In Search of a Big Foot+ Long.... - ATS - 7.22.24

Photo: KLH49 / iStock / Getty Images

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

The start of a new week means we are steadily chipping away at July (boy, time really does fly) and that means that back to school is officially starting to get closer. For Angi (and I'm sure all of us,) back to school time was always a cause for anxiety as a kid. In today's times though, that anxiety is usually transferred to the parents as school supplies are expensive. For this reason, 3 out of 4 parents are usually seeking work arounds to save money like dumpster diving or stealing supplies from work (both smart imo as in both scenarios, good stuff tends to go to waste.) In fact, Angi's step mom was a loan officer and would steal industrial staplers, yellow legal pads and pens for Angi which is again, a good thing. All together, they end up spending $280 per child so when you have three or four, you're spending the amount Angi does weekly on wine. So since we're looking to save, the Daily Discussion Topic turned into a look at money saving hacks the roadies have. The topic was pulled from Reddit that also gave some fantastic examples like every time you buy something, you need to get rid of something else. While Marris was keen on the concept, Angi said she couldn't do it because if she bought a new jacket, she's still going to want to keep the old one. Use a budget app for impulse purchases. This would drive Angi crazy as she gets anxious spending and looking at a pie chart that showed her how much she spent on DoorDash might make her hit the floor. Use the library for everything from books to movies to tool rental. If you are out with friends, pay with cash so you can take out a certain amount and budget properly. When you go shopping, plan your meals around that so if something is on sale, you can substitute and get that instead of something more expensive. For example, Marris plans around meat (hell yeah brother) and will pivot as needed to save cash (that he then spends on Ninja Turtle crap.) Pack a lunch, as someone saved $35,000 over 12 years. For most people, they can easily save $3,000 a year bringing their lunch from home. Prison Tattoo offered up buying refurb and open box electronics, to which Angi added she has several open box TV's (in her mansion) and they usually come with warranties. Another is to leave stuff in your cart and check back in on it later to see if you still want it. For example, Angi's Amazon cart is filled with trash and Marris has several filled carts on different sites but they don't pull the trigger (because she's usually drunk and he's poor.) Over on the Request Line, Michael said to rotate streaming services. Watch all you want on one, cancel and go to the next. Jason said stop playing the Lotto even though he hasn't. At least Angi curbed her daily scratchie addiction. Head Roadie Troy said to clip coupons and always grab ramen noodles because you can make a ton of things with them. Gary used the "fear of God" to recycle school supplies. Jerry grows his own weed with seeds from the dispensary. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

Now normally most of the roadies aren't up at 5:30 in the morning to hear the "On This Day" segment and they missed a good one today as we carried on about John Dillinger and his huge love sausage. The man allegedly had a 17 inch hog and so with a hot dog that big, Angi had to go and do some research. Legend has it that the Smithsonian has the wild hog in a jar of formaldehyde but that apparently is just a rumor. In fact, what they do have is tons of letters asking about where they are secretly storing the legendary member. This talk of the town dong has been apparently passed down through oral tradition (giggity) and apparently, he was so big in the pants, he would lose consciousness when he was aroused. Another addition to this legendary tale of his foot long and then some sub was that the Woman in Red that betrayed him when he was murdered was his lover who was just too tired of having to attempt to climb Mount Dillinger as there was just far too much. Even right after his death, the tales had begun as a famous autopsy photo showcased a raised sheet on him but most believe it was his arm and not the John Dillinger Monster rising one last time. So if the Smithsonian didn't have the well endowed snake in a jar, perhaps the rumor that J. Edgar Hoover had it on his desk was true? Either way, that ex lover was so mad at having her innards rearranged that she made sure his were (by bullets.) There is one certain thing we pulled from all of this though, Angi wouldn't attempt to take down the beast (though knowing her, if confronted with it in real life, she totally would have.)

Since we were already in the thirst, might as well break out some water to calm us down, right? Well, move over Naperville because your swingers and hot tub shenanigans are no match for the countryside of the UK. Apparently, there was screaming and moaning coming from it recently because Swing-A-Thon had returned for a 4 day event with a thousand horny adults looking to get their freak on. Featuring everything from pole dancing, hot tubs, foam parties and dungeons, they even had a spin on Twister with sex toys. However, all the complaints that came in did not stop it from occurring because it was the countryside after all so not a lot of people were affected. This led into our long held show belief (I can't use the term fact because I don't trust anything we discuss on this show) that if you own a hot tub and are a couple, you are into swinging (looking at you Coach Joe.) Angi even went after her single friend who wanted to get a hot tub saying that if it occurred, they would immediately assume what's up. Now if you have a hot tub and a lattice fence, there's an even bigger chance that you are totally a swinger. Once you're invited over for a drink, expect to just jump in the tub without a suit on. Marris couldn't help but wonder how many tests were done in preparation for Swing-A-Thon since everyone has a limitless amount of partners. Meanwhile, Angi was wondering if she knew anybody in Naperville with a hot tub.

Finally, a debate is going on about strangers. Some people are in the "strangers are nice until they are not camp," others believe "all strangers are not nice and need to show you they are" and a third just doesn't bother interacting at all. Marris is in his own fourth camp of engaging with strangers but keeping his guard up. Really though it comes down to whether everyone is nice until proven otherwise or everyone is bad until they show they are nice. Angi firmly plants herself in the first camp (same) but the world today has us incredibly guarded. The thing is covid really altered the way we look and view things so sometimes people forget how to act (and can skew perception.) 70% though do not agree with us and say everyone is a bad person until they prove they are nice. If you go in expecting someone to be terrible, the nice part offers a great change of pace. Angi added that if things are good until they are an a-hole, then you should enjoy it but dump it as soon as the truth comes out. The problem with the 70% solution though is that assuming people aren't nice leads to people being less nice and everyone then ends up being an a-hole. You should also blank slate strangers and never let others' interactions cloud your judgement of them because everyone has a different experience and what may be bad for them could be great for you.

Request Wars 3.5

Theme: A Tribute to Chester Bennington

Current Champion: Angi (4x)

Angi's Song Choice: "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park

Marris' Song Choice: "Papercut" by Linkin Park

Winner: Angi

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: Shoko Miyata

The Olympics start Friday and they are already down one person as the team captain for the Japanese gymnastics team was sent home for smoking and drinking. Now in France, it's cool to smoke in doctors offices and elementary schools but apparently, having a few seltzies and a pack of Marlboro Reds is enough to get you the boot from the team.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"Radio and porn are free." - Angi

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