Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 10-6-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

If you are a long time listener, you would know that this show is known for breaking news. It turns out that on this random hump day morning, Abe Kanan graced us with some insane breaking news. Abe Kanan, member of The Angi Taylor Show, has decided he is officially ready to retire from eating Mexican food. I know this is shocking and if you need to clutch a wall or table then feel free to do so but for now, try to regain composure and take in this incredibly insane news. As you process, let me explain what led to this decision. You see, eating Mexican food now officially ruins Abe in two different ways. The first comes from the initial body shock as the delicious food makes its way into that waste vat Abe calls a stomach and proceeds to just tear it to shreds on the way out. The second thing though is as an aftermath to the consumption of the food, Abe finds himself completely wrecked the whole next day. This all came from an order he had yesterday that mind you, was not too nuts. It was just a burrito (that was delicious) and some guacamole but he is paying for it today. His stomach is wrecked and he just feels like crap (probably because he's shoveling disgusting things into his system like bags of mayo, subs, fake elotes and that expensive burrito.) Oh right, I left off the price tag of the burrito, which came from a local place by his house. Abe ended up spending $35 on this bad decision, life wrecker and he was about as upset for the amount he paid for the food as much as the pain his stomach is in today. He explained how he went to Jean and Jude the other day and had a ton of delicious food on the cheap. In turn, he gets this fancy burrito with no sauce and he ends up breaking the bank (I have to agree btw, $35 for a burrito is nuts.) He did make a point about there being these fake elotes but as we know, Abe is a master of making his own and he could be having those instead of this fancy restaurant trash. As I sat here planning the memorial though and several places prepared to put up out of business signs, Abe dropped a second shocking bombshell. He has decided he is not retiring from eating Mexican food and will continue to suffer. This also means that he will continue to get on air and complain about it every time he does end up eating it. One has to wonder though if the culprit wasn't the Mexican food but the combination of burrito and subs, which he got to indulge in yesterday. To celebrate the year anniversary of the show yesterday, boss Jimmy Jam picked up subs for Angi and Abe yesterday (probably for others too but who cares about them.) The subs came from local restaurant Conte Di Savoia and they were absolutely amazing. Seriously Abe was completely thrilled as he half expected gross subs from like Jewel. On top of subs by the way, there was also a giant bowl of mayo that had there not been people there, Abe would have face planted into it. I mean, we all know that he was probably devastated by the concept of eating a giant sub and not being able to do it without a shirt on. However, he did have an issue with this as well because there was no food left over and out. This is mainly because the building is filled with vultures (which is strange seeing as no one works there) and so anything left behind gets picked clean within minutes of its arrival.

All the Rest:

In a day that was seemingly filled with roadie check in point discussions, it made sense to with one that Angi seemed genuinely curious about. For this talking point, Angi sought out our married roadies to have a discussion about the one thing married people should very much explore before they decide to hunker down for a lifetime. Over on Reddit, a literal breeding ground of explorable ideas, a woman wrote that when she got married 7 years ago, her and her husband had decided that they did not want kids. The thing is, fast forwarding to today, she has changed her mind. Unfortunately for her, her husband has not and he has made it clear that he doesn't want them. In her mind, she feels this tinge of regret at making this major decision and she kind of wants to tell her husband that her mind has changed. See, that's the thing about people that most don't understand, no decision for the most part stays permanent. You can make choices that feel relevant in a moment or important but down the line, you may rethink a stance or feelings will alter because we constantly evolve and grow as people. So, since this woman was sort of stuck in this conundrum of mental evolution and feeling, Angi sought out roadies to see if they had ever been (or currently are) in the same boat. Angi offered up her own situation as an example to go along with this point. When she got married to forever suffering show husband Jay the Straight, she already had a five year old daughter and had decided that her baby cavern was closed for good. The thing was, at the time Jay the Straight was into the idea of a kid and he kind of wanted one. At the time, Angi was busy nursing wine and building a relationship with the five year old that would grow to resent her (as all daughters do their mothers.) However, after a year she began to change and grow and she warmed to the idea of having another child. Then came a rooftop party that she and Jay the Straight were at that changed everything. He grabbed her hand (and someone stopped himself from throwing her off the roof) and proclaimed that his want and desire for a child was deader than Eric Ferguson's career. This was literally divine intervention as they had intended to start trying roughly right after that party but his changing emotions on the situation saved her from being pregnant and not being able to drink heavily daily. Again, it all comes down to change and not remaining in the same mindset that we always are because we are not bound to be the same person today that we were even a week ago. On the phone, Brenda called to discuss how her husband changed his mind and the situation played out. Since she and him had decided before marriage that kids were not an option, she was shocked when he announced he wanted them. After some back and forth, the pair ended up divorced and now he's remarried with twins. This has caused a want to go back in time sort of maybe change her mind because she misses him and regrets letting him go. As for Elizabeth, she suggested that a conversation is started and then see where the man is now in his thought process. If he hasn't changed his stance, then perhaps she should possibly look elsewhere. For her, her husband didn't want one but after some time and long discussion, he changed his mind and compromised.

Next up, a discussion on moody old people was something that felt fitting for this morning. I'm not saying that because Angi mentioned her gray hair and brillo pad bush during my call in but because a 90 year old man lost his mind and went HAM on his neighbor. This guy, Thomas Conrad (no relation to Conrad Cooper,) had grown tired of his neighbor stepping on his lawn. After repeat offending, the gereatic went ballistic and threatened to punch his neighbor in the face. Not one to back down from a fight, the neighbor took him up on the offer and found him on the receiving end of a punch that laid him out. That's right, a 90 year old man knocked out some loser idiot. When the cops arrived, he simply explained to them that he told the guy he was going to punch him out and followed through on it. Abe was more worried about the absolute ridiculousness of being embarrassed by the fact that someone that old beat up some young twink. The police by the way did not buy the excuse and he was arrested for assault and sent to jail where he was let out on $2,000 bond. So this became our next topic of the day, have you ever gotten into a fight with your neighbor? For Angi, she once had a neighbor who got mad at her for having sex too loudly and left her a note on her door. I would also assume that the trail of strange men coming in and out of the apartment at all times would also be an issue for most people. She explained that it was a total in the moment thing and she was totally not banging her dealer for an 8 ball and faking all that screaming (sure bitch.) Abe didn't really have anything to add because he hates his neighbors and does not want to interact with them ever. With that done, we took to the phones to hear what the roadies had to add to the topic. Joanna has a neighbor who is nuts about disposing of her trash ... in her trash can. The neighbor will just blatantly walk over and throw their trash in her can and not care. The problem is that it's messy and it stinks and it has caused rats to swarm her garage and house. In fact, she had to put up a camera to keep an eye on them and catch them in the act and still it went nowhere. Angi has the same issue with neighbors dumping their trash in hers though the rats aren't as much of an issue. This led to a small segway to discuss Michael Jackson and his pet rat Ben because you know, it's this show. Angi actually knew someone back in Minnesota who had a pet rat. After the rat talk, Patrick got on the phone to discuss his neighbor who loves to get in everyone's business. They call the cops on kids playing with paintball guns in their yard as well as another who had scraps in his yard. Basically, she's the monster who is always looking out the window and being a total bitch.

Finally, in a topic that was brought on by a new poll and led to a ton of weird roundabout confusion, Angi explained where you are from. Now Angi was born in Minneapolis but Abe was born and raised here. For 17 years however, Angi has called Chicago home. The poll involved the question of where you are from and does that distinction mean where one is born, raised or where they live now. Like, if you're at a bar and someone asks you where you are from, you're going to tell them where you currently live. Like if Abe was at a bar he would say he was from Chicago but then again, he would also say that no matter where he went. If he was in Vegas though at a blackjack table, then it's a different story. Now back to the stupid poll, the question was can you say that you're from a place if you've lived there for more than 10 years? 58% of those surveyed said it was okay. Still others say that it's not okay so that sort of sends us back to a square one type scenario. Like if Angi went to Istanbul, she would say she was from Chicago. Seeing as she arrived here in 2001 and intends to stay here, does her life in Minnesota matter? At this point Angi has spent most of her life here so it's technically her home. There was more talk about Chicago and Minnesota and for the record, no she never did live in Paisley Park. She came from divorced parents and went through many different schools. Back once again to Angi, she's been in Chicago for 18 years, got married here, had a baby here and became well known on the radio here. If she was 2 to 5 years in then the sentiment was not to say from Chicago but because she's been here so long, she's a citizen of Chicago. See like I told you, this was a long, confusing ramble of a topic overall.

Request Wars 2.0:

Champion: Angi (Streak: 2)

Angi's (repping Richard) Song Choice: "I Was Made for Loving You"

Abe's (repping Carrie) Song Choice: "Man on the Silver Mountain"


Yesterday we heard Liam's story and today we heard Carrie's story and these blatant lies continue to be the best part of Request Wars. Richard has grown tired of Abe's terrible lies and wants Angi to take him down. However, he lost his ability to speak so Angi had to do all the talking. This was delightful.

Winner: Angi

10 o'Clock Toast:

People Preserving the Sexy. If you are not Meghan Trainor and her husband who have pooped in the same room as one another, you're a great, non messy person.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

PSAbe: Cubs fans, just ride it out. Don't ever become a White Sox fan.

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