Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 11-11-2020

This morning, I awoke to an alert on my phone. Much like the bat symbol, my phone flashed a Rock 95.5 alert saying I may be needed as a crisis had arisen. As you may or may not know, there is a standing order for me to take over as the second half of the show in case either Angi or Abe dies. In this case, it was beloved Angi who almost died in an elevator shaft early in the A.M. For a harrowing 20 minutes, Angi was stuck in an elevator and if it wasn't for the quick heroics of Abe, she would still be there right now. So, unfortunately the Abe and Jay show was a no go but at least everyone came out of the situation unharmed. Now, one would assume that this is a sign, like take the stairs or get a job that puts you on the first floor.

As we all continue packing on past the Covid 10 (the 10 pounds people were gaining on average during quarantine,) a question was posed. What is your comfort food, the one thing that makes you feel good and brings you to that place where covid isn't a thing and happiness exists. For Abe, it's 2 Whoppers or as he first decided burgers and subs in general. For Angi, it's pasta, especially from an amazing restaurant that was soon fogged over by not knowing exactly where it was located. What about states though, what are some of the biggies when it comes to certain states. Illinois, for example, loves deep dish pizza as its comfort food. This, of course, is an absolute lie as we all know you never eat it unless you have someone in from out of town. California loves themselves some fish tacos. Maine is head over heels for lobster rolls. New Jersey aka The Human Trash Port, loves themselves some pork roll sandwiches. Btw, my comfort food, Captain Morgan obviously.

Konrad, a roadie for many many many years, finally called in all the way from Canada to accept his Head Roadie of Canada position. Should out to Hayden who is running all of Australia, he's busy fending off kangaroos from invading us, how amazing is that. Are you from another country, can you possibly have enough responsibility to run that entire country. Well, call in, show us the work you have been doing and you may join Hayden and Konrad in running entire countries!

Other Topics:

Now, this is something you might not consider but what do you think the word of the year is? Covid, quarantine? I'm sure kangaroos are the one thing Abe searched for the most this year but does not make the list. No, the word of the year is lockdown, that wonderful thing that continues to occur as covid cases spiral out of control and show no signs of slowing down. 2020, the year of Lockdown, does have a certain ring to it though so at least that's something you can use to impress people today. I, for one, love useless knowledge and tidbits.

What a better way to celebrate Veteran's Day than with a ham. That's right, today's ham give away was preceded by a game of "Guess If This Celebrity Was in The Military." During the game, which seemed too easy for its own good, we essentially learned that plenty of actors had been in the military. You know who wasn't, Derek Jeter! Also, congrats to Head Roadie Sandy on her ham win.

I know I've mentioned Head Roadies alot today in the notes but that's because there is something important to discuss. Did you know that Head Roadies have their own tab on the Rock 95.5 website. That's right, if you become a head roadie, you'll get your own little space with a personal photo and the like that will showcase your awesomeness to the world. As we've said before, if you wanna become a head roadie, you need to do the work. Tell 3 friends and then some, promote the show, tune all your dial presets to 95.5 and call in and showcase to Angi and Abe why you deserve to be the next head roadie of The Angi Taylor Show.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Angi is allergic to live Christmas trees.

"Jay the Straight has probably got weak sperm right because he hasn't gotten you pregnant?" 

"No, I just have really good birth control." - Angi

"I've never seen Phil Collen with a shirt on" - Angi 

"and he's always glistening" - Abe

"Nine Inch Nick has the mobility of a washed up whale." - Abe

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