Money really can’t buy you brains. A Tesla owner has had a computer chip implanted into his hand that allows him to open his car. So a key. A got a key chip implanted in his hand.
Then you find out he’s part of a beta test and that almost excuses it cuz we’re here for advancing technology but no no, he had to pay $400 for the implant. Dude paid money for this.
Bro, we can’t even go a month without having to update our smartphones, you’re gonna put a CHIP in your BODY?? What’s gonna happen in 6 months when they’re like “we need to upgrade your hardware?” ”Oh cool cool let me just cut into my skin and dig this thing out.”
Look, if we’re gonna survive the inevitable robot war when the machines take over, we’re gonna have to go cyborg. I’m just not about that first step having anything to do with Elon Musk. Microchip or otherwise that man is not penetrating me. If you’re into Musk penetration, fine, but implanting your car key into your body? Don’t Do That.