Maybe People Are Actually Great

It's been a weird -entire history of the United States of America and the world- and we see even more of it now with social media. All the time. On our phones, computers, everywhere. People are dying, the earth is crumbling, and no one seems to care, or they care too much.

And all of these things are absolutely true. And I'm just a radio idiot who doesn't even really know which way is up half the time. But if I believe in one thing, I believe in people.

We're all so different. We all have AMAZING stories (yes, you. ESPECIALLY if you're reading this and think you're average. Remember that thing that almost broke you, and now, here you are! You got through that! It may have been messy. You may still not feel fully like yourself. But you're here. Holy crap, you're here. That's incredible.)

At the end of the day, humans are primates, on a watery moss rock, hurling through space, trying to figure out how we got here and what the hell we're supposed to do next. Everyone answers those existential questions in a different way. We're all just trying to get through life in the most fulfilling, least damage-inducing way. And that doesn't mean forgive and forget. It doesn't mean there aren't truly terrible humans that have only ever learned to hurt or be hurt and chose the former.

It just means there's more room for more love. We owe it to humanity and to ourselves to show it.

And yes, I realize my own hypocrisy in that half the time I just make fun of people for entertainment. But yeah, I'm gonna laugh at a dude who thinks cheating on his wife for decades doesn't contribute to unhappiness in his marriage.

Anyway, love you. Yes, you.

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