Let's Explore the Memorabilia Wing of Angi's House - ATS - 9.10.24

Photo: AYDINOZON / iStock / Getty Images

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Opening Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Well, even though it is warm outside currently and summer "technically" isn't over, there are hints that fall is coming. A smatter of leaves on the ground, those little nips of cold and of course, all the Halloween stuff you could want flooding the shelves. For the reasons mentioned above though it might feel weird to discuss having a costume picked out but if you love Halloween like I do (and the show people but me, I'm King Spooky,) then you should already have it made or picked out. However, there is a hot new trend coming for everyone this fall and it goes with another hot trend, a throuple. For those that are unaware of this coupling, it's three people sharing a relationship (like The Stooges or Bert and Ernie when Oscar the Grouch "sleeps over.") Now, Mike and his wife have not done a couples costume yet but were considering doing MGK and Megan Fox. Though doing MGK is a bit harder these days seeing as he got sober and proceeded to black out all his tattoos. This is where we learned a shameful Mike secret that he has a Kevin Spacey House of Cards tattoo that he would like to get rid of because you know, he's (allegedly) a boy hungry monster. Anyway, the purpose of all this was Walmart has a new costume set that has been dubbed a "throuple costume" after going viral. When you think of three people's costumes there is rock, paper, scissors and the three little pigs but Walmart got really clever. Smores, the iconic fall treat can now be worn divvying up graham cracker, marshmallow and chocolate. Angi explained that in the picture, the girl was lucky because she was the marshmallow which meant she was getting it from both ends. Funny enough, when announced Mike called the graham cracker and it only makes sense for Angi to be the melting marshmallow and Marris the chocolate daddy who adds the most flavor to the treat. Angi though was more interested in having a two guy throuple because she doesn't have time to deal with another woman. As for the costume itself, the three piece deal retails for $26.96 so if you have a partner to go with your partner, perhaps you should check this out. I obviously am speaking to Gen Z because they are more than half likely to want an open or poly relationship. Still, if you want to be a hit at the party/bar/office, spring for something expensive like an ewok or Chewbacca, which you could probably steal from Walt's collection at his house.

Call in Main Point:

Well, it should have been apparent when we were discussing collecting popcorn buckets and paying for overpriced movie drinks that we would be going into collecting for our Daily Discussion Topic. It didn't help that yesterday's vortex happened to be Pawn Stars because you know that she loves to watch awkward people try to sell garbage to other awkward people. After finally grasping the term Storm Trooper costume (we miss your nerd knowledge Marris,) she explained that was one of things she saw attempted to be sold yesterday. The thing is, gathering junk and collecting it is part of our packrat motivation built inside all of us. Most people collect things from stupid stuff like Funko Pops (guilty) to weird stuff like spoons, plates and shot glasses. As you should know if you are an Angi Taylor fan, she has a ton of Prince stuff. One of her prized pieces is a replica of Prince's white cloud guitar that she got from Paisley Park. See, Angi was one of the first few people who raided the death scene of her favorite musician and as she went through the museum, she felt compelled to be one of the first people to drop thousands of dollars on the guitar (which is small btw because Prince was tiny.) Again, if you're an avid listener, you would know Jay the Straight loves his sports memorabilia and that he has a ton of Muhammed Ali stuff among other pieces. We had an interesting response on our socials from Toon47, who has a collection of prosthetic legs in their closet since they are missing one. After getting their own snap on, they felt compelled to just keep collecting more. Angi knew a guy in radio who collected toe tags and even had Lee Harvey Oswald's toe tag and Bob Barker's mic (which he tried to sell on Pawn Stars but got low-balled and didn't.) With that all established, we moved to the Request Line and started with Blair, who is a "crazy Chrimstmas person." She buys ornaments all the time and funny enough, so does Angi who will grab one from every new city or country that she goes to so her tree is a tale of a life of adventure. Back to Blair though, her most expensive piece (as that was where this was supposed to go) is an $800 tree topper angel. Ironically, that thing is slowly decomposing due to age and looks jankey now but she can't help but put it up. Also filling her role as crazy Christmas lady is the several trees in her house, including the mini one in the bathroom. Bailey is a pilot and collects aviation themed scarves. Angi, for some reason inserted that her first flight was on TWA (because she barely missed her chance to get on the Wright Brothers flight.) As for the paid for, $100 is the most forked out for a piece for her scarf collection. Lunchbox collects various masks like Halloween, tribal and other assorted means of disguise. In fact, at one point he had $10,000 in signatures on his masks but they burned up in a house fire. His prized piece though is a prop from Terrifier (which is awesome) that was given to him by a friend to settle a debt. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Other Stuff From Today's Show

Right, let's get to the point that sprang the Daily Discussion Topic this morning (kinda, blame Pawn Stars as well.) AMC is offering a special drink for Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice to celebrate the movie being in theaters (and being a moderate success.) Dubbed the Sandwurm Slayer, the 24 oz blue colored cocktail contains blue and black raspberry juice, vodka and is topped with gummy worms. The reason it is going viral though (aside from looking cool) is someone recently paid $31 dollars for it. AMC, of course, chimed in and added that it's only $21 but due to our liquor pricing here in Ill, the drink was more expensive. Ironically enough, the theater chain was left looking stupid as the overpriced drink was sold in Cali. Still, it is smart to offer limited edition garbage because people go nuts for it. Think of all the popcorn buckets oversaturating people's closets and shelves currently for every movie that comes out. We capped this off by Mike talking about wanting to go to the movies but you know, it's so expensive and no one is paying that kind of money for a drink. It looks like cheap plastic that could possibly be used for sexual release in some instances will not be lining his house.

Next we were digging into the hidden meaning of tattoos since everyone on this show is tatted up real nice (aside from me, I never got around to getting one and now I feel too old for it though I have an idea for one or two I would do.) Mike has a ton from his knees to his neck and because he knows plenty of tattoo artists, sometimes they'll get bored and do them for free. As for Angi, she loves a neck tat which explains why prison pen pal Nightmare was right up her alley. Anyway, going for a tally, she has 5 but they are mostly small and the biggest is on her forearm. Though the list doesn't tell us what a forearm tattoo means, here's a few other ones. Fingers (which Mike has) means you are concise and very detail oriented. Feet or ankle tats (looking at you Prison Tattoo with your prison tat ankle tat) means you are a lover of art and also an introvert. A wrist (aka most painful) means you are thoughtful. A chest tattoo, especially in women (my girl Erika for example,) means confidence. Back tattoos mean you are mysterious, bold and don't care. Ones behind the ears showcase a hippy aesthetic and mean you don't care about showing off.

Finally, we explored the hardest cities to date in. While Prison Tattoo yelled Chicago (number 4,) Mike's guess was L.A. which was number 2 (snicker.) The rankings were based on population, chance for marriage, chance for divorce, quality of life and other factors but because we love a good list on this show, here is the Top 10.

1. New York

2. Los Angeles

3. Filthydelphia

4. Chicago

5. San Antonio

6. Fort Worth

7. San Diego

8. Houston

9. Phoenix

10. San Jose

Angi agreed with Philly being hard and when she lived there, she would go back to her hometown to bang sweet dudes. As for Chicago, she had issues here too but she was also a single mom and to be honest, who wants to hit that mess. Hell, Angi even stole Jay the Straight from L.A. because he said dating was hard there. So, keep this in mind if you are single and looking, don't bother with it here, maybe try somewhere like I dunno, Vegas.

Request Wars 4.1 (This Is a Special Edition for Two Weeks and Does Not Count Overall)

Theme: Battle of Live Versions of a Song

Current Champion: Angi (1x)

Angi's Song Choice: "Best of Both Worlds" by Van Halen

Mike's Song Choice: "Purple Haze" by Jimi Hendrix

Winner: Angi

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: Everyone Standing at Work

Today we learned Dead Butt Syndrome is a thing. For those who sit too much, be it at work or on a plane, your glutes get lazy and forget how to work which can cause aches and pains. To alleviate this, do some glute exercises like butt kegels or you know, holding things in it for periods of time (cough.)

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"You might learn something, you might not, it's this show." - Angi

"I don't have time for bitches in the throuple, give me two guys." - Angi

"I don't drink things that are blue - (Star Wars milk,) Hpnotiq, windshield washer fluid." - Angi

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