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If you logged in to Disney+ this last week, you have may have noticed that there were some new settings. You got a prompt for Mature content. This comes as the Netflix's Marvel series have made their way on the streaming app. This means that Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders, The Punisher and few other Marvel tv series pre Disney+ are now available.
I wasn't sure this was actually going to happen. There was a beautiful moment during the Hawkeye series on Disney+ that answered a lot of questions for this Marvel fan. We got that answer as the Kingpin made his first Disney+ appearance.
Then the questions began to come in. Was this a one time thing? Does this make the Netflix series canon? Will we see more from other characters?
We got another answer as Matt Murdock a.k.a. Daredevil appeared in Spiderman: No Way Home. The theatre I was in was clearly excited about this addition. There was a lot of speculation about who would actually be in this movie, but this was a hidden surprise that some how didn't leak.
We know that it has been said that Daredevil has a future in the MCU. I hope this is equally true for his fellow counterparts. I would love to see all of the series get another few seasons. These were some of the best things that Netflix put together in my opinion. I know that Marvel and Disney will only make it that much better. I leave you with one of the greatest fight scenes in my opinion.