Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 2-10-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Points:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Rev up that shade train guys because it needs to make a quick stop outside ofWindy City Livetoday. Yesterday, after glamming up for an hour-long appearance on the show, Angi was preempted by the government for the second time in so many weeks. Unfortunate for her, a good chance for me to enrage her this morning for me. That said, the reschedule for the episode is apparently Feb 25th, so make sure you tune in when(if) it finally airs.

So let's start with a fantastically interesting topic, is there something that you have done for money that you are ashamed of? This was brought on by the topic of the day, the Super Bowl streaker who may or may have not won $375,000 betting on himself streaking at the game. Abe kicked the ball rolling (and yet didn't offer up any story of his own) by saying he would don that pink onesie and run outside downtown for $375,000. Our beloved Mrs. Taylor, on the other hand, offered up a story of a past job. She worked at a bait shop in Minnesota, she was as she called it "a bait hoe." She would basically shovel worms and such in a skimpy outfit, since fishing is so big there. Honestly, I'm surprised Abe didn't attempt to turn this into one of his business ventures after hearing it. Turning to the roadies, we found out that Brian was once a stripper at a gay club. This was a great job by the way that netted him a ton of cash. The thing is though, Brian did dip his toe into the gay for pay pond. He would allow the customers to give him mouth hugs in the champagne room and let's be realistic, if you need the cash and you're not doing it, you'd probably go along with it too. Roadie Brody was a drug dealer, shelling out weed and shrooms. As for roadie Brian, he was dared to put in an application to the showNaked and Afraid.Surprisingly, he was cast and ended up on the show. Abe was more curious about the size of his black box (sus!) and Angi wondered if the black boxes were different sizes depending on the actual junk size (they are.)

Angi brought up another interesting topic that led to a breakdown and twist around into absolute madness that can only be found on this show. It began innocently enough with a discussion on game shows that Abe would want to be on. He statedDouble Darebut notFamily Double Dare. Angi always wanted to doFamily Feud. After this, the breakdown began to occur. Angi got distracted by one of the TV's in the studio, which was playingPrice Is Right. She explained that she's bothered by Drew Carey's weight loss. Abe offered upDeal or No Dealfor Angi as a next game that she should do. She explained that she can't stand Howie Mandel and that she's a gambling idiot. If she was to bring Abe and Jay the Straight with her, they both would take her down the gambling hole. Somehow it further broke down after this as Abe began to explain how Melania Trump was once a sex worker and it was crazy how she went from sex worker to First Lady. Kind of how Megan Markhle went from briefcase girl onDeal or No Dealto princess. The next turn tossed us forward into sex trafficking and Abe assuming that the roadies have bought women. Not picked up hookers, no he meant like they actually went overseas and picked up a woman for their needs. Somehow the end of this tripped further down the insanity hole which found Abe discussing skin tags and moles and how he imagines people have squirrels bite them off. Yeah, there's just, I don't know sometimes, just go with it.

Finally, the list of 2021 Hall of Fame Nominees was announced this morning. Among the acts that are played on the station that are nominated include Foo Fighters, Iron Maiden and Rage Against the Machine. Abe was literally absolutely shocked about the fact that Iron Maiden was not only not in but nominated for the very first time this year. According to him, they are the greatest metal band of all time. Angi suggested that listeners call in and fight Abe about it. I should probably add that Abe was also shocked that Tina Turner is not in (on her own that is.) Roadie Metalhead Mark called in to say that in his opinion, the best metal band of all time is Black Sabbath. Tony called in to say that no, it was definitely Maiden who were the best. He then went on to dump all over Black Sabbath for lasting for only 5 years. Mark relented and agreed but also said that Sabbath inspired Maiden. This was like a second bad round of Request Wars this morning. Roadie Adrian called in and said Metallica was the best rock band to which Abe added, still not better than Maiden. This discussion has continued on social media so you should drop on there if you want to chime in with your thoughts.

Request Wars:

Current Champion: Greg (2x)

Challenger Song Choice: "Overkill"

Champion Song Choice: "Stranglehold"

Observation: Well, that was umm very sexual. Ted Nugent, who apparently was who Brett was fighting in Request Wars, got dragged for being a garbage person and Greg said Brett has small junk and a non existent woman who was going to be stolen from him. Point to Brett for calling out Nugent but this talk was trash.

Winner: Brett

Other Topics:

Since there's nothing interesting going on the world, North West was trending on Twitter the other day. The 7 year old created a work of art that took the internet by storm. Inspired (see desperate for attention,) Kim Kardashian posted it and the response was mixed. Since the painting literally looked like something Bob Ross would make, most couldn't believe that it was real. More so, that the painting was actually done by said 7 year old kid. Kim got offended and she got all butt hurt. The root point of this discussion was about criticism and being able to take it. They basically said to not post your kid online at all and if criticism comes your way, you best be able to take it. Being on radio, Abe and Angi basically spend all day getting it and taking it. They explained that Kim is finally starting to realize that people are tired of her fat ass and she's now going down the kid exploitation line to create some kind of story. If you want to know how I would describe it, I think it's best summed up as this. If you open up a window, you best expect that debris will end up flying in.

Lastly, some new Drunk Ninja news! Another non Florida case this time, instead we head on to Oregon. Jeff Kanan, who is probably Abe's cousin and will be looking for bail soon, got wasted. On Saturday, he was driving 90 miles an hour and went past a cop. He was in a Volkswagon Jetta that had a bumper sticker on it that said "I'm not drunk, I'm avoiding potholes." Well, unfortunately this time, he was drunk and the car drifted back 25 feet. It crashed into the cop car and once cracked open, revealed a bunch of illegal things. There was an open can of Busch Light, an unregistered gun, more beer cans lying inside and of course cocaine. He was also 3x the legal drinking limit for driving. Oh Mr. Kanan, we definitely salute you today and Abe, make sure you don't answer any calls from Oregon.

10 o' Clock Toast:

The Super Bowl Streaker. It was genius and it inspired a whole discussion about things people do for money.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Quote: "We sit here all day and talk smack about everyone." - Abe

Quote: "Melania basically went from sex worker to First Lady" - Abe

Quote: "I bet a lot of our listeners have bought women." - Abe

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