Maria Palmer

Maria Palmer

Dragged kicking and screaming from the dive bar whence she came, Maria Palmer continues to kick and scream on the radio waves. Keeping the rock ‘n...Full Bio


WATCH: Tony Hawk Asks Random Skaters to Do a Kick Flip

My favorite is the dude who says, "Tony Hawk? That's crazy." with absolutely zero emotions.

Tony Hawk drove around Los Angeles asking every skater he saw to do a kickflip (or a bar twist, if they were on a skateboard).

Only a few of the skaters actually recognized the pro, but Tony always handles it like a champ. At one point he "corrects" a kid who admitted mistaking him for Danny Way, saying, "No, I'm Eric Koston."

Don't let this video cause you anxiety seeing all of those unmasked people so close together; although it went viral today, turns out the footage was shot in 2019.

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