severed by closing doors or a several floor free fall crash, we should just Anna Indiana to create an Angi clone for us. I mean, I wouldn't mind working for Angela Texas though once the show becomes automated, she would probably be more inclined to have Jason the Homosexual on to read exaggerated thoughts on the show every day at the end of it.

Other Stuff from Today's Show:

Still, since she is not dead yet, we move forward to look at another national day for our Daily Discussion Topic. Today is National The Customer Is Wrong Day which if you've ever worked in a job that involves customers, you know that this is 99% true most of the time but you can't vocalize it. Luckily for the roadies though, we are here to let them air their grievances while also letting the crew showcase their own. For example, Angi dealt with a lot of idiots during her bartending days which led to plenty of barmat drinks and fake shots (because drunk people can be a-holes.) She also revealed that when she worked in retail, there were plenty of people who tried to pull the old "this was on sale because it was on the sale rack even though it really wasn't" switcharoo on her and she was forced to do the sale because the customer is always right! Marris once worked at a car wash and had a customer come in telling him that "Ricky" always upgraded them for free and so therefore Marris should to. The thing was Marris just started and "Ricky" was probably fired for giving out all those upgrades so that was clearly a no go. We also heard from Prison Tattoo who worked at a sub place and once had a customer come in with three kids not wearing pants. Sure they were 5, 2 and 1 so there was diapers and underwear but he made a point of stressing the store policy of no pants, no service. After dispatching the kids to the car, the Karen returned and ordered 3 tuna subs but surprise surprise, she wanted more meat on each. When explained that she would have to pay extra for more meat, she threw a fit (because of course she did.) Of all the retail I worked, the customers could be annoying but there's nothing that stood out as worth mentioning. I'd say the worst was working at a toy store as seasonal when kids would just come in and throw stuff on the floor after you spent an hour picking up all those toys. However, now that we've tackled our pieces, let's get to the Request Line for some roadie horror. Chelsea had a customer who would come in with 2 year old coupons, demand that they be used and of course, the manager would comply which only facilitated the problem and allowed it to continue. Colleen had a patient in healthcare that was told not to eat or drink before their visit. The patient got hungry and had cheeseburgers snuck in for them. Said patient proceeded to choke to death on said cheeseburger (wild btw.) Dave was a gun shop manager and once had a guy who seemed off come in, they decided not to sell to him (thankfully) which caused him to be irate and they needed to threaten with a cop call. Of course, this meant the customer was probably going to go elsewhere and could have easily come back and shot up the place but luckily didn't. Jackie had two customers at McDonald's who had the same order. The first order got the wrong order (one included fries) and because they were mad, threw the fries at Jackie who was just forced to take it. JC worked at a car dealership and would dispute with people who were renting cars and smoking in them because there was a $150 fee for doing so. Anyone who doesn't smoke can easily smell smoke so they would know if you were doing it in the car and still they fought it. Josh worked at a retail pharmacy and dealt with a customer attempting to return another store's brand of medication to his store because, why not, right? If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

So since we look forward to discussing holiday centric stuff all the time on this show, it's time for an Angi Taylor tip (this is about as helpful as she's going to be it seems, maybe we do need Angela Texas after all.) When you're shopping online, fill your cart with what you want but don't buy it. This is easy for say Angi who has 20+ items in her Amazon cart atm but not Marris, who has nothing in his as he buys what he wants off the bat. The reason you want to leave things in your cart (outside of Amazon) is because sites track abandoned cart orders and want you to come back and finish them off. To entice you, they will usually send a discount code or free shipping to coax you into spending that money on stuff you don't need. Marris though learned his lesson because that Ninja Turtle sweater he wants will not wait around for him to buy it. He does get the occasional 20% off coupon but he likes nerd junk and that is usually rare or limited edition so he is not the customer Angi is appealing to. This is more for her who sees a deal and is grabbed hook, line and sucker and she feels compelled to buy because a deal is great. It should be noted though that the longer you wait, the more chance you'll lose a deal or the item could sell out so edge but don't edge too long. While this was being discussed, "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" was playing and Marris told a story about the song being played at a bowling party and Marris freaked out because his grandma was there. It should be noted that Marris' mom was laughing though.

Finally, Florida is in the news once again and this time we are looking (get it) at an eye for an eye situation. A woman stabbed her boyfriend in the eye for apparently looking at another woman. The eye stab is bad enough but it was what she stabbed him with that added an extra wrinkle to his eyelid, a needle for their rabid dog. She jumped him on the couch and went for it though she did hit him in the eyelid at least but afterward, she ran to her car and decided to take a nap. When confronted, she said it was self inflicted but that didn't fly and she ended up in jail. Basically, even though they were together for 8 years, perhaps it's time to move on but more so, it probably was not the first time that it had happened. I guess the moral of the story here is not to look at other women and also, don't sleep with that guy who gave all those girls eye syphilis in Michigan.

Request Wars 3.0

Champion: Angi (2x)

Angi's Song Choice: “Freak on a Leash” by Smashing Pumpkins

Marris' Song Choice: "Happy?" by Mudvayne

Winner: Angi

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: The Hot Girl Phone Scammer

A guy was chatting up a girl outside a hotdog stand and she wanted to give him her number. He handed over his phone and she went to "add her number." What she was actually doing was looking for his Cash App so she could send herself $3,000. Obviously the charge was halted but Angi applauded this girl for being so brazen. Angi then taught us how to break into a phone that uses a thumbprint passcode.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"I need you (Marris) to stop trying to assimilate me to the nerdverse." - Angi

"I wish on a normal day people would throw fries at me." - Angi

"I get real 12 year old girl when there's a hot guy around." - Angi

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