The Angi Taylor Show

The Angi Taylor Show

Email: angitaylorshow@iheartmedia.comFull Bio


ATS - We're Just Out Here Racking Up a Body Count 10.9.2024

Stand up paddle board couple paddleboarding. Young Asian couple on summer vacation.

Photo: Thing Nong Nont / Moment / Getty Images

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Opening Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Ah yes, we are halfway through the week and this is an amazing thing because ... umm well...the weekend is awesome, duh. Sure, I'd live in October forever if possible but since talk marches on, may as well just keep banging along. With that in mind, there was a lot of talk about driving this morning on the show (which I didn't notice until I started throwing together these notes.) For example, our Daily Discussion Topic, while not centered directly in it, did open with a point about driving to work. Obviously, this probably sucks and for some, the job itself also sucks. The thing though is some people say would do anything to bring home bacon but the reality is, they're not switching careers. In fact, undesirable jobs, even with double the pay offered, are considered that for a reason. For example, no one wants to be a meatpacking plant worker. Mike offered that over in Colorado, the place that existed was horrific with no windows, etc and that made the list of people who would not want to work that job in Colorado, Illinois and Iowa. Also making the list were commercial fisherman (Mike also knew one of those and yeah, it's not it) and skyscraper window cleaners which made the list of jobs not wanted to be done by people in New Jersey, New York and Tennessee. Angi, of course, lamented how the window washers never wave back at her when she attempts to distract them while working and it was explained that they are probably trained to not engage. Then again, imagine you're waving at ol' frankentits and then you fall off your scaffolding. Though we did appreciate them wearing costumes for the kids when they are doing them at the children's hospital. Rounding off the list were electricians, oil rig workers, roofers, loggers, powerline workers, coal miners, steel workers and security officers (which is not a preferred job in Rhode Island.) That said, we turned to the roadies on the Request Line to ask about why their jobs suck so much. Rachel is a babysitter and though she likes kids, she doesn't like it when they come home from school in a bad mood, hungry and then won't eat the healthy snacks they are supposed to be indulging in. Add in that there are 3 of them and they are in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. Angi said that is a lot and she understands how her patience is tested. Ted is a plumbing laborer so he can sometimes be covered head to toe in poop daily. Mike had a third add in for this topic that his uncle once fell into a septic tank. Lastly, George works at a daycare center and though it can be hectic, he loves it. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Call in Main Point:

Fresh off discussing Angi's new man in her life (who isn't her husband, an imaginary TV character, a mascot or a comic book character,) we took a moment to explore body counts on the show this morning. Marris, for a moment was caught off guard and thought we were talking about the amount of people he has (allegedly) killed and dumped in the Chicago River but what we meant was the tally of those you have banged. Now, a poll of 2,000 people (this is important to understand and distinguish that a mass populous was not polled) gave up that the average equated to about 14. Now, if the person who was being quizzed was say 20 years old, that could be problematic but if that person is say 40, that's a pretty fair number. Turning to our studio crew, Mike does not know his own nor does he know his wife's. Personally, he doesn't care and that's kind of a great way to approach this situation imo. After all, what you did before someone as long as you're disease free doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Back to some stat pulling, 26% of the people polled don't know their true body count though 1 in 6 did admit they have lied about theirs. It's almost ironic that we turn the next portion over to Angi who hasn't kept track and does not have a little black book. Angi is sure her total is higher than 14 (I know for a fact from knowing her that this is true) but less than 1,400 (though factor in all the centuries she's existed and maybe it's getting close.) Marris offered that he only brought it up once when pressed by an ex but he was pretty sure both had lied in response. Much like my point though, the idea is if you are careful and safe and keep the bits disease free, what does it matter? Honestly, bang out your whole life if you're not tied down as you only get one so may as well enjoy it. Continuing on to the last bits of the survey, 1 in 5 of those polled were embarrassed by their numbers with 19% saying they wish it was higher and 25% saying they wish it was lower. One of the universal things though was most just did not want to know and honestly, asking basically leads to judging. We capped this by pointing out that if Angi was honest and said like 100, what is there to judge, no one cares what others do with their bodies (or at least shouldn't.) However, that 100 could also mean the sex was bad across the board hence the need for more or was it 100 because she was so good? After all, she's seen a ton of porn (all that Czechoslovakian gang bang stuff) and she clearly learned some stuff. With knowledge like that, you're bound to want to go out and teach the world.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

So this morning we started off talking about driving (which is why I referenced the overall amount of driving we discussed today including even more in the next bit) but Angi's venture through Lower Wacker found her yet another new boyfrann today. In what should not be a shock to anyone one a show where we couldn't figure out if her body count was under 1,400 or not, Angi's new man is a brown suited babe. That's right, Angi is in love with a UPS driver, who pulled up next to her after she got done with her early week poker game with Joker, Bane and that bundle of rats who are wearing a trench coat and are hustling everyone. Anyway, she pulled up next to this guy who had his door open as one does when slinging packages and they both gave each other a "how you doin?" She glanced over at his lap and said "nuts" ... get your head out of the gutter, it was a bag of nuts which in reality was actually a bag of seeds. One to always promote the show and the station, Angi yelled for him to listen to Rock 95.5 daily. In something that should come as no shock since we are number 1, he said he already does listen every day. Before peeling off, Angi yelled "I'm Angi Taylor" to which his jaw dropped and he said "no way." Something tells me that big brown boxes aren't going to be the only packages that are going to be stuffed into Angi's mailbox from now on....

Anyway, one more driving story I promise and this one is also based around a study. It was reported and not entirely shocking on which types of music make people the worst kinds of drivers. For example, the one that makes you the worst overall was offered as a guessing game with Marris saying EDM and Mike picking rock. Mike was closest as the actual answer was metal and listening to it makes people honk their horns, run red lights, crash and get DUI's. Though weirdly enough, metal comes in fourth place when invoking absolute road rage as the podium for that belongs to R&B and soul with gold, rap with silver and EDM with bronze. People who listen to rap are most likely to be the tailgaters of the bunch. As for those who are going to text and end up probably crashing into someone, that distinction belongs to people listening to podcasts. Marris just assumes it's because they're bored.

Finally, on a day where we also talked about making bank, we learned that Carrie Underwood pulled in $36,000,000 over two years for her Monday Night Football opening song. Each time it is played, she is tossed one of those comically large bags with $1,000,000 inside it and then to add insult to the injury of hearing how much she makes, she gave a behind the scenes of the recording process. It turns out that she does a one day take where she sings the main version of the song and then does literally every combination of team whether it makes sense or not. So basically one day of recording netted her $36,000,000 and I think they only paid Angi in circus peanuts and boxed wine for her Voice of God work at the iHeart Festival. This is the kind of life all of us clearly need but there is a lining to that glory. Apparently, Mike met her once and said she was one of the least friendly people he had associated with. While at a meet & greet, he asked her about something on TV and she looked up from her phone and said she did not give a fu....... Remember kids, when you become a celebrity, try to humble yourself just a smidge.

Request Wars 4.0

Theme: Free for All

Current Champion: Marris (4x)

Marris' Song Choice: "Judith" by A Perfect Circle

Mike's Song Choice: "All Along the Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix

Winner: Marris

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: Shapeshifters

Oh no you guys, she believes in something else. Over on our Twitter (Angi Taylor Show,) you can see a video from Mexico that "alleges" to show a dog turning into a man. Now, since Angi herself is a shapeshifter who can turn into a witch and Medusa, she totally thinks this is real. Also, poor Marris was forced to explain to Angi what an Animality from Mortal Kombat is.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"I don't need for them (window washers) to fall off from how saggy these things are." - Angi

"I'm sure I've slept with more women than my husband has." - Angi

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