Capone's Guitar Locker - Ibanez RGIF8Photo: Patrick Capone
Mr. Capone's Guitar Locker
Check out my super cool Ibanez RGIF8. This cool monster is an 8 string guitar with fanned frets. It's hard to tell from the angle of this photo by those frets are actually fanned to help the intonation of the guitar. The low string is close to 27 1/2 inches while the high B string is only 25.5" long.
I like to try new and interesting guitars every once in a while. I feel like it can spark creativity, and this beast sure did that. It takes some real thought and practice to get used to the neck and extended range of this guitar. Simple bass lines and super heavy chugs come naturally to its tone, however I was surprised at how fast the action is and how nicely the high notes screamed from the guitar.
I've been playing 6 strings and 6 string baritone guitars so much that I am use to just feeling 100% comfortably and letting it all rip. I wasn't ever really able to do that with this guitar is the same way.. which is fine.. and probably a good thing to challenge some new musical thought and strategy.
I really don't play it very much at al lanymore, having moved on to some seriously fat baritones. As such, this guitar is now for sale up on the usual platforms.
Patrick Capone