This is a true story but I’m changing the names for legal reasons. My buddy, we’ll call her Belinda, bought a car in 2020. Since there was a teensy tinsy event you’ve probably already forgotten about called the covid pandemic, she had a hard time getting it registered. So she didn’t. And she still hasn’t. Happy 2022 if you’re doing the math, that’s two years she’s been driving around with what’s now a piece of paper with letters and number sharpied onto it for a license plate. I’m on the phone with her today discussing said dinky license plate and she’s like, “maybe I just won’t get it registered. No one’s pulled me over and I don’t agree with registration fees in general” and as she’s mid "damn the man" rant… she gets in a car accident. She’s fine but FUN FACT if you don’t have your car registered, insurance doesn’t cover crap. So now she’s on the hook for thousands of dollars all cuz she didn’t get her car registered. We recommend you Don't Do That.
Dragged kicking and screaming from the dive bar whence she came, Maria Palmer continues to kick and scream on the radio waves. Keeping the rock ‘n...Full Bio