The Setlist - 4.13.22

Ahh. Spring in Chicago... you gotta love the temperature roller coaster.. and the rain.

At least we can lose ourselves in a great Setlist for the lunch hour.

Today, Five Finger Death Punch tickets for their show at Hollywood Casino Amphitheater with Megadeth and The Hu! Good excuse to toss in their awesome cover of "Bad Company"!

So psyched the Adam fell into so weird portal, called his doctor and ended up connecting with me at ROCK 95-5! Given the opportunity to request a song, he chose "Terrible Lie" by Nine Inch Nails (YES!!)! Still hoping for a Chicago date at some point this year!

Three Days Grace, Metallica and Volbeat for Keith at A&R who's excited to see Stabbing Westward at the Metro on Friday!!

We'll build another Setlist tomorrow. What do you want to hear?


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