We Were Just The Worst As Teens - ATS - 8.26.24

Photo: SeventyFour / iStock / Getty Images

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Ah yes, a fresh new week has begun and for some people, it is even better because it means that kids are finally going back to school. That's right, break out the good booze because you now have hours to day drink, chain smoke and watch trashy TV without kids yelling in your ears. Still though, there was a time when those parents and the roadies used to be kids and teens themselves. We decided to explore this during our Daily Discussion Topic this morning when we talked about things we did as teens that make us cringe now. Inspired by a Reddit topic, we had a few examples to plow through before we got to the studio commentary. First off, some of the guys they made out with, a sentiment Angi could echo as both a teen and an adult. Another smoked paper joints in their bedroom and if you're wondering what a paper joint is, it was literally rolled up loose leaf that was rolled up and smoked. Opening beer bottles with your teeth was a fun trick as a teen and probably made several dentists thrilled when they were adults. Having a red mohawk, being so into vampires that you thought you were one so you would ask people their blood types and loving the band Orgy so much that they wrote it on all their clothes is pretty embarrassing. How about spending hours spiking, geling and hair spraying 30 individual hairs to look cool. All of these things, in retrospect, are awful so you just know the studio crew will have bad ones as well. Angi, as we've heard before, used to hang out in pool halls at 14 with dirty old men and also loved to crimp her hair to high hell. As for Marris, he wore the baggiest clothing he could find. Mike lowered his Honda Civic as far as he could and also had frosted tips. Okay, so maybe their stuff isn't as crazy as I expected and I could give my own personal examples but there are so many that are so cringe that I hate myself (like when I used to braid my hair and wear black lipstick to be like emo/goth ... God, this is why I drink.) Anyway, let's just go to the roadies so I can forget how ridiculous I was. Kathy was the girl with a ton of inflatable neon furniture in her house and she just had to have it. Her bedroom basically looked like a mini apartment. Matt was on his way to a "laser" concert and had been drinking when he ended up smoking embalming fluid laced weed. Nick used to snort pixie sticks and came to realize real quick how dumb it was. Lastly, Will would post emo posts on Facebook without context and just could never understand now who it was about. Angi feels the same and looking at some of the Facebook Memories are beyond cringe (seriously, Facebook Memories are truly hell.) If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

Normally, on a Monday I like to talk about what the crew did this weekend but when you see what they actually did in the next blurb, you'll understand why it got bumped to focus on AI stuff instead. AI assistants like Alexa and Siri, some people love them for what they do but there are monsters out there who treat them like garbage because they don't care. If you think you know where this is going then you are definitely correct. We found out this morning that Marris and Mike both treat their little helper bots just the worst. That's right, politeness is not on the menu for either of the boys and that just means when the robot uprising happens, we know who is going to get stepped on first. Obviously, the story centered on being polite to AI and saying things like "please" and "thank you" (which, for the record, I do.) Most of these people think that it will help later down the line when they eventually take over and enslave us to do these awful jobs we do now except we'll be working for some gruel type paste to survive. Marris though feels that since he is not having an entire conversation with his AI assistant, they don't matter (uh oh.) Marris then said that unless there is a full on communication occurring, he is not going to change his ways. Unlike these two monsters in the studio though, a pretty good number of people (44%) will say "hello," "please" and "thank you" to their Alexa and Siri (and therefore will be killed later down the line.) Angi capped this by telling us not to swear at the assistants and guess what, Mike swears at his. This show is so doomed when the robots take over.

Right, with that out of the way, let's get back to the lackluster weekend. Angi spent 120 hours of it sleeping and when she wasn't, she was watching House Hunters (more on that in a moment.) Though we didn't hear from Marris, one could assume he was working, we got a glimpse into the life of Mike. He spent all day yesterday basically sitting in his apartment waiting for a mattress to arrive. The Amazon delivery window was between 6 A.M. and 6 P.M. and it was not one they could miss as it was attempted to be delivered the day prior and they missed it by going out for 10 minutes. Back to yesterday though, the mattress finally arrived ... at 5:45 P.M. Like, an entire day wasted because they couldn't let them know that they were going to take forever to have the mattress arive. Even worse, they couldn't track the truck until it was two stops away and the only prior notification had been that the driver was an hour away. Angi added that she always puts in a note to call when the driver is close so she can make sure to get the package (and probably look presentable, hide the wine bottles and get up off the couch.) We did learn though (as stated above) that when Angi wasn't slumbering like the dead, she spent time watching House Hunters. Her sticking point was the guy who wanted enough room in every bathroom of the houses he toured to be able to install a urinal. Marris said that it is actually a nice accessory but Angi found it to be gross. Mike, resident tall alien dude, offered up that any sink works as a urinal at his height. Angi said that no matter what, dudes are still peeing on the floor. She did say it would be acceptable to have one in a man cave bathroom but not the main spa like one. Apparently, wanting a urinal means that you're a tough guy and that no matter how you try to aim, you're still going to hit the floor. Angi did say though that aim training should probably be instilled for all men so expect the stock of Cheerios to rise today.

Finally, a UK pharmacy has ten tips for condoms and one of them is going absolutely viral. According to them, you should change out your condom if you are going at it for more than 30 minutes. Angi, of course, shaded the whole room then by saying nobody in the room is lasting that long. Marris did chime in for deserving 30 seconds but we ask the hard (pun intended) questions on this show. For example, Angi wanted to know if you can stop, swap and then go back. We also wondered if anyone even wants to go for 30 minutes (the answer was no) but if it was to happen, we're also about to shoot up (pun intended) Red Bull stock. If you are going hard and fast though for 30 minutes to an hour, you should change the condom like you would a tire at a Nascar race. As for our men, the only swap that's ever had to occur was if it had broken and we were more curious as for the tips and tricks that made it go on forever. Angi explained that in her bedroom, saying or doing the wrong thing would absolutely kill the vibe so there is probably no chance that this tip was meant for this show but if you fit that demographic, good for you.

Request Wars 4.0

Theme: Pantera vs. Slayer

Current Champion: Mike (1x)

Marris' Song Choice: "Angel of Death" by Slayer

Mike's Song Choice: "Walk" by Pantera

Winner: Mike

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: Makayla Nash

A Tennessee school teacher gave students 100 pairs of Air Force Ones through her non-profit in doing what she called a "Drip Drive." This was to provide a nice glow up to kids who could really use them or have shown to be in need of just a little bit of polish and attention. We then lamented our own poor shoe buying upbringing while Angi recalled being made fun of for having knock off Guess jeans.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"I feel like I could moan wrong and my husband would lose it (his boner.)" - Angi.

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