Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 10-28-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Normally, we start each day on a happy note and as the show continues, the luster loses its coating and things casually fade into trash. Not today though because we fired things off on the wrong foot the moment this morning began. If you listen regularly and follow the show, you will know that Angi & Abe got a boss named Todd a few months back. To say Todd is the second coming of the antichrist would be an understatement. This man lives to sow chaos and wrought awfulness every chance he can. Why he was hired is still beyond almost everyone but the assumption can be placed on iHeart attempting to keep their chickens in line by constantly threatening to sever their heads if they step out of formation. We've already seen two blatant displays of his utter disregard as is in the abduction of the mini fridge from Angi and Abe's office and the Titanic theme being played to shut up free thinkers and topics/calls he feels are too long. Here's some backstory for those who are new or part time listeners. Angi & Abe had a mini fridge in their office where Abe stored his yogurt, Angi her cheese and of course, all the water bottles you could get your hands on. When he felt foot traffic on the website was underperforming, he removed it and locked it away in his office. He promised to return it but that never happened. After that, he decided that he was tired of hearing too much talking. As he likes to say, "too much talk, not enough rock." With that sentiment in hand, he started breaking out the Titanic theme for everything. Angi & Abe talking too much, any roadie who steps out of line and of course me, who has been played off more times than I can count. With those evil deeds under his belt, Todd unveiled his next plot this morning and this time, it's really crossing the line. Todd has decided that legal finds issue with Chainsaw Friday all of a sudden. Mind you, we've been giving out chainsaws since the inception of the studio last year and it is one of the staples of the station. Everyone at the studio is absolutely furious over this power play. Angi, Abe, boss Jimmy Jam, the rest of the staff, with a question as to why he even has the ability to do the things he does. Taint's solution here was simple, if you don't mention the chainsaw, people will surely forget about it. Of course, breaking the rules is what we do and promotions director Jason Brown decided to do something about it. He put up a petition on the Rock 95.5 Twitter as well as Angi & Abe's Twitter and our Angi Taylor Facebook group. Needless to say, the roadies were not having it and plenty had something to say about it. Ian says that Todd sucks and he hopes he stubs his little toe. Head Roadie Troy wants to start a petition to get rid of Todd. Trashman Tim said the last person who took something away ended up in the back of a trash truck. Angry Bob is furious that Chainsaw Friday is being messed with as it was his only joy. Grant uses a chainsaw daily and believes Todd should be sent down the douche canoe river. Head Roadie Jeff thinks Todd should be castrated with the chainsaw. Head Roadie Tom suggested he be kidnapped and fed to the hogs. Over on Twitter, Mic said they should chop Todd up with the chainsaw. Head Roadie Erin said Todd needs to stop being a jerkstore. Patrick said that Todd thinks Ed Hardy is cool (gross.) As you can see, people are very passionate and very angry about Chainsaw Friday.

All the Rest:

Ah, another lovely damp, soon to be wet morning is upon us once more and it did start out quite nice. By that I mean for us the roadies, not for Angi & Abe who not only had knowledge of impending bad news but also because Abe was missing his coffee fix. As mentioned before on the show, there is no Dunkin' that is able to properly service Abe on the way to work so it's usually a crap shoot on getting his iced coffee. This morning he rolled a dreaded pair and could not get his fix so a replacement was necessary. Trudging to the 7-11 by him, the one that doesn't even have a Slurpee machine (I mean how is it 7-11 without that?,) Abe had to grab an alternative. A Starbucks Triple Energy shot and I think we all know what that means. Abe will probably be flying with the eagles today aka bouncing off the walls because he's going to be more caffeinated than normal and that's never a good thing. While questioning the ingredients of the energy shot and wondering why black coffee is so sweet, Abe decided he is an island boy once more. Speaking of consumption, Angi and Abe went out to their first dinner together last night. They hit up Nobu as part of a treat from a visiting radio guy (who he is, is not important to the conversation) and they filled up on the good eats. There were these little taco things that cost $8 a piece and they had about 20 of them. Then there was the crispy rice spicy tuna (more on that in a moment.) Plus, there were a ton of old fashions consumed (which makes sense with the heavy news that was weighing on their souls.) So back to that crispy rice spicy tuna, which Angi absolutely loves and knew that was what she wanted. Still, the waiter offered them a tasting, you know that 20 item menu mess that won't fill you up but will drain your wallet. Angi was not having it and enraged the waiter (who would have killed her had she not died yesterday) by demanding the tuna be brought and that was that. The idea is to get you to spend $800 but when you're with the cool bosses, you want to make sure you're not rocking the boat. So dinner was a smashing success but as we came to learn throughout the show, a dead trout was dumped in their laps last night as well.

As you could see from the early topic, everyone hates Todd the Taint. Luckily in Angi & Abe's sphere of influence, they are allowed to talk smack about Taint and not get in trouble. Since Taint breath smells like poop and even Jimmy Jam wants him castrated, Angi wanted to hear from others who hate their boss as well. Heather checked in to discuss her boss at the hospital who was an old lesbian bitch. Angi took offensse to the deragotry usage of lesbian here and made sure that Heather understood why it was wrong. Once that was corrected, Heather explained how her boss picked up her Yeti cup and threw it in the garbage. This was in response to deciding on a whim that drinks would no longer be allowed at the stations. Abe chimed in before the next call to explain how he tells everyone that he works with that bitch Angi Taylor, which is spot on but we love her for that. Derrick is another lover of the chainsaw and has been trying to win one but hasn't yet. He got laid off two months ago by his garbage boss Steve. He is currently working side gigs to keep himself afloat but if anyone is looking for a construction guy, they should hit up Angi & Abe and get this good guy into their fold.

Finally, continuing with Halloween horror Spooktober terror hijinks, Angi decided to break out a list of the Top 200 Best Horror Movies. Obviously, she wasn't going to go over them all but even giving the Top 5 was enough to cause pause, discussion and issue. Before pulling out this (spoiler alert) absurdly stupid bordering on dumb list, Angi asked Abe for his favorite. It'sMisery, which ironically doesn't even make the Top 5 or 20 for that matter on this trash list. So what were the 5 that she read off.



3.The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

2.Get Out


After reading over this garbage heap of a list, Angi and Abe got on the same page and decided it is just bad. She was astounded thatThe Shiningis not even in the Top 20, noExorcisteither. Whoever made this list is clearly on drugs or is probably related to Taint. Abe was shocked thatDr. Giggleswas not on the list because his frame of reference is borderline stupid it seems. With that trash heap dismissed, we got a followup to the Abe Kanan Trick or Treating Scandal. If you listened the other day, you heard about how Abe intended to throw candy on the floor outside his door just in case but now concrete plans have been solidified. Trick or treating in the condos will occur this weekend from 3 to 5 P.M. If Abe plans on participating, he has to go down to the front desk and get a flyer for his door. Though initially opposed to it, Abe then found himself bothered by the idea that it wasn't occurring on Sunday. Either way, he wants to skip out on it because he would have to put a shirt on. That's right, this piece of hot information became the talking point for the rest of the conversation. You see, Abe likes to eat shirtless because of his borderline autistic issue with smells and so he spends most of his time at the condo shirtless. Like once it comes off, it usually just stays off and now these kids are going to interrupt this beautiful ritual. To alleviate this whole burden, he's decided to just get a bag of Snickers and throw that outside the door. Actually, he thought better of it and is going to get multiple bags of candy, dump them in a bowl and leave them out the door. Snickers for kids without peanut allergies, Skittles for kids with them and pennies for anyone silly enough to show up after the first set of kids empty the whole bowl into their bag.

Request Wars 2.0:

Champion: Abe (Streak: 3)

Angi's (repping McCarthy) Song Choice: "Poison"

Abe's (repping CJ) Song Choice: "Feed My Frankenstein"

Observation: McCarthy is suffering from a boss like Todd so he couldn't show. CJ the sales manager did show and from what I can tell, might have secretly been todd. CJ is good at fantasy and his supportive wife was there as well. Angi tried her damndest to get the wife to turn but I think Abe has this in the bag.

Winner: Angi

10 o'Clock Toast:

Joakim Noah. He's being celebrated tonight by the Bulls.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

PSAbe: If you own a bar, don't keep your books in the bar.

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