Angi Taylor Show Recap With Jay The Gay - 12-6-2022

Photo: Flickr RF

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place. 

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed)

For me, I consider this show something of a soap opera and before you tell me I'm wrong, think about it for a second. It has everything: overarching storylines, drama, main characters, side characters, backstabbing, smack talk, betrayal and irrational emotional outbursts. Now that I've explained it that way and it all makes sense, I figured that it was the perfect way to introduce the upcoming storyline for the winter/spring season of the show. Angi has a dilemma and does not know how to break the news to her husband Jay the Straight. She wants a d...ifferent sleeping room arrangement to be put in place inside their flop house. That's right, after years of no sleep due to different schedules, snoring, screaming and restless arms and legs, Angi is finally over it. The straw that broke the camel's back came last night when Jay the Straight got up fifteen times to pee, causing her to wake up each and every single time. However, it was the scene that she painted that really set this story into a proper highlight reel of hilarity. Picture it, 2 A.M. in the Taylor marital bed, a naked man who looks like the Six Flags old man is wandering into the bathroom wearing a pair of Beats headphones. Sure, one could question why this would be the breaking point but you have to consider that he flails like a fish, elbows her, busted her implant and keeps her from getting consistent sleep. For this reason(s,) she came into work this morning at 2 A.M. (though that was a storyline for last week/month and I've moved on from that.) Oh and as a real kicker, when she used her phone light to find clothes this morning, he yelled at her to "keep it down." So, the dilemma here is how does Angi go about telling her husband that it's time for him to sleep in the guest room without sounding awful? She also sought to find out if it ruins the intimacy or makes it better? It shouldn't be too bad because she goes to bed prior to him as is due to work hours and she could always just have him into "her room" if she wants to get banged out. Now since Jay the Straight is not there to stand up for himself, Abe said that Angi's sleep apnea might be bothering Jay the Straight. He also suggested separate twin beds whereas Angi wants her own Carrie Bradshaw apartment to live in. Right, there's alot to unpack and so we went to the Request Line and spoke to some roadies to help get us an idea of what she could say or expect to happen when she drops the bomb. Heather said she and her partner sleep in separate rooms because their work schedules clash. Though it feels like it is a touchy conversation, you just have to power through it. Angi said she mentioned it as a joke once and Jay got his feelings hurt when she suggested it. Chad and his girlfriend have a three bedroom apartment that has one bedroom for him, one for her and one for banging. Abe capped this off by saying she needs to make it about herself to get things to an okay level when it all comes down. Stay tuned and we should have the next episode in a few days.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

Now, I know I mentioned about Angi being kicked out of bed last night but before that occurred, she had to come home first and that meant returning from another headache. If you happened to attend the KISS FM Jingle Ball last night, you might have noticed a familiar voice as the announcer. Angi "Voice of God" Taylor was doing her routine lead voice chick thing for all iHeart stuff and from what I heard, she did not disappoint. Though the night was filled with music stars, she was too busy to hang out with her husband's twin Pitbull. The pair have hung out ten times prior though so it's not like she missed much. Also there was Macklemore who sounded great and Jack Harlow, who made a fellow building employee scream like they were having a big O. Since fun is not allowed though, after getting up early as mentioned above, Angi & Abe came in to discover something curious. Apparently while they were away yesterday, someone came in and moved the monitors. This is something that has been recurring and even though Abe painstakingly moved all of them yesterday before he left, each was moved again when they returned. This all seemed to be some form of passive aggressive trolling and it is getting to become a bit ridiculous. An idea was pitched to lower them again and then put cameras in the studio to see who is altering them. Angi's money is on Klinger while Abe thinks it's an engineer. Angi countered Abe by saying that if an engineer was doing it, they would leave a note to say they did it. Angi is hell bent on not letting go of the idea that another personality from the station did it. In fact, she's more than likely going to burn Klinger for being a monitor witch regardless of whether he did it or not. To help back her up and end this morning madness, Abe suggested that the roadies call him during his show and ask him if he did it or not.

So, in a tie-in with the initial idea of not being able to tell her husband that she wants her husband to sleep in the guest room, Angi was inspired by Anna Taylor Joy for this morning's big discussion. She saw in the news that the Queen's Gambitactress admitted the other day that she's embarrassed that she never learned to drive. Both her and Abe were confused by how this is possible but let's be realistic, it's not that big of a deal. Keeping on the car track, Angi knows people who never learned how to pump gas. When she was living in Philly, there were people from Jersey who suffered from this because New Jersey doesn't allow people to pump their own gas. My assumption here is they are afraid that the IQ ratio is so low that they'd probably end up setting themselves on fire. So, the topic morphed into what is something that you're embarrassed to admit that you don't know how to do? For example, Angi doesn't know how to drive stick but then again neither does Abe. He never learned to do it because he always felt he looked dumb attempting it. Then again, the only real reason to learn it was to be able to drive a sports car which is not something that is happening with the salary of this show. It isn't too much work but then again it also is an interrupter and no one needs that. Angi went on to rattle off other examples like not knowing how to ride a bike (or if you do, you break your arm like Abe,) now knowing how to swim (like Abe.) Abe's biggest issue is he doesn't know how to do anything manly, like snake a toilet. If an issue arises, he has to call his brother to come in and fix stuff (no wonder why Angi wants to bang him, so manly!) With these examples set, onward we go to the Request Line to hear what the roadies had to say about what they don't know how to do. Brooke kicked off a rather sexy back to back to say she doesn't know how to have an orgasm. Unfortunately, no one has ever brought her there and her reliance on men has been problematic. Compound the fact that she has never done it for herself as well and Angi was not having it. Angi demanded that Brooke take the time over the holidays to practice on herself and to call back in the new year with the results. Daniel called to say he has never been able to turn a woman on or give her an orgasm. Abe immediately suggested that we hook up Daniel with Brooke but honestly, that would be the blind leading the blind in terms of knowledge. Whereas Angi handled Brooke, Abe handled Daniel and told him to get a hooker and have her teach him. Salvador called to say he doesn't know how to tie a knot, I mean he can do a slip knot (that's a thing?) but nothing else. Alyassa doesn't know how to change her oil but neither does Angi so that's not an issue. If you are looking for more roadie comments or have your own, hit up our socials (FB group, Twitter, Instagram) and read up or drop us a comment.

Finally, everyone loves a compliment (which is rare to get on this show) and so we decided to teach the roadies the right way to give one. See, if you throw a low ball one, it seems cheap and insincere. To help, Angi gave us the three steps to follow to offer one up that would be appreciated. Step 1: Use Their Name. This makes it feel like you're tailoring the compliment to them. Step 2: Be Specific. "Abe, you look nice today and black looks great on you!" Step 3: Don't Offer Praise The Run. When you give a compliment, let it marinate and add follow up questions. "Abe, I think it's amazing all the extraordinary board work you do. You're really good at it. How did you learn to be so good?" "Angi, that's a really cool Def Leppard shirt, it looks good on you. Do you have any other shirts, any other colors, where did you get it?" Angi discussed all her fake shirts before telling Abe that he was garbage at the follow up portion and continued to tell him how bad he was. There is a scale on this show and needs to be balanced always.

Request Wars 2.0

Champion: Abe (Streak: 1)

Angi's (repping Lance) Song Choice: "Symphony of Destruction" by Megadeth

Abe's (repping Beth) Song Choice: "Flash" by Queen

Smack Talk Recap:

Lance was seeking a KitC type of song for Request Wars this morning. Abe goofed on Dave Mustaine crying all the time. Angi wondered if Abe had ever cried. According to Angi, Freddie Mercury and Beth are both bitches. Abe also apparently has the coolest friends in the world.

Winner: Angi

10 O'Clock Toast: 


On the list of the most sinful cities, we are number 8 and Angi is not having it. She demands more casinos, strip clubs, drugs and prostitution so we can get to number 1.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"Remember when Chilly Willy would cry and ice cubes would come out, that's you (Abe.)" - Angi

"My friend Jose collects He-Man figures." - Abe

"God your friends are so cool." - Angi

"I'm too vain, I don't want a ball on my face." - Angi


PSAngi: Hey, size isn't everything!

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