The Angi Taylor Show

The Angi Taylor Show

Email: angitaylorshow@iheartmedia.comFull Bio


ATS - Angi Hates Android Phones and Horror Movies 10.8.2024

Scary clown Pennywise holding red balloon and looking at camera

Photo: Matthew Troke / iStock Editorial / Getty Images

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Opening Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Yasss finally, we are going to discuss some spooky season stuff that is right up my alley. Horror movies, that good ol' spooky stuff became a topic of note this chilly A.M. and as someone who is currently on day 8 of his 31 Days of spooktober horror movie watching, I'm happy we finally are addressing something relevant to me. The question posed though had to do with indulgence, as in, how old were you when you saw your first horror movie. Marris guesstimated he was between 10 and 12 but did not give the title. Angi was also 11 or 12 and it was The Amityville Horror but she also did see The Exorcist. This was a home viewing as even though she was like in her 30's when it came to the theater, she opted to avoid the religious spooky in a crowded place. In fact, it had to do with HBO being in her house that she got to experience the rather banal horror flick. Mike was the oldest of the trio in spooky indulgence, not seeing his until late because his parents forbade them. Angi's kid was also a long time before viewing horror and probably saw her first at a friend's house because Angi held out after traumatizing her with Charlotte's Web. As for myself, I wanna say I was maybe 6 or 7 when I saw Halloween ('78) and it remains my favorite horror movie of all time (and still elicits a visceral reaction for me when I see it to this day.) The question posed though was the proper age for watching horror movies and before 11 seemed to make the most sense. Other stats included 60% of those polled believing a slumber party is an absolute right of passage for viewing a first horror film. As for consumption, the average is 5 movies watched during Halloween time though 23% said they are doing 10 or more. Sadly, Angi and Mike will not be joining this pile as they don't like horror movies. Luckily, my main man Papa Bear Marris loves them and then he went on to say some stuff that was a bit suspect. For him, he is a huge fan of the Saw series (which is funny because I'm not that into torture porn) and ironically he loves all the torture scenes. As Angi stepped back and touched the panic button under the console, he explained he likes seeing people get tortured as a consequence of the action that got them there. Angi added that her scariest experience was The Shining and Mike also agreed but she doesn't like psychological and religious horror movies. My favorite just for frame of reference is home invasion because that can actually happen and scares me stupid. Lastly, the favorite snack to throw across the room as you're scared stupid is popcorn, chips and pizza. 

Call in Main Point:

It's a day that ends in day which means Angi is once again finding an excuse to pick on us Android users. In another poll that she probably got from an Apple news site, Angi offered data about not being keen on dating an Android user. Further stats (reported in this bogus, dumb, horrible report) are that 22% of people think less of someone with a green text and 23% wouldn't date an Android user. The thing is, us Android people know our phones are superior and therefore we don't need to discuss it all day long like most iPhone people. They are also the ones who judge and half revealed they have talked trash and made fun of Android people (Angi obviously is the leader of this coven.) Now, this was not meant to "shade Android people" but we kept down that road talking about how Mike needs to send files to Marris through teams and how our videos look like potatoes, etc. These shady bastards were looking for an excuse to just tear us down even though Angi tried to pretend this was not the point of the Daily Discussion Topic. That topic by the way was "I would never date someone who _____" which in her case is an Android phone (absolute hater.) Marris would never date someone who has bad taste in music, especially country. You see, his taste is just superior and he likes what he likes but he is open minded (again unless it's country.) Now that's not to say if a die hard country fan who happened to be a Marvel cosplayer on OnlyFans came along and actively paid for everything, he might change his tune. He could suffer through a Garth Brooks concert if she is helping him back that new Ninja Turtle board game on Kickstarter. As for Mike, he could never date someone who doesn't eat meat. That's right you silly leaf loving vegans, get out of his way because he doesn't want to hear about how you are a level 5 because you only eat things grown in soil you've cultivated. Vegans also never shut about being vegans and Angi added her bestie is one and she never shuts up about it. To be fair though, it seems the boss has seen the light because he has switched over to an Android but Angi just said that's him being a contrarian. Right, I've had enough of this Android hate from this bitch so let's just move on to the Request Line for the roadie input. Starting with Julia who said she's not dating anyone who owns a snake even though she is not afraid of them but the owner themselves. She feels like the guy is going to have neck tattoos and just be a weirdo in general. For the record, other reptiles get a pass but snakes are on the hit list. Josh won't date anyone with terrible spoken or written grammar and Angi agrees that bad written grammar makes her nuts. Ernie is not gonna date a girl who has ever eaten booty because he has standards and Channahon (where he lives) is a "No Salad Tossing City." While it's not Angi's thing, we don't judge people who munch down on brown. Paul would not date someone who doesn't like or laugh at dad jokes. Funny enough, Jay the Straight loves to tell them and Angi hates it (same bitch.) We were also treated to a bad dad joke. Why do lawyers like U2 so much? They're pro Bono.... (For the record, I almost smashed my Chromebook just now.) Tristan said he's not getting with someone with bad breath (what did she eat, kitty litter?) Bob called us to tell us that he was getting high and would not date someone whose kids live at home with them after the age of 25 (and then continued to talk forever.) Dawn won't date someone who doesn't eat bacon because they "are a Communist." Right, okay then, enough roadie feedback for today. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

"How did you sleep last night?" is not normally a question I would be asking but in this short little snippet that opened the show, it feels relevant. Was it a nice sleep, a restless sleep, did you toss and turn or did you slumber like a log. Angi would fit the wood plank category as she revealed to us this morning that she noticed while sleeping last night that her body cracks "like a bag of sticks." Obviously, one could question how a person who is asleep would notice that their rickety bones are slowly grinding down to dust but apparently she came to notice that she sounds like an old ship or The Eagle roller coaster while she was flipping in bed. To be fair though, The Taytanic has been out to sea for close to like 100 years now so it only makes sense that it would start to come undone because nothing lasts forever (especially the body of old witches.) Marris suggested that Angi should probably get a massage but rubbing that old dry skin might lead to it coming off in clumps. Mike added that he notices his bones cracking as it gets colder but I think this is different as Angi's Floptopia is always a sensible temp and well, she's ancient. We capped this exploration of age by also mentioning her new issue of AARP magazine arrived at the house so at least she has something to read with her spectacles as her bones grind down to a fine dust.

Going from broken bones to broken dreams, we explored the one thing Angi has wanted McDonald's to bring back to its menu forever. The McDLT which you've heard her go on about before since she doesn't like hot lettuce and tomatoes and also doesn't care about the planet is still sadly not on the menu. With the world in the toilet she could live with filling the landfills with a bunch of styrofoam but they will have to opt for Chicken Big Mac wrappers instead. Marris was initially curious and Mike seemed indifferent and Angi, well she only eats them when she is hammered. That is the original Big Mac, which Marris loves (I get where my point blending could have caused confusion.) Anyway, the original was released in 1968 and now the Chicken Big Mac is arriving on Oct 10th. Marris' curiosity went from hmm to mmm as he decided he was going that day to immediately get one. He will not be using the iHeart building McDonald's though because they are always a day behind like when Big Mac sauce packets came out and he had to make two trips to finally get some. As for the sandwich itself, it will be two tempura battered patties which apparently is better than the crunchy stuff when it comes to mingling with the sauce (I have no idea, I just write what these people say.) Some influencer will be live streaming himself and his friends eating this mess and this once again seems like something we could be doing but you know, effort. Marris though will be definitely getting one as will Mike but Angi will continue to hope the McDLT comes back one day. When pressed that she could ask them to just separate stuff, she explained that she's annoying and would get her food spit on for pushing the issue.

Finally, we explored the hottest game kids are into atm. No it's not Fortnite, Roblox or Hello Kitty's Island Adventure (sorry Alexis) but the NES version of Tetris. As you may have heard on this show before, a 13 year old beat this version of the game by getting to level 157 before the game crashed. The only person to do that prior is AI but guess what, there is a modified crash resistant version of Tetris out there now. Well, a 16 year old named DogPlayTetris is the first person to get to rebirth. After playing for 80 mins and going through 255 levels, the game reset to the original version of the game. Now, unless you have incredible ADHD, after level 10 the game is too hard but in front of hundreds of people on his Twitch, this kid cleared 4,216 lines and made 2,400,000 points. This led to a quick coverage of games the studio crew beat including Pokemon and Horizon: Forbidden West for Marris, Super Mario Brothers and Donkey Kong on NES for Angi and Mario Kart for Mike. I'd go over my list of completed games but this isn't a CVS and no one has time for pages and pages of titles.

Request Wars 4.0

Theme: Stripper Songs

Current Champion: Marris (3x)

Marris' Song Choice: "Porn Star Dancing" by My Darkest Days

Mike's Song Choice: "Bad Girlfriend" by Theory of a Deadman

Winner: Marris

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: Cold Showers

It turns out (and has been widely known forever) that hot showers and bath are bad for your boys' swimmers. For whatever reason we covered this nonsense and then slipped right into talk of eczema and how Marris likes his water cooler for that reason as does Angi as they both suffer from it. Yeah, I don't know where this was going either.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"My husband has a very random boner for Matt Damon." - Angi

"I haven't pulled a guy's hair in so long because my husbands bald." - Angi

"You (Angi) just asked a black man if he gets red blotches." - Marris

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