Capone's Manley VOXBOX SettingsPhoto: Patrick Capone
I had a couple of people ask about a close up of the settings that I use on my Manley VOXBOX for voice overs and my radio broadcasts.
While truly designed for use with singers and vocalists, these amazing pieces of equipment also do a damn good job for voice over. Although, many of us do prefer more compression, which is not adjustable. I believe this live at the 3:1. However... Manley does offer a modification that they can do which does increase the compression to a more VO friendly 5:1. I have found the stock 3:1 works great along with the limiting function. If I had to use the de-esser, than that might not would have been the case I probably would have spent a little bit of cash for the mod.
I would like to point out to any bass players who might be reading this.. that this VOXBOX also does an unbelievable job for bass. Like for real.. I have never heard anything as good. We use it religiously on every bass track. The settings for that are completely different, and I bypass the eq and just the preamp-compressor-and a touch of the limiter.
Patrick Capone