Marris Is So Bored on Vacation - ATS - 9.11.24

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Opening Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Normally I have something fun and stupid to open with but this was a very different kind of show today so let's get right into it. The biggest story in the world of rock today is Dave Grohl, who got ahead of an upcoming bombshell by admitting yesterday that he cheated and fathered another baby girl. For this reason, today's Daily Discussion Topic took a sort of different approach as we explored the roadies feelings on the topic. As for Dave, he was married in 2003 and has 3 daughters already so his need to rebuild trust and forgiveness is going to be a long road. Social media, the toilet of the internet, had a field day with the topic and went out of their way to say they were let down, called Grohl a cheater (fair,) disgusting and questioned why he would put out a private matter like this. Some were apathetic and said who cares (me included) and wondered why announce something like this when back in the day, rock stars never made a big deal of this. The obvious answer here is that in this digital age, nothing is just a passed along rumor and everything is splayed out online for all to see. Mike chimed in that he feels bad for Dave and his family and then admitted that he cheated once, to which Angi added that she did as well. With it all said and done, Mike admitted that it had not been worth it and it bothered him internally and made him feel like a bad person. Angi was in the same thought boat as well and she had never done it again. It also comes with keeping secrets, keeping track of lies and the reality is it is not worth it. Again, we went back to the social dropping but you can't have a private matter in this because you are a huge rockstar. It should also be considered though that if you marry a rock/pop star or athlete, chances are you are signing your life away and need to be prepared for things like this. After all, even if he is 55, he can still behave like he is 18 and with people throwing themselves at him every day there is a chance for a slip. What needs to be considered at the end of the day is he is human and humans make mistakes. Add in the death of Taylor Hawkins and an "F this world" mentality can take hold (as someone who suffers grief over the loss of their person, I get that completely.) With that established, we turned to the Request Line and got some roadie thoughts. Stephanie used to be a Foo fan and she said it was absolutely disgraceful. More so, his daughters had to learn men cheat and probably will have trust issues now. After all, daughter Violet disconnected from social media to not have to deal with the fallout from all this. Head Roadie Ferrari called to say he thinks it came out because his wife put a gun to his head and told him to confess or that there was a negative story about to drop and he got ahead of it. Funny enough, when Mike heard the name Ferrari, he assumed a stripper was about to come on and to be fair, he wasn't entirely off in the premise. Tim said life has steps and he came out embarrassed, ashamed and guilty but he is a rock star so it was bound to happen. Angi offered an interesting insight in that if Jay the Straight ever cheated and it was a one off, she would not want to know because of the guilt and pain burden that would come from it. Mike said that the whole thing though was more of an ongoing relationship as opposed to a one time mistake so Dave was in a different boat. Cathy loves the Foo and Dave and she felt that it was a bit disappointing. As someone who had been cheated on, she gets that it destroys the lives of the family and she feels bad for them. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Call in Main Point:

In a twist that will shock no one, including the producer we pitched at Blumhouse, the idea of a Marris goes on vacation movie and the horror of it being that he doesn't know how to enjoy himself, that is exactly what happened. That's right, Marris' Zanizibar adventure that has been ongoing since Saturday is already coming to a crashing halt. That's right, Marris is bored on vacation and the assumption is that he just does not know how to relax. He's so busy all the time and when he is finally handed time off, he just doesn't know what to do with himself. In fact, he was so bored, he was non stop texting Angi yesterday and this was after we all told him to throw his phone in the ocean. While sitting down to dinner last night at 8 o'clock, his reggae tinged music festival switched over to yacht rock and there was a consideration at perhaps switching resorts. Though the music made for older women (see: Angi) was not the biggest issue, the real problem sat in the fact that the place had no hunnies for Marris to hunt. When he booked the resort it was listed as a wedding/honeymoon resort but the stronger emphasis should have been on the honeymoon part as all the beautiful people frolicking around happened to be paired off couples. It's essentially Sandals: Africa and Marris is sitting there single, probably drunk and again, texting Angi (which should showcase his mental state.) Angi explained that the smart thing to do would be to hit up the resort workers, slip them a $20 and ask them where the pretty girls and the good music is. As most know, workers are the plug you should be seeking out in places that you say as they can get you the good weed, the cheap tickets and apparently know where all the hoes are at. Marris did say that he is trying to connect with them but he is also doing the vacation part of the vacation. Marris did go on a safari and from the videos that he posted on his Instagram, it seems that he spotted the wildest beast of all in the empty field, a plane. No tigers, no giraffes, no hoes, just a domesticated plane. However, at some point he wandered upon a hippo and so he texted Angi a video of that at 4 A.M. Obviously, all of this drove Angi nuts because she wants him to go out and find some women, weed and then get to go relax. I mean, if/when I have time off this show, I'm usually drunk from the moment we go off air until the morning we return. This is advice Marris should probably take as he has another week and a half to enjoy in paradise but you know him, workaholic not alcoholic. That said, we are considering maybe having him check in this week or next to gauge his boredom level but at the same time, we don't want him to think about work. Will content or contentment win, find out soon!

Other Stuff From Today's Show

Finally, after Angi helped talk a roadie (whose name was not given on air) through a weaponized sex nightmare during our Request Line text segment, the floor was opened to help another. If you are curious to hear the unnamed man's story, feel free to check out the podcast because I didn't expect it to have a counterbalance point in a call from roadie Jane. Jane called to talk about Dave Grohl for a moment but went into her own issues as well. She has been married 32 years (besting the 20 of our unnamed caller) and she is in the same boat. Though she tried to get her husband to go to counseling but he said no all three times. She offered how much it would mean to her for them to spend time together and he said "nah, that's okay, I have better things to do." Her husband suffers from severe depression and she tried to get him to seek counseling and get meds but he doesn't see it and he has been in a funk for years. So consumed with his own issues, Jane is an afterthought. Angi offered that she has depression, OCD, ADHD, anxiety, sagging naturals, a bum foot ... wait, we're not going into all her ailments, sorry. Anyway, she explained that this is nothing that can be done to pull someone out of a funk if they don't want it and in turn, it's time to consider self care. Jane explained she has been in therapy for 2 years and made plenty of breakthroughs. After all, she is a beautiful 62 year old who may have not stepped out physically but has emotionally. She's not only dipping a toe, she is sticking her whole foot in. When questioned if her husband knows she is having an emotional affair, we were shocked to hear he is texting another woman so it's time for Jane to cannonball into the deep end. The idea is not to be alone in a marriage and if you are, it's time to save yourself. Luckily she has a good therapist and good friends and she will be going on a girls trip at the end of Oct to Pigeon Forge, Tenn where she'll hopefully continue to break away from the anchor that is her husband.

Request Wars 4.1 (This Is a Special Edition for Two Weeks and Does Not Count Overall)

Theme: A Mötley Crüe Battle!

Current Champion: Angi (2x)

Angi's Song Choice: "Wild Side" by Mötley Crüe

Mike's Song Choice: "Live Wire" by Mötley Crüe

Winner: Angi

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: Chicago's Hottest New Tourist Attraction

A purse full of Lucky Charms hanging from a pole in Avondale. This clear purse was filled to the brim with breakfast cereal and attached to a dead pole and it was a hit (notice the was, bad news incoming.) Getting a million likes online and having people swarm, some assumed it was an art installation while others figured it was a drunk throwing things. Sad to say, as of this morning, it is now gone but we already have an idea to hang a bag of dicks or Goya beans outside of Angi's house on her tree.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"You will learn something perhaps ... probably not." - Angi

"If you're jerking it, drinking a PBR, I wanna know about it." - Angi

"OMG, I'M GOING TO DO COCAINE WITH Mötley Crüe!!!" - Angi

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