Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Have a Threesome

This article about "unicorn hunting" (finding a female to have a threesome with) got me thinking.

Are we asking the right questions? Before you ask how to get a threesome going, ask yourself first:

Am I sexually competent enough to please two people simultaneously?

Do I have enough snacks for everyone participating?

Do I want this threesome because I feel bored in my relationship?

Are the snacks widely varied enough in flavor?

Do I want this threesome so I seem more exciting to my partner?

Are the snacks widely varied enough in texture?

Do I have an unhealthy relationship with equating sex to my value as a person?

Do I have adequate drinks to go with the snacks?

Does my partner seem enthusiastic about the threesome?

Are they the good drinks or the diet ones that always get left for last?

Am I jealous about my partner's threesome enthusiasm?

After we finish the snacks do we still have to have sex or can I go home?

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