Demand For American Candy Skyrockets in UK

It seems the English have developed a sweet tooth for American treats. Shokofeh Hejazi told NBC, "Consumers are looking for comfort and nostalgia these days. They grew up watching American TV and films and watched their favorite characters eating things like Twinkies, Pop-Tarts, Tootsie Rolls and Hershey’s chocolate."

And yada yada yada other stuff that's not the point.

The plan is working. We're getting to them. They thought they were reversing the revolution. It started with Princess Diana. They knew we'd become obsessed with her HOW COULDN'T WE? Then they hooked us in again with Will and Kate. THEN they had the AUDACITY to send their Prince over here as if we wouldn't mind their infiltration. PREPOSTEROUS.

Joke's on them. While they were trying to win over our hearts, we were clogging theirs. We get them addicted to sugar, to our movies, to our celebrities, and then WE TAKE OVER ENGLAND WELL WELL WELL HOW THE TURNTABLES HAVE-

Good plan. Meet back here tomorrow at noon.

No, too early. 3.

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