Just read this ridiculousness from Dear Abby
DEAR ABBY:I am a 68-year-old man, married for 45 years. I have cheated on my wife for most of them. Am I sorry about it? No.
My wife shut me out of her life 25 years ago. She has her bedroom, and I have mine. Why did I stay with her? We had adopted two babies 30 years ago, and I wanted to give them an education and a good start in life, which is what we did.
How do I treat her? I treat her well, I think. I help her with the housework, keep our home in good condition inside and out, and she has her own car. I take her out for dinner once a week and we go dancing every Saturday night at the club. I’m a moderate drinker and nonsmoker. I bathe four or five times a week.
So, tell me, Abby. What’s WRONG with me? If you decide to print my letter, perhaps I’ll have an answer.
P.S. Would I cheat on my wife if the opportunity presented itself in the future? Darned right I would!— NO REGRETS
Abby was, of course, very professional and classy with her response.
I don't have that burden.
Dear No Regrets, your wife doesn't like you because you keep f*cking cheating on her and she's not stupid. Your blatant misogyny is palpable. "I don't hate women! I just say because I do the stereotypical things that a wife in a movie would want, that counts as treating her well, even though I have been cheating on her every opportunity I get."-you, basically.
Maybe your wife doesn't care about dancing and housework. Maybe you've been breaking her heart for years and years and she's emotionally left the relationship because you physically leave the relationship every time you step out on her. She knows. We always know. You're not as slick as you think you are. You're just a narcissist.