Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 4-15-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

If you're a regular listener or had tuned in the other day, you would have heard the story about the woman who didn't realize until she was 25 that she had two vaginas. Literally this dummy had no idea that there were too many holes until she was going into labor. The biggest question Angi had right off the bat was how did the doctor (or any doctor for that matter) not notice that there was too much opening down below. The confusion had Angi absolutely shook and confused and to be honest, I'd have to agree. Abe explained it in his own special way, explaining like going to a mechanic and finding out you have two engines. Seriously though, had she never been to a gynecologist, something about this whole thing is just too messy. That said, the topic of discussion became weird body quirks that you may have. What's meant here is things you are born with or things you might have had happen to you. For example, Angi has that limp, gimp, disgusting t-rex arm that hangs lazily but also adds an extra dimension to her OnlyFans videos. As for Abe, well he has flat feet. Yeah, flat feet, that's his flaw. Luckily for him, outside of the fact that he's too old he won't get drafted at least because of those awful feet of his. The thing is though, as a kid, Abe was shamed for having flat feet. The neighborhood kids took his shoes off, threw him on the ground, laughed at him and beat him with sticks. Even his brother would get in on it, discussing how he had such beautiful arches. Then we went off on an Abeism, where he started discussing wooden eyes and teeth, like we live in the middle ages or something. This was in response to discussion of people being different because of an accident. For example, Abe once worked with a guy who was missing all his fingers outside of the middle one (they were lost in an accident.) The talk then turned to a discussion of former mayor Rahm Emanuel and how he cut off the tip of his finger working at an Arby's as a teen. Hell, even Angi has a cousin who lost two toes when a a palette fell on his foot while at work. Finally turning to the phones, roadie Roxxy has a fully functional 6th toe on her left foot. Even though she doesn't seem to mind it, Abe suggested that she rip it off with a pair of pliers. The only real annoyance that comes from having an extra appendage is they charge her for it when she gets pedicures. Roadie Chad called to talk about a bullet he has lodged in his arm. Since he had crappy insurance when he was shot, he just never had it removed. For his bonus, in the winter time his fingers tingle because of the bullet. For my contribution, I grew up with a guy who only has one nipple because there's a birth mark where the other one should be. It's about as weird as it sounds.

All the Rest:

Here's an interesting question that also became a talking point, have you ever moved into a house and found something weird? Like some people have discovered the walls filled with money and such, because they don't trust banks. The funny thing here is that Abe actually knows a ton of people who do this. Not even one or two, a literal ton. There's one person in particular that happens to have money stashed inside the walls, the floors, probably hidden inside of a double bag inside of a toilet tank. This came up because over on Reddit, inlaws had torn up some old carpet to discover a huge Monopoly board underneath it. Apparently, this was a huge trend in the 1950's where people were all putting these giant game boards on the floor. Of course, they might now have been doing it to play games but instead, it was an actual game board used to play a real life version ofSaw. So Angi was curious and wanted to know, had any of the listeners found anything weird hidden in their house. For Abe, he discovered that when he moved into the ivory tower, the previous owner had a dog that had pissed all over the hardwood floors. He roughly had to pay like 7x over to make up for these destroyed floors, so he did find a surprise if you look at it that way. Roadie Erin found $7,000 all over her grandmother's house when she died. There was money in the floors, in coat pockets, in the freezer. This prompted Abe to inquire where Angi hides her money in her house (obviously to rob her.) Unfortunately for Abe, she doesn't have one (mainly because she spends all her money buying scratchies and wine every day.) Abe wondered maybe if there was a hollowed out bible in the house but that would be an even worse hiding spot because if you see a bible at Angi's, something about that is wrong and you should investigate it.

Another question came forth (there were plenty today) and this one had to do with reoccurring dreams. If any of the roadies or Abe suffered from them (or enjoyed them,) she wanted to hear about it. Angi discussed her recurring dream about teeth falling out which is deeply rooted in feelings of losing confidence. As for Abe, he dreams of driving on the off ramp and he ends up flying off of it. Angi was able to discern that the driving dream is all about losing control in some way, which for someone like me sounds terrible (it's why I hate doing mind altering drugs.) Abe also tends to dream about being in college and then he somehow misses the whole semester and when he arrives, he needs to take the final exam for this class he never went to. Drummer Chris called in to discuss that he dreams a lot about going to school with no pants on. Angi's wisdom book gave forth an answer about him being exposed or feeling exposed. For me, my most recent recurring dream involves me somehow falling asleep during the show or not waking up in time and suddenly it's 9:30 A.M. or so and I need to call in and I have no notes to work off of.

Finally, let's talk about selfies but not the ones you would expect. For reasons that make complete sense and can't have the logic poked into, 98% of people prefer to receive ass shots over face pics (you don't say.) Abe didn't understand why a woman would want a pic of a guy's ass over his face. Why would you want a picture of a face? was a question Abe couldn't help but wonder. Of course, Abe brought up an idea of Elon Musk sending Jay the Straight to Mars and the rocket explodes. With him dead and gone, would Angi want a picture of the ass or the face. She wants your face first, then your ass. Actually, Angi does not want your d pics or pics of your balls. She revealed that girls will show d pics to each other to laugh about, Abe broke the bro code to discuss how guys show nudes of girls they get sent to their friends. I should probably add on to Angi's that we gays love to look at d pics that are sent. Abe told a story then about how a guy he worked with once showed him a video of his wife going down on him. Angi assumed he was seeking Abe for like a threesome, Abe just was uncomfortable from the whole thing over all. Angi thinks guys would rather have boob and vjay pics as opposed to butt pics. A girl who was staying over at her house was telling her that she sends her boyfriend V pics all the time and not just regular shots, no, this one is literally parting the beef seas in her pics. Lord, I need church or something after this discussion, Christ.

Request Wars:

Current Champion: Monique

Challenger Song Choice: "Lonely Is the Night"

Champion Song Choice: "Misty Mountain Hop"

Observation: Imo Jeff kind of had the edge here in the smack talk and he also introduced the concept of male blow up dolls which I didn't know existed until I Googled it (and in turn, found a birthday gift for Abe.)

Winner: Jeff

The 8:30 Call Out (Special Angi and Abe Edition):

James called out Angi and Abe for the music choices (please note, they have no control over this.)

Jay the Gay called out Angi and Abe for being degenerate gamblers. I also called out Abe for having ADHD.

April called out Abe for his bad phone screening during contests.

Bass called out Abe for not wanting to know his secret crackhead brother but if it was Stamos, a WWE guy or a UFC guy, he'd be all over it.

Angi called out Abe for not putting her on The Slob Show podcast.

Fred called out Angi for a bad haircut she had.

10 o' Clock Toast:

Carlos Rodón. For pitching a no hitter and almost a perfect game.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Quote: "They all had fake ones (boobs,) what kind of crew are you with?" - Abe

Quote: "You're (Abe) so hung up on thinking I bang dudes behind dumpsters all the time." - Angi

Quote: "Do they have inflatable dudes? I know they have inflatable women." - Angi

Duo Quote:

"You can't have sex with an air dong (on a blow up doll.)" - Angi

"Can't you just glue a cucumber to it?" - Abe

Quote: "Every other morning show hates you, they want to infect you (with covid.)" - Abe

Quote: "What kind of a guy do you think gives sperm?" - Abe

Quote: "Fellas, no guy is interested in seeing you have stuff done to your junk." - Abe

Quote: "Anytime you lose me, just bring up Stamos and I'll be right back." - Abe


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