Driving a tow truck is a tough ass job for sure! Gotta give Rick The Tow Truck driver a high-five for joining The Hair Club yesterday with Warrant's Uncle Tom's Cabin. First question I asked him was if he was a repo-man, he's not but rather drives a flat-bed tow truck that can hold two cars. If you've ever had your car towed, or in the process of towing, you know the tow truck driver has you in the palm of his/her hands if you're car is already on the truck. Pay them cash on the spot to release the car OR grab it for even more $$ at the lot!
If you want to join The Hair Club, it's a single song from an 80s hair band that has been stuck on your brain, and then a call to me Klinger. 844 955 9550 . Klinger@iheartradio.com also works. Hand over your ears each week day at 5pm on Rock 95.5 and let's go!