Photo: Getty Images
So if you were near a TV or a radio anytime between March 2002 to March 2005 you could not escape hearing about what happened on the latest episode of "The Osbournes". The theme song was (of course) "Crazy Train" and it fit perfectly with the MTV series that really put the reality tv thing way the f over the top.
Well with all the drama the show shared and often times created, Ozzy says now that maybe it wasn't the best thing in the end.
"On the one hand it was phenomenal, and on the other hand I had to watch my family (suffer), he told "But we invented a new form of television. We started the ball rolling for all these fuckin' new shows now. Would we do it all again? I dunno. I don't think so."
Just another example of we all live and learn...and try not to same the same mistakes.
More than a time or two anyway....