The Angi Taylor Show

The Angi Taylor Show

Email: angitaylorshow@iheartmedia.comFull Bio


Angi Taylor Show Recap With Jay The Gay - 5-8-2023

Photo: Flickr RF

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Another weekend of great weather is gone and none of us are any richer after seven horses were shot before the Derby this weekend and Abe still did not pick a winner. In fact, it seems like the only person who is truly winning is David Draiman, the lead singer of Disturbed. After a recent divorce, the 50 year old is back in the dating pool and like every person who had their heart broken, he is looking for love. Much like other celebrities, he has decided to jump into the app dating pool. Instead of going on Raya, where all the actual celebrities are, David opted for Tinder. Of course, he mentions outright that he is the singer of Disturbed but in the age of catfishing and AI, no one wants to believe him. Of course, we wondered if anyone local had matched with him but apparently, he lives in Hawaii or something (we don't know anything on this show, which will become even more apparent shortly.) That said, Angi wanted to know if any of the roadies had matched with, dated or hooked up with a celebrity (be it actual or a local one.) We're running the range from Jared Leto to the WGN traffic people. A random comedian to someone from Rock 95.5. Perhaps you've parked the Empire carpet guy before he died or maybe you had a threesome with The Usos. As for show experiences, Angi and Abe played coy on who they got with (though I know all their secrets, check out my call in to hear a few of the names.) We did have a military guy call in once to tell us how he hooked up with Anna Kendrick on a beach (in enough detail for it to seem real.) There was also one of our regulars who allegedly had Pearl Jam's "Black" written about her on her back by Eddie Vedder after a bang session. Before turning this over to the Request Line, we had to pause and explore Abe's shock (big shocker.) He couldn't believe that David Draiman is on Tinder and suggested that he should be on as "that's where older dudes find love." Angi, being the outlier always, said that perhaps is the right place for him. Okay, nonsense is settled, to the Request Line for a roadie input (and the text line for one as well.) Candance hooked up with Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy ... well kinda. See, she was at a party and Pete came up to her, introduced himself and they hit it off (and parked.) After the session, she never heard back from him (as expected with a rock star.) As it turns out (spoiler alert) it wasn't him but the guy who threw the house party's cousin who happens to look just like Pete Wentz. Also, we got a text that someone hooked up with Cameo but we're not sure if they meant the whole band or the porn star. If you are looking for more roadie comments or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (The Angi Taylor Show) and read up or drop us a comment.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

And there's the other shoe dropping off the Sears Tower and onto our heads. Breaking News!!! out of the Rock 95.5 studios. After spending the morning discussing David Draiman and his use of Tinder, we found an update this morning. Sure, we probably should have seen this prior but as usual, we are always the last to know anything (and therefore rampant misinformation spread is our drug.) In an update to our initial story, Draiman has announced that he deleted his Tinder account. Apparently, the whole thing was an "ish" show filled with scammers, grifters, fakes, phonies, scallywags and the like. Abe assumed much like our intention would have been that everyone was messing with him the moment they realized he was on there. Angi pointed out that apparently the new hotness is to create a profile with no intention of dating but using it to promote an OnlyFans account (which was a hot thing to do on Snapchat for a moment.) As I mentioned earlier, Raya would be more up Draiman's alley because as Angi said, Tinder is more of a hookup app. If he really wanted to find a mate, he should have tried something different. Abe suggested Grindr (which is the gay Tinder basically only hornier) and then assumed there were girls on there, lesbians as well (so much wrong to unpack here, looks like I'm drinking early this week.) Maybe Bumble is for him, or Jdate (he is Jewish after all,) perhaps FarmersOnly, as Angi had suggested earlier. After all, do farmers really care that a rock star wants to come bang in front of their horses? The point is, David Draiman now knows dating apps suck and we need to find a place for him to go look for love. We also may create a lesbian dating app because the assumption is that it doesn't exist and if we don't make Abe some money soon, he's moving to Saudi Arabia for $38,000,000 in prince blood money.

Moving past one rockstar slowly burning past his prime into a set of them that has one which is starting to burn out, Panterica went to the Blink 182 concert this past Saturday. The reason we dragged the girl who you normally hear answering your calls was simple, we needed to discuss what is happening with Tom Delong. In something I realized when I watched both of their Coachella shows, his voice seems to be going away (off in a spaceship probably.) Abe also noticed this, saying that his voice sounded weird. He assumed it was heavily autotuned as it almost sounded robotic to him. Panterica also noticed it and said it's just not the same that it used to be. This whole thing highlighted something that Mötley Crüe brought to light recently which is that old bands can't really hang like they used to on vocals. If it isn't recorded, played with a backing track or autotuned, you're going to be getting a mess. Also, it doesn't help if you're not coordinated and you walk away from the mic during say "I Miss You" and your voice is still resonating for the song. Though the experience was fun, Panterica was more excited to see up and coming band Turnstile over Blink. The thing is, these shows will sell because nostalgia hits hard (and a reunion for that matter) which explains why the show was sold out and packed. Also sold out and packed while suffering from a waning voice is Axl Rose, who doesn't seem to use any of the above mentioned stuff but probably should start. The point here is older bands will fall in one of three categories: still going strong and sound great, cleaning up with backing in some way to give you an experience or if you're Lynyrd Skynyrd, you are now a cover band since three generations of the band have died already.

Finally, more than likely if you're listening to this station and show you're old (this isn't a knock, this feels more like a fact because reasons.) That said, we have some terminology that is old school and 40% of the people in their mid 20's have no idea what you're talking about and think you're old. Here's some of those phrases and what they mean (in case you're young and reading these notes.)

"Beating a dead horse" - To waste time going over a situation already resolved.

"Rule of thumb" - How to do something. The real question is why would a 20 year old ever use this?

"Back to the salt mine" - Gotta go get back to work.

"Take the bull by the horns" - Dealing with a difficult situation in a direct way.

"You don't cut the mustard" - You're not meeting expectations.

"What's your beef?" - What's the problem?

"Let sleeping dogs lie" - Avoiding interfering in a situation.

"Burning the midnight oil" - Staying up late, usually to work.

"Throw in the towel" - To give up or if you're Abe, you yelled it at kids this weekend.

"Bite the bullet" - Deal with something you've been avoiding.

Request Wars 2.0

Champion: Angi (Streak: 6)

Angi's (repping Anna) Song Choice: "Faith" by Limp Bizkit

Abe's (repping Parker) Song Choice: "Holy Diver" by Dio

Winner: Abe

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: Sidechicks

Rejoice you overlooked pieces, your time in the sun is finally coming. This weekend, the world's most famous sidechick Camilla was made queen (adjacent.) The moral here is spend 50 years sidechicking and you too may end up in a palace. Also, Abe has some wild ideas about the royals (check the podcast.)

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"Isn't their whole heritage (the royal family) being nazi's and stuff?" - Abe

"He (David Draiman) should be on, that's where older dudes find love." - Abe

"Wait, his (Dio's) grandmother made up 'the shocker?'" - Angi


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