Don't Do That: Family Vacation

Sometimes we gotta direct our finger pointing right to the mirror. Tonight I'm calling out Past Me, who decided the best way to destress would be to go on a family vacation. Hey past me? DON'T DO THAT. It's a logistical nightmare.

You tell your husband to take off the first week of July, but since he's on a bartender's schedule, he takes that to mean July 1st through the 7th instead of looking at the actual calendar, so now you'll need to take two cars cuz he'll need to leave early to get back to work.

Only, you don't own two cars so you'll have to get a rental. Shoutout to inflation, now you have to move your finances around and budget extra just to afford the rental car. And now your daughter wants to go to an alpaca farm, but the alpaca

farm is only open on Sundays so you have to figure out if you want to go the day you arrive, or the day you leave and find time for the stupid alpacas. Don't do that.

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