Hey, Wait, What Happened to McDonald's All Day Breakfast??

In 2020, the covid-19 pandemic changed the world and life as we know it. We suffered many painful losses and made many sacrifices during those unprecedented times. One of the troubles we've neglected to address, was the loss of McDonald's All Day Breakfast. Like, bro, we had JUST gotten it!! We had everything. Hashbrowns, McMuffins, and Orange Juice after one's evening giggle grass was a simple pleasure that made life bearable. And now? Gone without a trace. Taken from us faster than it appeared. Stolen from us. Never again will we bear this injustice in silence. Stoners, 3rd Shifters, and Picky Toddlers will stand together as one, and with our voices loud and clear in the night cry out, "MCGRIDDLES OR DEATH!!!"

No that's actually not that catchy... we'll work on our battle cry. But McDonald's, can we circle back to this?

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