25 year old Joshua Murray was determined to prove chivalry is alive and well and he is its modern day vessel. After graciously opening the door for two assuredly fragile damsels at a family dollar store, they had the gall not to thank this selfless gentleman. So he pointed a gun at them. A gun. Which he didn’t have a permit for, by the way. So, just so we’re clear, in order to make sure these women recognized him for the courteous man he obviously is, he pointed a gun at them. He’s now facing a felony charge and being held on $25,000 bond. This dude definitely has a manifesto on 4chan complaining about how women won’t have sex with him. Where could he be going wrong??
Dragged kicking and screaming from the dive bar whence she came, Maria Palmer continues to kick and scream on the radio waves. Keeping the rock ‘n...Full Bio