Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 2-2-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Points:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

What can be worse than it being Tuesday, which is already a spoon of peanut butter you dropped in kitty litter and are forced to lick? Oh right, it's also made up stupid holiday Tuesday, where we are told that the weather is predicted by a animals ability to see its shadow. Ugh whatever, let's get into it.

Let's start by asking an important question, should the day after the Superbowl be a national holiday? Angi mentioned this because a poll was put forth to people and 50% said that they take the day after the Super Bowl off and on top of that, 40% said it should be a holiday. For Angi and Abe, this would be ideal but they do have a back up plan just in case. The Big Boss (as he is commonly referred to on the show) would always give the next day off when the New England Patriots would win the Superbowl. The assumption is that if the Tampa Bay Buccaneers win this year, they will get off this year as well too. Other brought up points were that perhaps the game should be moved to a Saturday to give a proper Sunday of rest. Furthermore, why not push it back a few weeks so the following day is President's Day and everyone is off anyone. What do you think roadies, should this be a thing or not? Either way, Abe and Angi both intend to watch the Super Bowl with their shirts off.

Moving on, speaking of things you wish you could have, let's start considering weddings. If you were able to have anyone play it, be it a singer or a band, dead or alive, who would you choose? Abe would pick Guns N' Roses obviously, though I'm sure Danzig is a close second. Abe then made a proclamation that will be catalogued today and brought up whenever we feel the need to yell at him. He said that if Guns N' Roses would play his wedding, he would propose to Cathy. Angi nearly lost her mind at the thought and wants to make sure none of us forget this day. That said, her choice would have been Prince. Anyway, Angi wants to try to make this happen so when the studio finally opens up, she would love to have Guns N' Roses in to discuss the idea with them. I can see it now, Abe and his best man Drew McIntyre, who he ends up running away with and leaving poor Cathy stranded at the altar when Axl cancels last minute.

Finally, in today's round of Roadie Roundtable, boy was there a real gemstone. Roadie Steve, who is clearly husband of the year material, has an unnamed wife who wants to take a solo vacation and he's irritated by the idea. This is not something that has ever happened before and he doesn't understand why she should be doing it. In fact, he feels like she should be home and taking care of the kids. See, as I said, he's a real treasure. Even if it's her going alone, Angi said she probably just needs the break. Steve went on to say that he himself has never done it and he feels the whole thing is shady, he just doesn't understand her rationale. Hmm, I can't imagine why she'd want to get away from this possessive creep. So the question for the audience is this, should she go or should she just stay home and watch the kids? Roadie ? called in to say to let her go and when she gets back, serve her divorce papers. Abe didn't help the matter by reminding Steve the station is giving away a divorce for Valentine's Day. Rob chimed in to say that women are scheming. Roadie Kristen called and said she should go, which prompted Steve to attack her. Jade said that there's a lot of gray area here but she would love to get away for a few days so it made sense to her. The final thought came from Angi who said Steve should investigate the trip and go easy on her, just let her have a little get away.

Request Wars:

Current Champion: Mario (4x)

Challenger Song Choice: "Awake"

Champion Song Choice: "Between Angels & Insects"

For the most part, garbage song choices but the smack talk was hot and juicy. Mario is holding his crown nicely, I can't imagine why he wouldn't become the king today.

Winner: Mario

Other Topics:

As I brought up earlier, it's stupid rodent day. Then again, since we've been in lockdown, almost every day has felt like Groundhogs Day. Something about all of this riled Angi up something fierce and so she began a diatribe about it. She doesn't get Groundhog's Day, she doesn't see the point of it. All these losers dressed up and celebrating this stupid rat. The reason this was created is because there's nothing to do in Punxsutawney so they came up with this garbage. It should be noted that Angi did use the actual term rat in reference to the groundhog which absolutely enraged Abe. No matter what happens, we're getting 6 weeks of winter anyway so Groundhog's Day is just stupid. I should add that I agree with this completely and have waited for years for someone to point this out. Before closing out the topic, roadie Rob called in to say that he's been kicked out and banned from Punxsutawney because he threatened to eat a stuffed groundhog. This was nothing new for him though as he's one of our redneck listeners (his words) and has eaten groundhog before.

So, is there something that keeps you up late at night? For most people, it is next day anxiety and this was a topic Abe could relate to. He says he gets anxiety when he has to do anything at all. Funnily enough, I know this all too well and have seen him actually do and act on it. From faking trips to Vegas to coming up with absurd reasons just to get out of anything. In the years I've known him, any time there is something he needs to do, you can't tell him til the very last second or he will try to weasel out of it. There were other things on this keep you up list but this to me was a segment that needed to be dedicated to Abe.

Lastly, how is your significant other listed in your phone? Clearly I took this too far in my call in when I opened with what I call Angi and Abe in my phone contacts. When pressed, Abe explained that his girlfriend Cathy is just that in his phone, nothing special at all. This all came about when a guy on Twitter made a point of how he has his wife listed by her full government name in his phone. Other Twitter examples included Okay Cupid Guy Number 3 to husband eventually. Paul Pain and his wife, Eve Pain Management. Another has a pic of her husband's full name and an accidental photo he took. Then the pendulum swung to Angi, who told a story about how she used to have Jay the Straight listed as Hubby w/ heart emoji's by his name. The problem of course came when she would forward his number and people would see him listed as that. She then changed it to his normal full name, which I'm assuming is Jason the Straightest. Luckily for Angi, she doesn't need to really look up the contact info because she knows his number offhand. However, she doesn't know her daughter's number, which is probably bad. As for Jay the Straight, Angi is listed as Do Not Answer or Drunk Bitch in his phone (same in mine now.) Abe is listed as Shirtless Mayo Freak in Angi's phone, which I love. Head Roadie Ferrari had one of his 3 wives listed as The Replacement. Apparently that is done now and he's looking for number 4. A little bit later, love might have been in the air as a listener called in looking to maybe go out with Ferrari. If anything comes of this, I'll point it out in a later down the line notes.

10 o' Clock Toast:

"Living on a Prayer." It almost didn't happen because Richie Sambora called Jon Bon Jovi an idiot for not liking the song off the bat and not feeling it.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Quote: "We live in Chicago, no matter what that rat says, there's going to be 6 more weeks of winter." - Angi

Quote: "I would take off for Harvey Weinstein Day." - Abe

Quote: "Anyone that beats women, I'm cutting you off." - Abe

Quote: "You have a thing for shirtless dudes in the desert, that's the second mention of the day." - Angi

Head Roadie: Patrick, Head Roadie of Schaumburg

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