A man is going viral for his tinder bio listing his requirements for potential partners. And it’s exhaustive.
- Must be taller than 6’4”
- Must make over $100K a year
- Must be under 125-pounds
- Must be lovable and funny
- No guy friends
- Limited girl friends
- No pets or kids
- Less than five previous partners
- Must be moderate in politics
- Must be available at least six days a week
- Must be a gamer
- Must be a nine or a ten, at least
- Must be under the age of 22
First of all, this dude clearly doesn’t realize what’s he’s actually asking for. He’s describing an eating disordered, workaholic, child with no life and no friends. But let’s just say this woman exists and is awesome. Why the hell would she want to date you? This is just like that Cake song short skirt long jacket. A bunch of requirements without ever considered what they themselves are bringing to the table. This is real life. You don’t get to choose every detail of your partner. You just choose someone who chooses you and decide to love them. God without even seeing his profile I can tell this dude wears TapOut gear to formal events. Get on dating apps. Have preferences. These are normal things. But demand a human being perfectly tailored to your desires? Don't do that.