Call the Ball Maverick

This is just a fact, nobody ever likes ALL the music that a radio station plays. Every one of us has our own tastes and preferences when it comes to the music that we like to crank up when it comes on the radio... and that's cool. Here at Rock 95.5 we want you to contribute to the playlist and our girl Angi has jus the outlet for you to share that tune you feel is missing from the Chicago airwaves. Sure, it will require you to throw out a little smack against another suiter, but you can handle that right?

So, let's make it happen! The ball is in your court!

It is called Request Wars and you can participate every morning at 7:05 am cst.

Want to hear an old school Motorhead song? Make it happen!
Want us to play some Iron Maiden? Outstanding! Do it, do it now!

Between you and me, every song that is played on any radio station is digitally tracked to see how well it does in the ratings. They can see it's results down to the minute... and you better believe there is a smart team of people looking at that data. Now.. imagine that the team notices your kick ass Iron Maiden song does very well.. I think you catch my drift. Not only can your song reach out to hundreds of thousands of other Chicago rockers just like you and I, it could potentially have an impact on the whole station.

So, what song do you think we need to play?

Call Angi and let's get this movement started. I'm counting on you!

Written by Patrick Capone

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