There is No Excuse for Dark Roast Coffee

Yet another defense for dark roast coffee down the hatch. Turns out, the darker the roast, the less caffeine the coffee has. And thus the opposite is true; the lighter the roast, the more caffeine it has.

So then, what's the point? I thought it was one of those "the more it sucks, the more effective it is" situations. You're telling me lighter roast tastes better AND packs a bigger punch? How can we even defend the production of dark roast coffee??

I mean like whatever, you're allowed to like dark roast if you want a richer taste or don't need as much of a boost. And you're entitled to your unholy lifestyle, but you will be judged.

By me. A woman who drinks frappuccinos because I like my coffee as close to a milkshake while still being socially acceptable to drink at 6 am, as possible.

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