Mark Into The Hair Club w/Battleship Chains From Georgia Satellites

Back in 1986 Terry Anderson wrote a song for the Georgia Satellites called Battleship Chains which they stuck on their debut record. You may also know that Volbeat also covered this song in 2016, check out their version below. The Georgia Satellites are a straight up southern rock and roll band, not a hair band BUT Mark is the one that wanted me to rock this song yesterday so I played it!

This club of ours, The Hair Club, gives a daily nod to the 80s hair bands that continue to make us wish we had that beautiful hair from our younger years and keeps that music alive around Chicagoland. Hit me up any time and let's get you in to the club, 844 955 9550 or M-F. 5pm. Rock 95.5 with me Klinger.

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