Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 11-24-2020

Call in Points:

(As always, these are intended talking points, things tend to go off the rails so you may not get all of these.)

It's snowing, that's all I have to really say this morning right to discuss what is happening this morning. Shut it down, let's come back together in the springtime. Since I'm here though, I guess I could share the rest of these notes.

So, do you remember the small junk website that catered to, uh, men with small junk (yeah, there was no way to make that witty.) Well, the creator is back and tackling his next taboo subject: baldness. Now, I'm going to be inclusive here and say the site is for bald men and women I'd think and those who love a nice shiny head. Of course, the conversation steered back to the small junk website, in which Abe wondered how many women actually signed up for it. Angi, in her infinite amazingness, taught a term to the listeners. Hatfishing: A guy who wears hats in all of his dating profile pictures to hide the fact that surprise, he's bald. Angi then questioned whether or not Abe would use a mayo dating site. Of course his answer was no but not why you'd assume. It's because eating an entire gallon of mayo is his thing. He also wouldn't want to date a wrestling enthusiast for the same reason. Actually the real reason is because he secretly finds all his habits absolutely repulsive and he doesn't want his girl to be into that stuff.

Angi explained that phobias might actually be passed on from adults to their children. For example, Abe's mom is allergic to bees so as a kid, he would tell people he was allergic to bees as well. Because of this, Abe has an irrational fear of bees, which is crazy because Angi shares the same fear. She's especially afraid of those "furry green bumble bees." As an added example, Angi's nieces and nephews are afraid of dogs because her sister is afraid of them and has passed it on by proxy. This mainly has to do with them having no pets growing up, she assumes. There are two overall takeaways that you should be getting from this point. The first is that parents can and do pass their phobias on to kids so just don't do it. Also, Abe is a little bitch around bees. This story really took me back, since I'm terrified of heights I just assume it's because my dad once hung me over a balcony to show me off to a crowd...wait a sec, that was someone else, nevermind.

Finally, tomorrow is Black Wednesday. Well, it should have been Black Wednesday but there are no bars open, no one should be coming in town and of course, there's a deadly virus raving our country. So how about a new holiday tradition, Green Wednesday. That's right, forget going out with your friends and stay home and get baked instead. Abe of course was inspired to come up with a life hack for the listeners. Getting medical marijuana is better because they get the first batch and you're always getting the better stuff this way. So, as I tend to say, stay in, stay distanced and shop local tomorrow. If you do go out, please wear a mask.

Other Topics:

Angi the Emasculator came out to play as she made poor Jay the Straight feel silly for crying. He was sad because he's a Bengal's fan and yeah well, we know how that's going. There's not really much else to unpack here other than Angi is a typical woman and a monster. Poor Jay the Straight, every time he gets brought up it's always something bad.

So, the Field of Dreams game has been decided upon and it turns out Angi and Abe's beloved White Sox will be part of it. That's right, over in Iowa that apparently doesn't have broadcast capabilities, there might just be an Angi and Abe broadcast. After all, they need to escape from town at some point and what better way to celebrate that then by seeing a once in a lifetime event. Something tells me this will end up being like Abe's visit to the Robocop statue in Detroit.

In Drunk Ninja news, a new ninja named Daniel was initiated into the ninja clan. Living in France, where lockdown is continuing because you know, smart thing to do, in order to go out paperwork needs to be filed. So Daniel wanted an exemption to leave the house, so he could go smash a guys face in. That's right, an unsolved mystery exists in why he wants to smash a dude's face in but he definitely went for it. The cops found him drunk and hiding behind a car, waiting for his victim. He, of course, was his with several violations.

Lastly, today's edition of Anonymous Confession opted out of disguising himself. His name is Tom and he's the black sheep of his family, so maybe he didn't need to after all. Tom has an identical twin brother who he looks exactly like outside of a tattoo that Tom has. So, what's the confession, well it's a doozy. Tom apparently hooked up with his brother's wife, who mistook him for his brother. He also went on to proclaim that he's probably better in bed than his brother and he's unsure of if his brother ever found out because they don't talk. I'm going to be honest, this whole thing is shady, icky and probably a crime so let's mention Tom got a ham but let's never discuss this again.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Tidbit: Abe's Life Hacks: If you smoke weed, don't go to a regular pot store, get a medical marijuana card.

Quote: "Any quack doctor will give you a medical marijuana card." - Abe

Quote: "Do they even have broadcast capabilities in Iowa?" - Angi

Quote: "Bald dating, is that for girls who like it trimmed down there?" - Abe

Quote: "If you're sitting in California, just stay there." - Abe

Quote: "I drink alot but I don't want to date an alcoholic, ewww." - Angi

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