ATS - We Mourn the Passing of Triple Dong Darrell 10.17.2024

Photo: GH01 / E+ / Getty Images

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Opening Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Well, the weekend is almost here and that is a cause for celebration but it turns out that we are not allowed nice moments on this show. That's right, in keeping with the theme of the season with spooky and creepy, there were plenty of death and deathcentric avenues ventured down this morning. For example, when a celebrity dies, people tend to rush to put out statements about said celebrity to showcase how much the world will miss their talent. I know this feels like I'm leading us down a road to talk about the truly sad loss of One Direction member Liam Payne yesterday but we play rock music on this station so clearly this was just a misdirect. That said, RIP to him and condolences to his family and young son. However, Angi wanted us to pour out our coffee, tea, water, rum and boxed wine for another celebrity this morning. That's right, one of her boyfrann's has ascended to that great gig in the sky and she was devastated (for about 10 seconds until she read the article further and realized that she probably didn't love him after all.) A 78 year old who recently passed has the second ever recorded case of triphallia aka he had three dongs. Obviously, Angi existing in a world where this man is no longer here, even though she barely learned of him, is clearly going to be hard (zing.) Funny enough, Triple Dong Darrell also probably didn't realize he existed because it wasn't discovered that he was hanging tripod until his autopsy was done. In a dampening of Angi's expectations of seeing a human cow in the wild, only one of the penises were external and the other two were internal. Instead of being able to impress women by mounting himself up like a bar stool in front of girls, he looked like any other average joe. The other thing though about having too many co...not going to catch me slipping up there was that the extra appendages probably caused him to catch STI's easier and have erectile dysfunction (BlueChew would have killed to sponsor this guy.) After finding out that none of the dongs would have worked as intended, Angi suddenly found herself tossing aside her mourning veil and ready to go out and find love again. Perhaps there is a nice Double Dong Dennis out there for her but even that is rare with only 100 reported cases of it in history. Angi checked to see (HR!) if anyone in the studio had anything extra but aside from Marris' extra knee bones (which he had removed and in turn, upset Angi over the loss of an extra bone ... zing,) there is no one special in our studio crew.

Call in Main Point:

While the prior topic covered actual death, our Daily Discussion Topic considered a more proverbial death. A hill to die on "aka a stance that will be controversial yet you don't care and will defend it to your bitter end" was what we explored next on morbid Thursday. Obviously, we opened these with examples and there was definitely heated input from the crew as we moved through them. "Nickelback is a great band!" to which Marris completely agreed. "Grease 2 is better than Grease!" Angi said it sucks, Marris has never seen it and Mike has never seen either of them. It should be added that Marris has only seen Grease in pieces and Mike doesn't like movies "where they sing" (musicals Mike, you heathen) but Angi can agree with that because she doesn't either. "Texting is for one sentence messages!" Angi agrees but then there is the issue of a multi text to get a point across. Mike loves to do the multi-one line text (of course he does.) "It's caramel not caramel!" You have a tomato/tomato or roof/roof situation with this one honestly. "Dogs belong on furniture and beds!" Marris said no but Marris also hates dogs so take his opinion as that. Angi used to agree but she doesn't like hair on her bed and dogs are a heat engine when sleeping plus they move around so that's a no from her. "Don't use your speaker on public transit!" There was a hard agree around the room for this one. "Don't blow your nose in public!" Angi agrees because she is disgusted hearing snot leave your nasal cavity. She also knew someone who would spit in napkins and leave them everywhere (sometimes I wonder how I eat after writing these notes.) Right, with the examples freed, we go to the room starting with Angi who said "Ketchup does not belong on a hot dog!" Jay the Straight disagrees with her (so do I) and Marris said it is situational at best. Speaking of Marris, his hot take is "the steroid era of baseball belongs in the record books!" As for Mike, "the long sock trend is stupid!" belongs on his hate page right next to his beloved ankle socks. Again, Jay the Straight was shamed here but this time by Gen Z who saw them in ankle socks and made fun of him. Mike also does not go for baggy pants. Right, we've heard their takes so onto the Request Line we go starting with Ryan who said "flip flops should only be worn at the pool, spa or jacuzzi!" He is not having it with people getting their grippers out at the grocery store. One who disagrees with this stance is Mike, who loves flip flops and wears them everywhere. Ricky said "toilet paper over the top!" is the way and I don't think anyone could possibly disagree with this. Caleb said "the Aragon movie is not as bad as people think it is!" Tony brought a heavy hitter with "the moon landing was faked!" He offered that there are too many inconsistencies with the shadow, the flag and the cameras. Lou agreed with Marris that "the baseball steroid era should count!" Angi agreed that everyone was probably using and these were just the guys who ended up getting caught. In fact, we should probably just have the steroid Olympics and enjoy insane feats that are juiced up. Kristi thinks "Die Hard is not a Christmas movie!" and Angi agrees with her even if Kristi's husband and tons of others think she is wrong. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

Back to the morbid we return though for a story on a Kansas woman who died for 11 minutes and came back to life. Like every story teller ever with an agenda to push, she has a message for all of us (hold on while I roll my atheist eyes.) Actually, come to think of it, this could be a hill to die on "Heaven and Hell are real!" That's right, the place beyond the clouds and the place under the world actually exist and we are crazy for thinking otherwise. In her clinically dead 11 minute journey, the woman was apparently led to Heaven by angels and there she saw passed relatives and was surrounded by beauty and a feeling of peace. She saw her mother, father and of course, that bright light. Apparently, she also met God who showed her the edge of Hell as part of the grand tour. Down below there was a smell of rotting flesh and horrifying screams. She was told that if people don't change their ways, this is where they will end up residing. So there you have it folks, Heaven is real and so is Hell. To add to this, Marris said when his dad was sick, he saw something and felt something that ended up scaring him silly. Mike's great grandmother once fell and technically died but was told "it's not your time yet, come back." She said she had a calm, warm feeling and she also said something about Hell as well. Angi decreed that when she's dead, she wants to be her hot 25 year old self in Hell where she will definitely have a VIP spot.

Finally, technology is amazing and makes life easier, makes us more productive and sometimes can be the bane of our existence. However, average people tend to lose 3 days a month to overconsumption which equates to 2 hours a day or 36 days a year overconsuming (as in just indulging too much past a limit) in social media, streaming and video games. This kind of behavior can and does lead to guilt but not everyone feels that way (like Marris or myself.) It is worse for Gen Z though who lose 5 days a month or 6 hours a day for 60 days a year to over consumption. We are going to narrow it down to just phones here for the sake but as we said streaming shows, being on the computer and video games also factor in. Gen Alpha tends to lose 7 hours a day or 100 days a year just wasted on a screen. Angi suggested that these kids get a hobby and Mike said they should go outside but double edged sword Angi, video games are a hobby (as she knows.) To add to the shaming, we added in our own phone screen time. Angi is 4 hours a day which cuts into 60 days a year for her. She does use her phone for sleeping though if it counts. As for her most used apps, it's Toon Blast, Instagram and Texting. Marris said his is 5 hours a day or 76 days lost. Mike's is 7 hours and he loses 106 days a year on his phone. Angi then challenged the roadies to look at their phone screen time (to make herself look better) and then maybe go outside for a little bit. I won't be posting mine by the way because it's bad and I'm embarrassed and I'm going to go watch Youtube after I finish these notes.

Request Wars 4.0

Theme: Best Songs to Air Drum

Current Champion: Mike (1x)

Marris' Song Choice: "Hot for Teacher" by Van Halen

Mike's Song Choice: "Tom Sawyer" by RUSH

Winner: Marris

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: Chicago Blackhawks

Tonight is the home opener and Mike is going to the game. This probably has more to do with the hockey stick shaped beer being sold as he is on a quest to collect all the non illegal weapons he can (allegedly.) Also, we learned Angi has never been to a Hawks game but that's because she doesn't care about hockey (and is probably afraid she'd be beaten to death with said beer stick.)

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"It aint no fun unless the home girl can have all 3 of them (dongs.)" - Angi

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