Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 5-24-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

So, this weekend, after the whole deer ordeal, Angi was scrolling through Facebook. As she did, she saw one of her former producers from way back when, had a milestone event occur. It should be noted that said producer was once given advice by Angi when she was originally moving to Chicago. She had been living in LA and was headed to Chicago for a fresh start and new work opportunity. The thing was, before she moved she had started dating this guy. Angi, in her infinite wisdom, suggested that she dump the guy. Maintaining a long distance relationship is hard and all the other typical selling points were expressed in order to deter this union from continuing. Taking this advice to an extent, the girl decided to play the field here and went on a few dates. However, as it is with love, she ended up finding her way back to this guy. So what did Angi discover on Facebook this weekend, the pair had gotten married. If she had listened to Angi's awful advice, this poor girl would probably be single and alone right now. This brought on the topic of discussion, have you ever been given terrible advice? If you have, did you take it or not and why? Abe was once given advice that was vaguely sound but it also meant he would not have ended up on the radio. The first guy he worked for was a drug addict, sexual harasser piece of trash and when Abe applied for the internship, he was told not to take it. In fact, the only reason Abe was even taken on was because he knew how to use Protools. Luckily for him, he bypassed the advice and is here with us now presenting an amazing morning show with a woman who gives bad advice and cheats death daily. Turning to the phones (which I'm not going to lie was a mistake imo,) we had two uhh interesting callers. Crystal discussed how she once worked at a gas station and started dating a guy everyone told her not to date. Turns out that they were right because her marrying him was a bigger mistake. This good advice perceived to be bad advice ended up being beneficial in that she was able to get out of that relationship and in turn, met her current boyfriend. To squash the point made by dream killer Abe, no it was not his brother. The pair now have a girl together even though Crystal wants a girl and a boy. Abe also dumped on that before we moved onto the second caller Tom. Tom went on vacation for a few weeks and it really went south. The bad advice he was given was to rely on security if you get into a fight, which turned out to be poor as Tom got on his knees and ended up taking a boot to the head. I'll be honest, I have no idea what these two were on about but I'm just here to report the notes. That said, my bad advice story was me usually giving it to people by saying "Of course, let's do it, I'll never tell anyone."

All the Rest:

Oh glorious weekend, how short and gone so fast you were. If you left the house this weekend, you noticed that the weather was hot, humid and an indication that summer was finally on its way. If you didn't leave the house, you probably noticed the same thing (especially if you live on the second floor.) As usual though when it comes to Chicago weather, the bi-polar nature of it will take hold when we go down to the 60's this upcoming weekend (just perfect for my birthday.) Speaking of the 60's, it hit that last night and for Abe, that was absolutely perfect weather. You know what's not glorious though, all those 80's songs that are basically lead singers creeping on young girls. For example, Foreigner's "Hot Blooded," which was dissected this morning and looked at for it's creep lyrics. Both our hosts came into an agreement that the whole thing is just nasty. Which brings me to the last point to round up the weekend talk. A nasty, gnarly accident almost took out Angi once again because she clearly has a death wish. It all started Friday afternoon after she picked up her daughter and they went to the botanical garden together. It should be noted that this trip would have probably killed Abe, due to the sheer boredom he'd experience being there. Even worse (if that's a thing,) there was no Audrey II monster plant for them to gawk at while there. As they discussed it, I assumed they were discussing the corpse flower because of the bloom time frame they gave it but that looks nothing like Audrey II so who knows what these two were on about. It wasn't the floral show that had it out for Angi. Instead it was her final destination ride on the expressway which merited a first for her. Driving along, she noticed what looked like a big dog running across it. Turns out it was a deer that was probably running from the hunter that shot it's mother. Not thinking its plan through, the deer jumped the median and after narrowly missing an SUV, just ended up getting demolished by the car next to it. Abe spent the extent of this awwing in sadness like he did when someone told him Stamos remarried. When the dust settled there were car parts everywhere but Angi couldn't be bothered to find out if the deer or the person made it. Abe just assumed that the deer was dead and that the person who hit it lived but as I said, Angi was in a hurry to get home to her wine so there was no chance to check. That said, she said it was an absolutely wild scene, as this is something she's seen before in other cities she lived in but never here.

So, as we all know, Angi watches a ton of TV. The thing is, you're not always going to love everything you watch and this is absolutely true of not only her but also Abe. So, as a topic for discussion, Angi was looking to find out the shows that people hate watch. For her, it's a combo ofStorage WarsandBelow Deckbecause even though she knows that they're absolutely fake, she still can't help but sit there and watch (I'm assuming it's because she's drunk on the couch.) For Abe, it'sMonday Night Raw, which is so boring he can barely stay awake while watching it. It's awful, it's boring and I can't help but agree with him on this completely. Angi kind of knows what he means and in a way, she regrets missing good WWE like the Attitude Era because she was out partying and doing drugs and dongs. Abe only sits through the snoozefest because he's been watching it since he was 3 and it makes sense to continue (something I totally get.) Enough of these two though, Angi wanted to hear from the roadies about what they can't help but hate watch. Roadie Jake can't help but watchThe Masked Singerand because he's lured in by all the stupid costumes. He sort of goes in and out of watching it but again, he just can't bring himself to stop. Angi had her own opinions on the show, mainly that the judges are stupid and that some of the celebrities on the show are shockingly good. Todd's go to hate watch wasMy Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. It's basically like trashy high school girls getting married, the thing is absolute trash. It should come as no shock then that Angi absolutely loves it. As for me, I have five (yes five) shows that I hate watch.The Simpsons,Family Guy,Monday Night Raw,Friday Night SmackdownandBlack-ishand it all boils down to I'm so many years invested as is, why stop now but the problem with each is they are all so goddamn boring or just too long in the tooth for their own good.

Finally, a little breaking news to cap off the morning. It seems that Abe might be close to losing his title of #1 Sports Reporter in Chicago. Roadie Eric called in to discuss the humongous gigantic huge massive thing that happened this weekend that Abe failed to mention. I know all of you heard about it so Abe actually missing it was crazy. That's right, I'm talking about the Chicago Steel, who won their second Clark Cup this past weekend. Take a moment to compose yourself and get all the rage out of your system at Abe making such a grievous error. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, according to the Google page Abe opened up, The Chicago Steel are a US hockey team based in Geneva. So not only did he not mention it but he had to look up this team thatEVERYONEhas literally heard of. It's no wonder the doors might be torn down this afternoon and the medal of honor ripped off Abe's neck. They also apparently won the Anderson Cup back to back as well. Abe, seeing the error of his way, offered a public apology to the Chicago Steel and in turn, felt he should also bring up the Chicago Dogs, which is some kind of baseball team or something. Either way, Angi was furious and she offered the sports reporter job on the show to Eric, who politely declined. Either way, I know that my opinion of Abe is now lower than it was five minutes before hearing this. He should be ashamed of himself.

Request Wars:

Current Champion: Cecelia

Challenger Song Choice: "Nightrain"

Champion Song Choice: "Bad Company"

Observation: This was awful, God. Weak smack talk, I mean I hate Five Finger Dork Punch so I shouldn't comment on any of this. I don't care who wins.

Winner: Danielle

The 8:30 Call Out:

Abe called out Pat Capone because his Vinyl Vault is awesome.

Jeremy called out his friend's 3 kids because he was almost responsible for them not existing.

Jim called out his wife's friend for peeing on their couch.

Head Roadie April called out her soon to be ex husband for not contributing on anything and an offer on the house so he won't owe her anything.

10 o' Clock Toast:

Every NFL Wide Receiver. Vice is doing Dark Side of Football and the latest episode was all about wide receiver showboating and dancing.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Quote: "Was it 10 bottles (of wine?) That would last a day and a half for you (Angi?)" - Abe

Quote: "I thought gypsies were poor, aren't they like carnie folk?" - Abe

Quote: "Do nurses keep back up pants for girls?" - Abe

Quote: "I can't dunk cause I have flat feet." - Abe

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