The Angi Taylor Show

The Angi Taylor Show

Email: angitaylorshow@iheartmedia.comFull Bio


Everyone Aboard the Trashboat Taylor! - ATS - 7.23.24

English setter dog tiding bus

Photo: Richard Gunn / Moment Open / Getty Images

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Welcome one and all to our humble little dinges (don't tell Angi that it's little or she'll throw you overboard.) That's right roadies, we are getting naught...ical this morning in the Daily Discussion Topic. See, after yesterday's show, Angi and Marris boarded the good ship LollyThot and set sail on the river for an afternoon of drinking, entertaining and luckily Angi not falling over drunk like she normally does anytime she gets near water. Seriously, you know the rules, do not get her wet (wait, am I thinking of something else?) Anyway, while riding the seas of success, Marris did not get a boner (read more below) and the weather was perfect for the trip. Unfortunately though, this may be the only time this summer that Angi is going to be on a boat as she still has yet to find a daddy (in this instance an actual older gentleman who looks like Jack Nicholson that just wants to ogle a 50 year old sagging woman in a bikini) that will take her out on the water while the weather is still scorching. Before getting into the meat of the question, which was inspired by her noticing the overabundance of Seinfeld named boats, Angi had to ponder why people on boats wave to others on boats when they pass each other. I'm assuming it is something akin to when people clap on planes or in movie theaters ... because they're stupid. Anyway, after passing the Summer of George and Festivus for the Rest of Us, Angi wanted to know what the roadies would name their boats. Marris' would be called I Can't Swim because, spoiler alert, he probably should not be out on the open water since he can't swim. As for Angi's, she would call hers Trashboat Taylor, which is fitting though I suggested Frankentits Monster as an alternative. For myself, my boat would be called Look at Me, I'm the Captain Morgan which would then have a giant bottle of Captain Morgan White painted under it. Well, we have our ships so let's go to the roadies on the Request Line. Sydney would name hers the Big Dill. Jake would call his the Sea Cup because he's a big boob guy. Angi suggested he could even call it the Double Seas. Matt would call his Sea's the Day. Milan would name his the Master Baiter. Amoto would name his Sea You Next Tuesday. Mike would name his the Big Stugot. Mike over on Facebook added that his would be I Gotta Lil' Dingy which we all know is a boat Angi would never get on (since she's a size queen.) We closed this with shock from Angi that no one called their boat the Hawk Tuah (we did get it in a text later in the show.) If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

Moving back onto land, this morning we found more things to get frustrated about because of Gen Z. Seeing as they continue to make words up or alter the meaning of things, it's hard for us old people to keep track sometimes. In steps Alexa, who now can kinda teach you how to talk Gen Z. She currently only knows 20 terms with more to be added but if you say "Alexa, talk Gen Z to me" you will hear some of these words (for the record, Marris is not okay with any of this.)

"Drip" - This means trendy and fashionable.

"Math Isn't Mathing" - This means something isn't adding up.

"Ate" - This means doing something well.

"It's Giving" - This means the vibe being given off.

"Mother" - This means iconic.

"Air" - This means to ignore someone. Since Angi, Marris and myself had never heard this one, here it is in a sentence. "Why is Ahmed airing my messages?"

"In Your Whatever Era" - This means you are living in the moment like Angi and I are in our drunk era.

"Tea" - This means gossip.

"Sus" - This means a scenario is shady or suspect.

"Mid" - This means weak or mild.

"Rizz" - This means charisma.

Used together in an overall sentence would look like. "Hey Marris, you got that drip today. It's giving Playstation 5, you really ate."

Funny enough, after learning a batch of slang terms, Marris gave us a brand new unexpected one. This word of the day arose when we discussed unexpected boners (catch that clever wordplay.) Apparently, even though on screen sex scenes are not sexy to film the human body will still react to contact sometimes and arousal can happen. For example, if Angi was doing a sex scene with Brad Pitt, she would be completely aroused and he'd probably be throwing up. For reasons like this, most sets have an intimacy coordinator whose job it is to help bring the swelling down. For the most part, the best advice offered is to do push ups or jumping jacks. This forces the blood elsewhere in the body but we felt it would be weird to be doing jumping jacks with your doing also jumping. The same could be said for doing a push up with a boner but again, this apparently works. At the end of the day, the point is to keep things 100% professional (unlike this show.) As expected, we detoured and the question of what do you do when you get a boner in church came up. Angi wondered where the hands were put to hide it and Marris suggested putting a bible over it. Another explored time, if you're walking down the street, you find a place to sit and chill for a moment. Luckily for him it has not happened on the street or in a church but luckily, we seem to have solutions for both if they do.

Finally, oh no, the heat is causing more problems (aside from suffocating kids, pets and grandma in the backseat.) Aside from being in the news for having computers from the 1950's, Southwest has made the news once more, this time for explosions. It seems that soda cans have been exploding mid flight and have so far injured 20 flight attendants. The cause is the cans being loaded onto the plane hot and then when they meet the pressure, it causes a nice sudsy kaboom. This led to an almost Angi PSA about never leaving soda, children or pets in your hot car. Other things you shouldn't do while you're at it is leave clear plastic water bottles in there as they can start a fire when the sun magnifies off the water. Funny enough, Angi and Marris both have some in their car as I type this. Another is when water is in a hot bottle, it can be contaminated. Other things that can explode that should not be left in the car are vapes, electric scooters, electronic lithium batteries, aerosol cans, kittens and alcohol. No seriously, do not leave your alcohol in the car along with your dog kid pets.

Request Wars 3.5

Theme: Songs from 1995

Current Champion: Angi (5x)

Angi's Song Choice: "Tomorrow" by Silverchair

Marris' Song Choice: "Hey Man, Nice Shot" by Filter

Winner: Marris

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: A Farting Dog

Though it's apparently not going in the Guiness Book of World Records, a dog farted ... sorry F A R T E D (wait, she doesn't read these notes, what am I doing?) Anyway, there is an 18 second fart clip from a dog that we played though the world record holder is a British guy who farted for 2 minutes and 42 seconds.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"Marris gets a boner in church and hides it with a bible." - Angi

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