Don't Do That: Refuse to Sell Condoms at Walgreens bc "ReLiGiOn"

A Walgreens pharmacy worker refused to sell condoms to a woman because it opposed his religious values. Ok maybe as a woman in a America I’m feeling a little sensitive about religion dictating birth control but ABSOLUTELY NOT. Walgreens, btw, said they won’t discipline the employee because they want to respect his religious morals and beliefs. But dude, he’s working at a Walgreens. If you don’t want to sell condoms, DON’T WORK IN A PLACE THAT SELLS CONDOMS it’s not like there aren’t job options out there. Religious freedom should mean we don’t get to tell them not to practice their religion on their own time. But for some reason it seems to mean they get to use it as an excuse to control how we live our lives. Also, and this is neither here nor there, maybe if that dude’s religion would let him buy or sell condoms, he’d be a little more relaxed. But enforcing your perceived moral superiority on people who are just trying to enjoy themselves safely? Don't do that.

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