Don't Do That: Wake Up Sleeping Home Intruder

A woman named Angela Chambers woke up to find a strange man asleep on her couch. Naturally, she called 911 and the dispatcher said, “the police are really busy. Would you mind going downstairs and waking him up yourself?” Luckily she didn’t take that terrible advice because when the cops DID finally make it over to wake him, the dude became super aggressive and it took 4 officers to make him leave. The first thing you should do when you find a strange man on your couch is to check your DMs or Tinder messages and make sure you didn’t just have a few too many last night BUT AFTER THAT you call the cops and get the hell out of there. But wake up a dude who very well could be in the middle of an amazing dream featuring Sasha Grey and a popsicle? Don't do that.

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