How Angi Learned to Love LARPing - ATS - 5.21.24

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Now, before I go into the nonsense that was today's show, I should probably plaster a giant disclaimer here. We are basically idiots and taking advice from us is not the most smartest (points if you know where that phrase comes from) idea. However, in some rare moments, we find our way toward the light and offer up pieces of knowledge that are worth indulging in. This happened to be the case when Angi mined some nuggets from Instagram prophets who divulge outdated sayings as if it is some form of sound wisdom (it's not.) These common phrases are on the way out and in turn, we offered a fresh coat of paint for them.

"Don't Go to Bed Angry" - Better idea, don't listen to this because it's dumb. In some situations, as Angi explained, you need a new perspective and a fresh brain to look at everything in a new light. Marris followed that conceding by walking away and sleeping it out is sometimes the right idea. Not every problem can/should be resolved before bed.

"Never Give Up" - The reality is sometimes things are just not bound to work out and you need to let them go.

"Ignore a Bully" - Nope, sometimes the situation calls for a punch in the face and if they have it coming, don't feel afraid to swing and not miss.

"Don't Be Afraid to Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow." - While this could be true, it also can be a source of trouble and is entirely circumstantial and should not dictate making better decisions.

"Tough It Out" - This is not always true, some relationships need to end, some friendships need to dissolve. You should not be afraid to cut the cord.

"Forgive and Forget" - This is a mixed bag because there is partial correctness here. Depending on the situation, forgiveness should be given. However, like an elephant, you should never forget. Poor behaviors tend to pattern and should be watched out for and usually continue. Forgiving someone means you can keep them in your life but it doesn't mean to trust them.

"Treat People the Way You Want to Be Treated" - Flip the script on this one, treat people the way they treat you.

"Trust Your Gut" While this can be empowering, anxiety and issues can work against you and make your gut instinct wrong and in cases like Angi, make you indecisive.

Here's one final one straight from new LARPer Angi's mouth that is correct: "Booze Before Before, in the Clear. Beer Before Booze, You Lose."

Other Stuff from Today's Show

Though the recurring theme today was cheating, it was also cheating that brought us (and by us I mean Angi and our own collective amusement,) into the wonderful (see: nerd, loser, dork) world of LARPing. After talking to roadie Paul, who dressed up like a male fairy (fairy is a non binary word,) to appease the woman he was cheating on his ex wife with. As you probably should have guessed/expected/known, Angi was completely enthralled with LARPing after that and she went about attempting to learn all she could about it. Now, this is a pulled together piece of ideas because I could discuss Angi watching LARPing porn with Marris but again, that was to be expected. Upon understanding what LARPing is and avoiding an aneurysm, Angi decided that she may want to LARP. Her first idea was Jake from State Farm but she switched it up to the more proper Ann Boleyn. Now, she was unsure if she had sword skills but she did ride her horse like a whore (with her thighs, none of that side saddle nonsense,) and so shoe/fits, etc. As I said above, Angi went on Pornhub during commercial and song breaks and also played us a snippet of an orgy on air (minus the fun sex) but I am proud to say the roadies did offer her costume ideas on the Request Line. She was told to do Game of Thrones, Fembot, Vikings character Lagertha the ShieldMaiden, The Devil and April O'Neil. That last was dismissed only because she would ruin the fantasy for Marris. We capped our LARP adventure (in this section, it continued to seep into the show,) which Angi learning that LARPing meetups may not have a lot of hot guys but if she drinks enough mead, she could get them up a notch. Unfortunately, she spent most of her life doing that so I don't think it will work.

Right, getting away from LARPing and jumping right back into the place where this whole LARPing mess started, we have a Daily Discussion Topic about cheating. Now, we all know the famous story of Angi's boyfriend who ate the napkin with another girl's phone number on it. While this isn't as silly as her story, a woman discovered her husband was cheating when she had to take her dog to the vet. The female vet discussed the surreal experience when she watched in real time what happened when she saved the dog's life because it had something tangled up in its intestines. It turns out that was a thong that the dog ate that belonged to the woman her husband was cheating with. Instead of doing it in person, the mess was done over the phone in the vet's office which probably made her showing her the expensive surgery bill even more awkward. The dog ended up being okay but the marriage pretty much died that day. Now, Marris does not have anything to contribute to this topic as he has never been cheated on (that he knows of) because as Angi put it "he lays it down good and a girl wouldn't dream of giving that up." However, the roadies on the Request Line did have some wild ways of showcasing how they discovered cheating. We began with Paul, who would end up derailing the whole show, who told us that he cheated on his wife. She discovered it when she found his LARPing costume, a male fairy, because the girl he was seeing was into fairy erotica. He kept tights and a tunic in his truck and one day, she stumbled upon them. It technically had a happy ending I guess because he stayed with the fairy princess after he divorced his wife. Jeffery told a very long roundabout story so I'm going to trim it down some. Basically, he is a utility worker and has a company truck and his car. His girl at the time was a hairdresser. After a back and forth of him attempting to see her and get a trim, she said she had to take her mother to the emergency room. He went home, saw his car she was using there and after going in and calling around for her, found the man she had a child with prior coming down the stairs in his PJ's. Instead of punching, they figured out she was double dipping. Tom's ex wife said she was going to the tanning salon and explained coming home looking like a sweaty mess on it. A week later he found spray tan and realized she was going out banging. Pamela was six months pregnant and making a baby blanket when women's intuition willed her to the first floor of her house to literally see the guy she was with sticking his hands down the pants of another girl who was staying with them for some reason (it wasn't abundantly clear.) If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Finally, Angi brought up the recently released Ashley Madison documentary and mentioned how not only is cheating rampant but there have been a list of hot spots released to showcase where it is most abundant. While Marris assumed Naperville would make the list, Angi pointed out they were famous for swingers. So, where are the actual places? Glad you asked, here's the top 20.

1. Columbus, Ohio

2. Miami, Florida,

3. Orlando, Florida

4. Las Vegas, Nevada

5. Atlanta, Georgia

6. Richmond, Virginia

7. Cincinnati, Ohio

8. Minneapolis & Saint Paul, Minnesota

9. Tampa, Florida

10. Buffalo, New York

11. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

12. Spokane, Washington

13. Cleveland, Ohio

14. Denver, Colorado

15. Baton Rouge, Louisiana

16. Tucson, Arizona

17. Colorado Springs, Colorado

18. Austin, Texas

19. Boise, Idaho

20. Wichita, Kansas

What we took away from this is Ohio must be really bored, even shocking Marris. Also, Jay the Straight is from Cincinnati which explains why Angi is always gunning for that poor man and his precious girlfriend.

Request Wars 3.5

Theme: Bands with Members in Several Other Bands

Current Champion: Angi (1x)

Angi's Song Choice: “Renegades of Funk" Rage Against the Machine

Marris' Song Choice: "Isolation" by Alter Bridge

Winner: Angi

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: The Woman Hit in the Head by a Foul Ball.

Liz McGuire, not related to Lizzie McGuire the fictional character, took a 110 MPH foul ball straight to her dome. It gave her a black eye but she toughed it out and stayed for the whole game. However, some other bitch stole the ball and refused to give it to poor Liz even when fans shouted "give her the ball." This devolved into something after that since Angi has typhoid now.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"I thought babies come out of the belly button ... imagine my surprise when I was 30 years old and had a child."

"Oh, you (Angi) don't LARP on the weekend?" - Marris

"No, I have regular people sex." - Angi

Angi's Daily Ailment: Typhoid from sucking her blood off a cut she got during yoga.

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