ATS - Don't Read These Notes While Eating 10.15.2024

Photo: Elizabeth Aldridge / Moment / Getty Images

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Opening Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

We return from a weekend (extended by a holiday) refreshed and ready to go and right out the gate, it seems like Angi is in trouble. Well, she isn't yet but if an incredibly silly lawsuit from the UK somehow becomes a thing that people decide to use for "funsies," she might be steeped in it. See, we know all about harassment on this show and HR has a file on Angi harassing Marris longer than most Stephen King books but this new lawsuit is an absolute game changer that hits home for her (literally.) A man is suing his former employer for sexual harassment because he was called bald. This guy Tony said that his boss called him a "stupid bald Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talent." Seeing, as Angi pointed out, that "stupid" and "see you next tuesday" is much more offensive than bald, bald was his sticking point. Even though the context doesn't seem to fit the criteria but since he was fired after it happened, he's riding that wave. His contention in the matter is that baldness is more common in men and this is crossing a line in the same regard as remarking on the size of women's breasts. Mike tried to logic it out by pointing out that a bald head and boobs are essentially the same shape but it was added that there are no nipples on the head. If this is to go through, Tony will receive compensation after 5 years of not working at the place (insanity.) Obviously this is silly and bordering on utter nonsense but as someone who is attached at the hip with a baldie, Angi commented on things. Angi offered that her husband is bald and that she loves her baldie so assuming using the word "bald" is sexual harassment is basically stupid. After all, she loves him and he is an absolute stud (can agree, Jay the Straight is a hottie) but of course, she added that young Angi would have never imagined marrying a bald guy (crazy what maturity does.) Marris added that Angi's statement about the shock could be considered harassment so we just moved into general harassment. Mike offered that he has been sexually harassed in the workplace and well, as I stated earlier, HR has a file on all the harassment Angi does to Marris. However, it's more playful with a friend's stuff and not her using her status as head host to ask him to show that massive hog log between his legs to her during breaks. As for Marris, he has never been sexually harassed at work but Angi said that she has had her ass grabbed plenty of times and once was kissed on the cheek by a boss who did it and then walked away as if nothing happened. Angi was stunned and a bit shocked by that incident but of course, there was no video of it. The point of all this is to double down on the idea that bald is beautiful and if you've got a big old hairless noggin, shine it bright. However, this whole piece has me wondering if I could get sued for sexual harassment for calling Jay the Straight bald or even worse, could this be considered libel?

Call in Main Point:

Well, in case I haven't been sued into oblivion, let's get into today's Daily Discussion Topic. Today is Global Handwash Day (there literally is a holiday for everything) and a shocking study revealed only 87% of people wash their hands. Mike can be added to the list of people who don't when he uses the bathroom because his meat is clean so why bother right? Anyway, if that didn't disgust you, perhaps the things on a surveyed list will. Maggots, cockroaches, people who treat others badly (like service workers or mentally challenged people.) People who litter which we discussed how common it used to be to see people throw trash out their car window (animals.) Chewing with your mouth open, the sound of chewing, hearing/seeing someone puke, smelling that vomit, bad breath and BO also made the list. Speaking of which, on Angi's L.A. flight someone stunk and more so, while the plane was nice and dark and Angi tried to sleep, the light was turned on so a girl could read the goth classic Necromancers Are Back and Gayer Than Ever. Marris felt the light comment as he was the catalyst for his being turned on while flying Qatar Airways because he was too big and wide for the seat. Finishing off the list before getting to ours were nail biting, unflushed public toilets, band-aid's in a pool, moldy food and bad colds. Now that we've sampled the population, let's hit closer to home and see what the studio said. Angi said someone spitting is not for her. It seems like no "hawk tuah" for Angi but that is not the case for Marris and Mike who are both spitters (pause for laugh.) As for Marris, do not be the one who brings chitlins to the family dinner because he is not having it. They smell disgusting (as they are pig intestines after all) and apparently the smell is god awful. The first time he tried them despite all the disgustingness of this as is, Marris added that they are also super slimy (brb, throwing up.) As for Mike, he hates cigarette smoke and he used to be a smoker but now it grosses him out. Weirdly enough, Angi is a smoker but never smells like it so either she knows a secret or Mike really likes his job. With our studio crew locked in, we turn to the Request Line and the roadies. Kori hates black soled shoes and gets a visceral reaction toward them. Angi assumed it's because they're cheap and Kori is a bougie bitch. Jason said cottage cheese is like sour cream with zits. However, everyone in the studio likes it so I guess that trumps his disgust. Nick said people who scratch their intimates and then go for a quick sniff. Angi was disgusted, Marris seemed nonchalant and Mike seemed to agree that it was okay. Will called with a joke about not getting this nut due to a peanut allergy (har har, comedy folks.) Milan said hair in food and all three agreed wholeheartedly. Katie works in health care and deals with a wild amount of head lice and it just makes her skin crawl. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

Funny enough, on a day where the main talking point was being grossed out, we spent plenty of time talking about food. For example, Marris was out this weekend and had something he compared to a food of the gods. Cookie salad which is composed of EL Fudge cookies, vanilla pudding, pineapple, cherries and marshmallows is apparently heavenly divine. Angi called it an ambrosia salad with cookies but Marris added that this was thick, creamy and just tasted amazing. It held its crunch, it was filled with textures but Angi had to poo poo this fun by saying it sounds delicious but not in large amounts. Marris offers he would have eaten more but then he'd have to be rolled out to the insulin truck. This led us to a list of things that are delicious in small quantities but in big doses are gross. For example, cheesecake which Angi and Mike said yes but Marris disagreed. Cereal was next and another yes from Angi but Marris can go through four bowls and not notice. Frosting got hate from everybody, wasabi got a Marris hit and Cadbury Cream eggs were suggested for 1 a year. Candy corn, cotton candy (revolting on both fronts) and marshmallows were next though Mike said he could eat a bag of marshmallows. Pancakes were agreeable for Marris as a kid but as an adult, they are too much. Angi agreed saying they are dessert for breakfast. Mayo, oysters and eggnog (gross!!!) though Mike said a little nog is okay and Marris like a thick nog with cinnamon and nutmeg. Arby's beef & cheddar survived with a vote from Marris to shovel them down his throat and we ended on rich cheeses or as Mike calls them, squeaky cheeses. In other words, if you eat a ton of this, you're a monster or something.

Speaking of eating, if you are a sauce person, this story is for you. Now, most people are never satisfied with the amount of sauce packets they get in the drive through. Mike says you get a small handful and Marris offered that restaurants now say how many sauces go with nuggets and he does not agree because he likes his tendies drenched. For those who just need more, Burger King is running a promotion tomorrow for ranch. If you buy a sandwich in select locations (Chicago made the cut,) you get a free big ol' tub of ranch. The small ones are 1oz but this behemoth is 8oz of saucey glory. You do have to request it when ordering your food and you can use a tracker on the Burger King website to see who has them. The supply is limited but you can also get them on Hidden Valley's website for $1. Mike was honestly shocked when considering dunking a burger in ranch but Angi said it's not uncommon for people to carry ranch in their handbag. Marris said that ranch is disgusting warm but Angi carrying Tajín in hers is cool as it's not a liquid mess. That or hot sauce can fly and Angi loves mini stuff so much, she has one stashed in each of her bags. Still, if you love ranch or limited edition stuff, tomorrow is your big day.

Finally, a 39 year old man who is well known in the crypto world is back at it once again. This guy lost a hard drive with 8,000 Bitcoin on it after he tossed it in the bin and low and behold, it is now worth half a billion dollars. He, of course, came to realize the value of his stupid mistake after he had done it and has been trying in vain to get it back for a while now. Because his pleas have fallen on deaf ears, he is now suing the city council to let him search the landfill the drive is buried in. To make sure he gets his point across, he is suing for the value of the peak of the drive which is $647,000,000. In the meantime, he found $13,000,000 from an investor to assemble a team he believes can excavate the site and find the drive. He offered the city 10% of the profit but they said digging up the trash would be an environmental disaster. It would also take 3 years to dig up the site and another year to rebury it. The lawsuit appears to be leverage to get them to agree to the dig but we pondered accidentally throwing out all that money. For this reason, Marris hoards old electronics and Angi pondered if it would be a needle in a haystack search and if the drive would be compromised after all these years. Speaking of trash digging, Angi once threw out a check down the garbage chute with junk mail and had to get the engineer of the building to let her rut around in the trash to find it. She saw nasty stuff like rats and used everything but she found it at least. However, for half a billion, she will go through all the trash in Chicago as I expect everyone else would.

Request Wars 4.0

Theme: Favorite Live Version of a Song

Current Champion: Marris (1x)

Marris' Song Choice: "Somewhere I Belong" by Linkin Park

Mike's Song Choice: "Baba O'Riley" by Pearl Jam

Winner: Marris

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: Chicago PD

Mike was out walking with his wife yesterday under an overpass when gunshots rang out all wild. He freaked, hit the ground and probably used his wife as a human shield but it turned out, it was just for the TV show. Mike assumed gun violence was rampant because of the news but this was not one of those things and his ADHD had kept him from reading the signs to showcase filming. Angi and Marris tried to take credit for this being a prank to get back at him but let's face it, we're ballin on a radio salary budget and this was too elaborate.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"You're happy your husband's bald?" - Marris

"Well...." - Angi

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