Angi Taylor Show Recap With Jay The Gay - 6-17-2022

Photo: Flickr RF

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed)

So, in a rarity here on the show, Request Wars this morning was hella wild. It found Head Roadie Crüe Fan squaring off against roadie Scott and let me tell ya, it was a snoozy. In a fight that felt more like the two were hitting each other with pillows (because it was so snoozy, I almost fell asleep,) the real winner was no one. Scratch that, the real winner was Scott (though Crüe Fan did win Request Wars with Angi.) This though led to the most interesting aspect of all this, the ushering in of what could be considered the Bozo Buckets of The Angi Taylor Show. This is absolutely fitting by the way since the show is hosted by two clowns (zing!) Angi pulled Scott from the depths of hell to tell him she had a prize for him. Excited, elated, shocked, Angi told him he was getting not 1 but 2 bags of dicks for him to chew on (I didn't want to chance saying what else could be done with them.) He would obviously get to keep one for himself but he could gift the other if he wanted. Suggested targets were Angi because she's an a-hole or Abe for allowing him to lose imo. After another moment, Scott was retrieved once more and given yet another prize. This time it was real, a $50 gift card to Jewel and a chance to go see Metallica. Angi couldn't help herself and brought Scott up a third time, deciding to offer up a trip to Hawaii (which was obviously a joke but still.) As for Scott, he's a roadie who listens all the time and works at a school. Since they are on break, he's not at school listening but when he is there, he locks himself away and listens all the time. Even though Angi treated him terribly, he deserves a prize for being great.

Other Stuff from Today's Show:

Oh man, it is Chainsaw Friday and that goes hand in hand with the fact that the temps are finally cooling for five minutes (just don't look at next week.) Since it's Friday that means we have chainsaws for the roadies and this of course turned into a discussion (because why not?) Abe was curious as to why we give out chainsaws because in his mind, people are going to want to steal your chainsaw (reasonable thought honestly.) Abe suggested that they should be giving out drills instead because those are more useful (sure, let's run with that.) Angi went on to explain that she has a drill, hell she has a ton of tools. In fact, I'm pretty sure she keeps her chest of tools in a big chest next to the bed. As she's stated (plenty of times while hating on men,) she is the man of the house and her husband just can't seem to do anything. Poor Jay the Straight, I don't get how he deals with this monster. Also, shout out to roadie Marcel who was Angi's Uber driver yesterday who had to deal with hauling her drunk ass home after an outing with her visiting best friend Elizabeth. 

Request Wars 2.0:

Champion: Angi (Streak: 2)

Angi's (repping Crüe Fan) Song Choice: "Red Hot" by Motley Crüe

Abe's (repping Scott) Song Choice: "My Own Summer" by Deftones

Smack Talk Recap: 

Today both players were actually there to fight each other (big mistake honestly.) Abe had his socks knocked off by Scott and then proceeded to goof on Tommy Lee and his broken ribs. There is not much to add after this because the smacktalk was boring and we all fell asleep.

Winner: Angi

Don't Kill Angi Weekly Recap:

Angi Is Looking to Beat the Heat

Mon: Angi wanted a cool treat

Zen (formerly Ben) had Angi decide to go to Mario's Italian Ice. She pulled up and as she was about to order, an ice cream truck pulled up next to her. Inside was Big Worm from Friday and he looked furious. It turned out Angi owed him money (no shock there) and he said, "You Taylor, you still owe me $300 bucks." Angi explained that she would get it to him "Next Friday" which clearly was not the right answer. Big Worm told Angi that she was out of time and he pulled out a pistol. He unloaded three bullets into Angi's head, leaving her body to be walked over as people went in for their Italian ice. (Dead)

Tue: Angi wanted to make an ice sculpture

Fran and Izzy had Angi decide to make an ice sculpture of Vince Neil. Angi breaks out a Rock 95.5 chainsaw and goes to town on the ice, which was literally taking forever. It also was taking a lot more ice than Angi had anticipated so she started to steal blocks from others. Hours later, she had barely carved out one of his fat arms and the other sculpters were mad when she walked over and stole yet another block. Enraged, they took their own chainsaws and were immediately upon Angi. They sawed into her and left her a pile of ragged up meat and bones. (Dead)

Wed: Angi wanted to swim in a free pool

Orlando had Angi decide to go swimming in Conrad Cooper's apartment complex pool. She jumped in and the water was ice cold which was a perfect contrast to the heat. She was living the life, drinking a brown liquor cocktail and floating on the water. Suddenly though, Conrad showed up and decided he wanted to do a cannonball into the pool. It wasn't only him though that caught Angi's eye but his disgusting banana colored speedo. Angi was absolutely disgusted and started vomiting all over herself and in the pool. There was so much vomit, she started to choke as it kept coming up. It didn't want to stop though and before long, Angi ended up choking to death on her own vomit like the rockstar we always knew she was. (Dead)

Thur: Angi wanted to cool off trailer park style

Eric had Angi decide to recreate her trailer park days by busting open a fire hydrant. The water was frigid and Angi was loving the cool rush. However, she's old now and the water pressure is stronger than she remembered. It was too strong to fight back against and the water gush sent her flying forward, past the empty street and into a busy intersection. She attempted to stand up and dodge the incoming traffic but before she could move, she was hit by a bus. (Dead)

Fri: Angi wanted to freeze her ass off

Marco had Angi decide to go to cryotherapy to freeze. The technician loaded Angi in the chamber and cranked it up to -69 degrees. At first it was great, it felt so nice in the cold to beat the heat. However, after 3 to 4 seconds, she had enough of the cool blast and wanted to get out. However, the technician was chopping it up in the other room with Abe and didn't realize the door was locked. It got colder and colder and within two minutes, Angi was a frigid frozen popsicle. (Dead)

10 O'Clock Toast

All The Father's. It's Father's Day this weekend so go forth and show some daddies some love.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"I'm the only girl I know who has lots of power tools." - Angi

"Hey Trampasaurus Taylor, I'm not paying you for therapy sessions so stop asking." - Minn Barb

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