Maria Palmer

Maria Palmer

Dragged kicking and screaming from the dive bar whence she came, Maria Palmer continues to kick and scream on the radio waves. Keeping the rock ‘n...Full Bio


Don't Do That: Mix Cleaning Products

Watching cleaning videos online is wildly satisfying. It’s all the feelings of productivity with none of the work! But now there’s a new “product overload trend” and has users filming themselves loading up their toilets, tubs, and sinks with a bunch of cleaning products. Or as those in the scientific field call it MIXING CHEMICALS TOGETHER. Seriously a person put bleach on top of ammonia. My dude. My guy. That’s how you make chloramine gas, and unless you’re ready to convince St. Peter to make a cameo on your #CleanTok, we don’t recommend it. Man this is why so many people fall for essential oils. They put a bunch of commercial cleaning products together and they’re like “why can’t I breathe?? Never again I’m gonna wash my toilet with lavender. Why do I have pink eye???” Read the label. Don’t mix your products. And when it comes to taking advice from the internet, Don’t Do That. 

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