The Angi Taylor Show

The Angi Taylor Show

Email: angitaylorshow@iheartmedia.comFull Bio


Angi Taylor Show Recap With Jay The Gay - 9-29-2022

Photo: Flickr RF

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed)

So, I didn't include this in my notes yesterday (outside of the toast) but it feels fitting to point this out to open this main idea. The way I see it, when you get a second chance on life, you don't immediately decide to fill yourself up with butter to supplement that second chance. Backtracking to the end of the show yesterday, Angi had to make a Sophie's Choice between a disgusting orange Tootsie Roll or a Jolly Rancher. She chose the Rancher, assuming the taste and texture would not make her vomit. What it did though was cause some spit juice to travel down the wrong pipe, making her choke. Immediately, Saint Kanan sprung into action, using his bear-like arms to smash into Angi's back in hopes of clearing out the supposedly lodged Jolly Rancher. To further add salvation, he gave her his bottle of water and in moments, Angi was finally great. So, because of Abe, Angi was given another opportunity to live her life free and clean. How does she take this gift, by falling into the trap that is butter boards. Move over charcuterie boards, beloved by women who want to get wild with meats, cheeses and grapes, butter is king now. That's right, sticks of soft butter are being thrown on boards, spread around and having things like roasted garlic, oils, french bread, meat, appetizers, fruit, cocaine, everything your heart desires. I would go into the two of them wanting to open a butter board restaurant but there's far too many other points to tackle. For example, Abe is going to a wedding tomorrow and he expects there to be butter boards there Carlos! Like if he has 100 guests attending, take 100 sticks of butter and throw them on the tables and let people go nuts. BUTTER! So enthralled by all of this, Angi wants to go home and make a butter board tonight. Abe suggested why even use the board, just go ham on a whole stick of butter for the hell of it. He's done that apparently, I was busy trying not to throw up when he was discussing it. If he wasn't eating the butter stick though, he would throw meat, honey, garlic stuff, grilled onions and chili oil on his. As for Angi, she would have nuts, olives, oil and dry food on hers. They were so hungry for this, they even started soliciting for the roadies to bring them a butter board but wised up moments later because well, we don't trust anyone. Now, one would assume all this butter talk is ready to cease but we still have a little more to go. Abe has a butter hack for all of us. He loves to warm his butter in a bowl in the microwave. After it's cooked, whip it up with a spoon and then use it. There was so much food porn occurring during this segment, that Angi kept looking at it during the breaks and late into the show. I swear, the noises she was making when she realized you could put cheese on your butter board rivaled the ones Abe made when he watches videos of guys dressing a sub.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

God, enough butter, let's move on to Barney. That's right, that purple dinosaur from our childhood is back in the news today because Peacock has a new documentary coming soon. Now, it should be noted that Angi hates Barney and would change the channel any time he came on. It was the singing that drove her nuts which makes her the perfect candidate for the I Love You, You Hate Me documentary that I was discussing a moment ago. Abe though, his brother Mike loved Barney and would run around the house singing all the songs. I should add that there was a sing along on the show but you can listen to that on the podcast. With all this on the table and the butter board pushed aside, Angi wanted to know what the roadies go to show as a kid. For Angi, it was Kids Incorporated, she loved that mess. As for Abe, it was all about He-Man(shocker.) Factor in some Zoobilee ZooReading Rainbow and Electric Company and you have all their favorites. As for me, I would be all over the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers after school, what a show (plus the red ranger was so hot.) Let's spin that board toward the Request Line though, it's time to hear all about the roadies choices. Brooke called to say how much she loved Full House. For her, she wanted to be DJ because she had all the cool guys, the great hair and a loving family. When pressed by Abe if Steve or Viper was hotter (shocked that he asked that, just shocked,) she ended up with Steve. Oh Abe also hated Nelson as well. Head Roadie Julie called in to discuss her love of The Jetsons, which Angi jumped on as well. They thought that Judy was just the coolest and it made you so want a robot. Abe didn't think Judy was cool but he sure did find her hot. Brianne called to talk about Ray Reiner and Cuddly Dudley. Erica loved Pepper Ann because she was so awkward and the theme song was so catchy. If you are looking for more roadie comments or have your own, hit up our socials (FB group, Twitter, Instagram) and read up or drop us a comment.

So, even though this flying friend would get the 10 O' Clock Toast, Angi made a point of discussing the Taylor Hawkins hawk early this morning. Oh, you don't know about the Taylor Hawkins Hawk, why that would be Hawk that was seen above the stadium in California prior to the start of the Taylor Hawkins memorial concert. There was a huge hawk that had been seen in the area for a few days but it waited for that moment to fly above the crowd and make itself known. This idealistic omen was a surefire sign to Angi that the hawk was Taylor's spirit inside it, flying to show everyone he was free (or something.) Of course, the moment Angi started discussing this, Abe was there to immediately ruin it. Whereas Angi said this was a genuine thing, Abe said that they probably released the hawk (as it was a trained bird) and it would return to the handler once it flew over. Angi wanted this to be a genuine magical moment but Abe wanted to make sure he dismissed all of it. This then turned to a discussion of whether it was a hawk or an eagle and did it really fly off and just keep going. As the magical moment simmered and died, Angi went for one more Hail Mary play. She said that it was his spirit inhabiting the hawk, not a reincarnation thing but just a transference of soul. You see, it couldn't be reincarnation because the hawk was alive while Taylor was and you need to be born for reincarnation. Also, people go to Heaven, not hawks. So basically Abe overanalyzed all of this and he destroyed the illusion of beauty and comfort that Angi was attempting to create for herself.

Finally, let's discuss accidental cheating. The list below was explored by Angi & Abe to decide if it did or didn't count as cheating.

Going to the Strip Club - Not Cheating (unless you bang the stripper.)

Dirty Dancing with Other People During a Night Out with Friends - Cheating.

Dinner with a Coworker Who Likes You - Not Cheating (it's good to have someone who's interested in you on deck for ego stroking.)

Liking Sexy Photos of Other People - Cheating (if it's someone you know in real life but if it's a celebrity it's not.) 

Sending Sexy Pictures - Cheating.

Having Conversations with Someone Online - Cheating.

Request Wars 2.0

Champion: Abe (Streak: 1)

Angi's (repping Paula) Song Choice: "Rock Me" by Great White

Abe's (repping Dominique) Song Choice: "Call Me Little Sunshine" by Ghost

Smack Talk Recap:

Not much meat on the Request Wars bones today. Paula is a big fan that listens to the show every day. Abe brought some new noise, new music and new Ghost. Also and this is important, your vote only counts once so no need to send more than one!

Winner: Abe

10 O'Clock Toast

The Taylor Hawkins Hawk.

This majestic bird was infused with the spirit of Taylor Hawkins and made an appearance at the Taylor Hawkins tribute show (or it was just a hawk that was coincidentally there.)


PSAbe: Aaron Judge is on steroids as well, isn't he.

PSAbe: Roger Maris' son, we don't care what you think.

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